Chapter 298 When is the head
The coolness ran up Gu Lingsi's back, making her tremble with fright.

He blurted out: "How do you were right next to you just now?"

No, for someone as eye-catching as Ning Xu, no one will notice when he comes nearby.

What's more, Gu Lingsi had noticed since last semester that Ning Xu deliberately avoided Ming Dai, and when he saw her, he made a detour. Ming Dai was there just now, so Ning Xu would definitely not dare to come over.

So how did he know?
Suspicion flashed in Gu Lingsi's heart, but Ning Xu's answer was even more outrageous——

He pointed directly at the corner of Gu Lingsi's clothes, without concealing it, it should be said that he was too lazy to conceal it:

"I met you at the school gate in the morning, and I planted a bug by the way."

Gu Lingsi's face turned pale.

"Are you crazy?"

"What, you want to call the police?"

Ning Xu, who smiled calmly, became a mad dog in Gu Lingsi's eyes!

Gu Lingsi dared not speak out, and grabbed the corner of his coat angrily. Sure enough, he found a small button-shaped bug, and pulled it off with force. His fingers were so strong that he almost crushed the thing!
Ning Xu tilted his head: "Don't worry, there is a distance limit for this gadget, besides, you have something to say, I don't really want to hear it, dirty ears."

Gu Lingsi's face turned green and pale, as if someone had been beaten in burning pain, but she didn't dare to refute half a sentence, fearing that the mad dog in front of her would do something again!

Even now, knowing that I have been bugged, I still dare not attack, and I still say with a smile:
"Ning Xu, you misunderstood, I didn't mean to scold Ming Dai in that sentence, you see, even my friends are praising her!"

Just now, Gu Lingsi was annoyed by her friend's lack of eyesight, but now she wants to rejoice over the same thing!

How ironic!

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Ning Xu snorted, "You know it in your heart, pay attention to yourself."

Gu Lingsi was obedient, but he wanted to scream crazily in his heart.

When is the head!

Ning Xu suddenly said, "That's right."

Gu Lingsi restrained her emotions: "What?"

Ning Xu put one hand in his pocket, and smiled meaningfully: "Our two families will have dinner together this weekend, do you know?"

Gu Lingsi shook her head blankly, completely ignorant of this: "So why..."

Ning Xu laughed loudly: "Of course it's for your marriage with my brother."

Gu Lingsi was completely stunned: marriage, marriage?
Ning Xu observed Gu Lingsi's expression, as if he was watching a clown acting, it was very interesting!
Don't forget to say to her: "Don't worry, I will help you."

After a while, Gu Lingsi thought about it and didn't quite believe it: "Why did you help me?"

Ning Xu spread his hands: "You and Ning Shu are a good match."

Gu Lingsi looked at him and said nothing.

Ning Xu didn't explain too much: "You will know when the day comes."

After Ning Xu left, Gu Lingsi kept thinking about this matter, excitedly looking forward to it, but worried at the same time——

Since the last school celebration was messed up, Curtis fell through, and the Ning family's marriage was nowhere in sight... Gu Lingsi could clearly feel that her parents' attitude towards her had plummeted.

My mother has always been like that, she only cares about having fun, and doesn't care about family affairs.

But her father's attitude was very intriguing, and he even beat her veiledly, telling her to 'think about what her future arrangements should be'.

Her elder brother was assigned to a branch office in another city, but he couldn't help her, so during the winter vacation, apart from studying hard, Gu Lingsi could only please her parents in every possible way, treating her as a filial and obedient daughter in their eyes.

It has some effect, but not much, because Gu Lingsi knows that only when the Ning family's marriage has hope can she continue to be a good daughter in the eyes of her parents.

Now Ning Xu says she wants to help her...

is that true?

"It seems that we will not be able to eat in the cafeteria in the future."

Xia Ling put down his chopsticks heavily.

Ming Dai looked around and met many scrutinizing eyes.

Nodding in agreement: "You make sense, then let's go eat outside the school?"

"There may be more people staring at you than the school, does Dai Dai know? I met three waves of paparazzi at the school gate this morning, all of whom wanted to inquire about you and interview these students! Fortunately, the school has prepared in advance, so that The security guards chased them all away!"

After hearing this, Ming Dai couldn't help but keep silent.

"...Then go to my house for lunch, it's close."

Xia Ling thought it was a good idea, and nodded quickly: "You can still rest! Kill two birds with one stone!"

Ming Dai was thinking about whether to trouble Sister Su to hire an aunt who cooks, but Xia Ling over there had already enthusiastically said that she would have the chef at home come over to cook at noon every day.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that the lady in front of me is a young lady with a cook at home.

For Xia Ling's arrangement, Ming Dai did not refuse.

Friends don't care about these.

"By the way, what is little uncle doing recently?" Mingdai suddenly remembered this matter, "I said that I would invite him to dinner when I returned to Yanjing. I don't know if he is busy or not."

Xia Ling narrowed his eyes: "Please eat, are you so caring?"

Ming Dai didn't think too much about it: "My little uncle took good care of me and even invested in our movie."

Xia Ling knew about this, and heard Ming Dai talk about it the last time she went to visit the class.

Xia Ling didn't continue to ask, but thought for a while: "He must be busy. According to my dad, it seems that he went abroad again last week. I don't know when he will be back."

Just as he was talking, Xia Ling's phone vibrated. He picked it up and looked at it, and said in surprise, "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!"

It was He Mu who was calling!

Xia Ling quickly picked it up: "Little uncle?"

I don't know what to say on the other end of the phone.

Xia Ling covered the microphone and asked Ming Dai in a low voice.

"Where's your phone?"

Ming Dai touched the jacket, only to find that the pockets were empty.

"It should have fallen in the classroom." Ming Dai remembered.

"Little uncle, he called you and no one answered. He thought something happened to you."

Xia Ling thought about the seemingly calm but slightly anxious tone he had just heard, and raised his eyebrows.

Ming Dai let out a soft ah.

"Here, here you go, take it."

Xia Ling handed out the phone directly.

Ming Dai took it and put it next to her ear, her heart beat inexplicably fast: "Hello?"

He Mu: "Sorry, I'm a little busy here, I just saw your message today."

Ming Dai borrowed He Mu's private jet last night, and after arriving in Yanjing, she sent He Mu a message of safety and thanks, but He Mu never replied.

In fact, Ming Dai didn't think much about it, she just thought that He Mu was too busy.

Instead, listening to his explanation, the fingertips holding the phone felt strange numbness.

"oh oh."

Ming Dai paused, then thanked He Mu with a nonchalant smile.

He Mu smiled and said no thanks, and said, "Do you remember the old Chinese doctor I mentioned to you earlier?"

Ming Dai was stunned for a moment: "What old Chinese doctor?"

She quickly recalled - when He Mu came to visit the class before, Ming Dai filmed the scene of falling into the water, and He Mu said that he would take her to see an old Chinese doctor to recuperate her body.

It's just that some time ago, the filming schedule was so full that Ming Dai almost forgot about this matter being squeezed into a corner.

(End of this chapter)

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