Chapter 296 Classmates

Ming Dai sensed the subtle change in the atmosphere in the school.

How should I put it, everyone is more kind to her——

The security guard at the gate opened the door for her with a blushing face, saying that he had seen her play and acted very well;
Needless to say, the principal, who has always been fair and just, doesn't mind giving Ming Dai some convenience;
When walking on the road, students she doesn’t know will greet her, and occasionally bump into two or three who want to sign a group photo;

Even the attitudes of the students in the class have changed. Those boys who had ridiculed Ming Dai before, now dare not even lift their eyes when they see Ming Dai;


Beyond that, there are many, many details.

All in all, the whole world is full of kindness and pity for her.

Ming Dai knew that this was the impact of a hit work.

Although "Our Shining Youth" is popular, the extent is limited.

Unlike "A Generation of Emperors", it is a truly popular work that breaks the circle. Everyone from the 60-year-old cleaning lady in school to the children in junior high school has seen it.

It also made these audiences who had watched the show, because Princess Mingzhu had a little more empathy for Ming Dai.

In addition, there is also a freshness that just started school, and it will be fine after a while.


Meeting the fiery eyes of her classmates, Ming Dai walked to her seat calmly and took a seat.

Her deskmate next door was Yi Xiaowan just like last semester.

Yuemo was because Yi Xiaowan was a little more cautious and awkward because he didn't see her during the whole winter vacation.

Ming Dai could only smile and nod to her.

The whispers of the surrounding students sounded.

Walking to the podium, the standing quartz knocked on the table, and the classroom fell silent:

"Okay, I won't change seats for you just after school starts today. Also, I would like to say that no matter who has any status outside the school, they are ordinary students when they enter the school, so please don't be too restless and bring unnecessary troubles to your classmates. "

Anyone can hear Shi Shi's words to remind everyone not to disturb Ming Dai.

The whole classroom shouted yes.

Quartz smiled, and told the students for the opening ceremony later, and then let everyone go to self-study first, and then went out by themselves.

As soon as Quartz walked away, someone came and surrounded Ming Dai on his back, asking her how she went about filming "A Generation of Emperors", how Shen Qing and Zhenren looked, and how she acted so well. There are also those who ask Ming Dai if she can be an actress with her own small thoughts.

I don't know who said it quickly: "Ming Dai, you are really not what you used to be! Back then, you were only acting in a small web drama, but now you can act in such a big drama!"

Those words are emotion, not too deep malice.

However, there is a hidden meaning of contempt for Ming Dai's previous online dramas.

There are not a few people who think like this, and it's not just the entertainment circle who initially looked down on Ming Dai as an Internet drama fan, and felt that it was difficult for her to get up.

On this middle school campus, most of the students’ families are well-off. Although there are very few daughters from top-notch families like Xia Ling, there are still a few second-generation families whose businesses are valued at tens of billions. What other parents It is a middle-class or above background that teaches artists, diplomats, etc., and there are a lot of them.

Everyone usually wears school uniforms so that you can't see the depth, but when it comes to this kind of issue, you are always a little arrogant. Although everyone will follow the trend to imitate Ming Dai's outfits, it is really not necessary to make a web drama for Ming Dai's sake, just right She flocks to it.

It's different now. The influence of "A Generation of Emperors" is not comparable to that of a small web drama. Even Ming Dai's status has risen. Everyone always looks at her with a layer of halo.

Not to mention the more enthusiastic attitude, there is also more respect in it.

——Although the campus is an ivory tower, sometimes the rules are clearly laid out.

Ming Dai felt that she had grown a lot since her rebirth, and she didn't take it to heart when she heard such veiled and discriminatory words, she just smiled lightly and refused to answer.

And her slightly arrogant attitude fell into the eyes of others, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Seeing that Ming Dai was surrounded impenetrably, Shi Shi suddenly appeared at the door of the classroom and shot back!
Quartz said with a stern face: "I knew all of you would not be obedient!"

Quartz is a young teacher, and she usually hangs out with the students. She is afraid that there are not many people around her, and students often chat with her about dramas and gossip.

But after all, it is the natural authority of the teacher's identity. When Shi Shi turned cold and looked at the classmates in the classroom with displeasure, the people who had surrounded Ming Dai immediately scattered and lowered their heads in fear.

Quartz did not let them go easily, walked back to the podium, and continued to shoot again:

"What I just said was in vain, right? Everyone is a senior in high school and is an adult. You should know how to take care of yourself and not bring trouble to others!"

After Shi Shi severely criticized, he told Ming Dai that if anyone dares to ask questions, he should go to the office and tell her.

"No, Yi Xiaowan, Huang Tian, ​​one of you is Ming Dai's deskmate, and the other is the class monitor. Remember to supervise your classmates!"

The two girls responded crisply.

"Mr. Shi, what if the students next door come to look for me?"

"Tell me too! I'll go to their head teacher to discipline!"

Thanks to Shi Shi's words, Ming Dai's ears are finally quiet.

When the self-study time was over and everyone was about to leave for the auditorium, as Shi Shi had predicted in advance, students from the next class came to watch Ming Dai.

It is not necessary for Yi Xiaowan and Huang Tian to report to the teacher, there are other troublemakers to help report the news. After a while, Quartz came aggressively, like an old hen guarding her cubs, firmly blocking Ming Dai behind her and disturbing her. Ming Dai's students were all criticized, and by the way, they really called their class teacher.

After this, Ming Dai finally didn't have to go anywhere in the school, and there was a large crowd of people watching.

The opening ceremony was a drag on the old tradition, and the headmaster's slow speech made people drowsy.

Ming Dai sat among the students, and many people peeked at her.

Ming Dai turned a blind eye to this, calmly listened to the principal's speech, and waited for the next speech by the student representatives.

According to Quartz, the original principal wanted Ming Dai to speak on stage as this year's student representative, but Ming Dai was too busy with filming and had no time to prepare the script, so the idea had to be dropped.

However, the principal wanted to trouble Ming Dai to take time to help the school make an admissions promotional video, and then hang it on the school's official website.

Ming Dai responded immediately.

If the principal can take care of her in asking for leave, then she can do a little favor to her alma mater, which can be regarded as reciprocation. Even Su Fangyun will agree with her decision when she hears it.

Two hours later, the opening ceremony was finally over, and everyone walked out of the auditorium one after another.

Ming Dai successfully found Xia Ling in the crowd, and happily prepared to go to the cafeteria.

(End of this chapter)

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