Chapter 299
"Dai Dai, you can't be a rascal when you promise something good."

He Mu smiled helplessly, his voice was deep and magnetic.

Ming Dai heard her earlobe burn, and couldn't help but raise her voice to retort:
"I don't have it!" Soon the voice fell again, and the index finger was scratching unconsciously on the table, "I was too busy a while ago and forgot, and I'm not a child, why am I afraid of seeing a doctor?"

He Mu seemed to see Ming Dai's self-possession, and said solemnly: "Really? That's just right, this old gentleman is very good at acupuncture, so I will arrange it for you by the way."

"Ah?" Ming Dai's eyelashes trembled, "No need, just prescribe some medicine."

Although the medicinal juice is bitter, Ming Dai also doesn't want to drink it.

But compared with the terrible acupuncture, no matter how bitter the concoction is, it becomes acceptable.

He Mu didn't insist, and deserved it quickly: "Well, then drink the medicine."

Ming Dai thought something was wrong.

Why does it sound like He Mu mentioned acupuncture on purpose?Just to make her accept the medicine reasonably?

Ming Dai opened her mouth to ask, but raised her eyes slightly, and found that Xia Ling, who was opposite her, seemed to be eating with nothing to do with herself, but actually tilted her ears intentionally or unintentionally.

……heard it?

Mingdai's heart skipped a beat, and she swallowed the following words.

He straightened his expression: "Drink the medicine as long as you drink it. When will you go?"

He Mu paused for a second before saying, "How is today? I've been quite busy recently, and I happen to be free today."

Ming Dai didn't say any more: "Okay, then I'll trouble little uncle. It just so happens that I can be with Ling Ling."

He Mu hummed.

After cutting off the phone, Ming Dai handed the phone back and looked at Xia Ling's expression tentatively.

Xia Ling's eyebrows and eyes were calm, without any strangeness, and he asked casually: "Is there something wrong with you, little uncle?"

Mingdai thought for a while, and told about the last time she met her in the falling water scene with Mu Tanban.

Then he explained: "...Little uncle is warm-hearted. He heard that I don't have any old Chinese medicine practitioners that I know well, so he said to introduce one for me."

Xia Ling nodded: "Very good, do you want me to accompany you?"

"This is the best!"

Ming Dai breathed a sigh of relief.

and many more.

Why is she guilty?

Those autumn lake-like pupils appeared confused, as if covered with a layer of mist, illusory and solid, not real.

Ming Dai couldn't figure out her weird little thoughts, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

After finishing their meal with Xia Ling, they went for a walk in a remote part of the campus, and the journey was quiet without encountering other students.

Stepping back to the classroom, the afternoon is still self-study, there is no class schedule.

Ming Dai's two tutors have already made a complete review plan for her third year of high school. She only needs to complete the courses step by step, and she doesn't have to worry about much.

So Mingdai took out the math workbook as soon as class started, and buried herself in writing seriously. Those who didn't talk enough in the morning and still wanted to talk to her looked at her serious profile and couldn't bear to disturb her.

The originally agitated class atmosphere was infected, and in the end everyone learned how to write questions like Ming Dai, and it was rare to have the appearance of a senior high school student.

Quartz stopped by halfway, and was very happy to see them so serious.

The afternoon flies by in the blink of an eye.

Ming Dai moved her sore wrist, looking at the densely written exercise book in front of her, she felt emotional.

Thinking back to the time when she was just reborn last semester, when she got the paper for the third year of high school, her eyes were completely smeared. She almost thought that her road to stardom hadn't started yet, and she was going to fail in her studies first.

Later, she reviewed every day, even when she was filming, she seized every opportunity and worked hard for several months, and she finally picked up her studies slowly.

But after all, she has been away from studying for ten years. Except for a little better English, all other subjects are in a mess. It is not easy to reach the current level.

Like the protagonists of other rebirth novels, Ming Dai can't count on taking the Qingbei exam and so on.

I just want to perform smoothly in the college entrance examination, be able to meet the standards of the art test, and be admitted to Jingdian smoothly.

So she is very satisfied.

After packing up his schoolbag, he received a letter from Xia Ling saying that his little uncle had arrived near the school, worried that there would be paparazzi guarding him, so he deliberately parked the car in a remote place.

Ming Dai quickly speeded up, greeted Yi Xiaowan at the same table, and immediately rushed out of the classroom to join Xia Ling.

After walking out of the teaching building, Ming Dai put on her hat and deliberately lowered the brim of her hat.

Xia Ling knew that Ming Dai was worried that the paparazzi would secretly take pictures, so she helped her cover up.

When the two walked out of the school gate, they saw students and parents in their eyes.

Mindella's high collar blocked her face, so she didn't attract too many eyes.

Ming Dai looked around: "There seems to be no paparazzi."

Xia Ling relaxed, and smiled immediately: "It seems that the school security guards helped drive them away."

Both of them not only breathed a sigh of relief, they talked and laughed and walked towards the place they had agreed with Mu.

It's not far, about 5 minutes' walk.

Seeing that the flow of people nearby gradually became thinner, Ming Dai and Xia Ling's footsteps became more and more brisk.

When they were about to arrive--

A dark figure suddenly rushed out of the diagonal!
It's like ambushing here early!
Xia Ling was startled, thinking it was a paparazzi, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Ming Dai, protecting her behind her.

Ming Dai's eyes were blurred, but she didn't see the face of the person who suddenly appeared.

Until the other party called her name sadly:
"Ming Dai, Dai Dai, it's me!"

Xia Ling's cold face was very intimidating, and he immediately scolded the other party:

"Go away! Keep blocking here and we'll call the police!"

Unexpectedly, the other party jumped three feet high, and hastily explained:
"I'm her brother! I'm her brother!"

Xia Ling obviously didn't believe it.

On the contrary, Ming Dai poked her eyes out from behind Xia Ling's shoulder:
"...Kang Ren?"

That unkempt man who looked like a half-beggar was not a paparazzi, but Mingdai's former cousin and manager Kang Ren in his previous life.

Ming Dai has not contacted the other party for a long time.

The last time they met, Ming Dai and her adoptive parents hadn't broken up yet. The aunt's family heard that Ming Dai had signed a contract with a brokerage company and came to watch the excitement. Ming Dai, who was in school, was forcibly called back by Yu Ting.

Kang Ren also came, with a cynical look on his face, he looked at Ming Dai coldly and seemed to say: I'll wait for you to stumble!
What now.

Ming Dai not only did not stumble, but her career continued to rise and become more and more successful.

On the other hand, Kang Ren now looks embarrassed and frustrated, with red bloodshot eyeballs, pale and peeling lips, and the whole person is in a terrible state!
Seeing that Kang Ren's mental state was unstable, Ming Dai dared not speak to provoke him, so she winked at Xia Ling and softly comforted Kang Ren:

"Why are you looking for me? Is something wrong?"

Kang Ren didn't say anything, but wept with snot and tears about their past relationship:
"Dai Dai, although you are not my aunt's own daughter, I have raised you as a younger sister for all the years of nurturing you, you know?"

 I just found out that it seems that the results of the third test of the acting department are usually released in April... I will treat it as an empty trumpet here.

(End of this chapter)

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