Chapter 300 You Killed Me

Be a sister?
Words suppress mind-controlled cash cow sister?

Ming Dai sincerely admires Kang Ren's brazenness.

This ability of ignoring facts and fabricating stories, if used well, it is estimated that things can be done.

It's a pity that Kang Ren has always had big eyes but low hands, always thinking that big money will fall from the sky.

With his current appearance, he should be in trouble and came to ask Ming Dai for help.

And the things about him go around and around, nothing more than the word "money".

How could Mingdai soften her heart, she twitched the corners of her mouth:

"If you ask me for something, then you may overestimate me, I have no money."

"How can you have no money if you are so popular!"

Kang Ren blurted out.

That commanding and condescending tone was buried in his bones since he was a child, and it was indelible, and if he was a little careless, he would reveal his true nature, and it is the same now.

Ming Dai and Xia Ling showed speechless expressions at the same time.

Kang Ren also thought it was inappropriate to say this now, so he quickly said: "No, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say that there is no one around me who is as capable as you, look at you, you are already a big star, you must be able to Earn a lot of money. Dai Dai, my cousin really had no choice but came to you because he had nowhere to go, you can’t watch your elder brother who grew up with you get chopped up, can you?”

After talking about it, Kang Ren begged again, and even knelt down to Ming Dai.

Mingdai pulled Xia Ling back two steps quickly, and looked around again.

There is not much traffic nearby, but there are people.

At this moment, I have quietly cast my gaze, wondering why someone would kneel down to these two young girls who obviously look like students, is there some gossip?

Ming Dai doesn't want to continue to entangle with Kang Ren here.

Xia Ling suddenly remembered something, raised his eyebrows and leaned closer to Ming Dai's ear: "Is this person going to gamble?"

Ming Dai was stunned for a moment, and soon felt that what Xia Ling said made sense.

They are asking for money, and they are threatening to chop off their hands. It sounds like those illegal methods.

Thinking about it this way, Ming Dai doesn't want to get entangled with Kang Ren on the main road. Although there are no paparazzi nearby, who knows if a passerby will take a photo and post it on the Internet and be discovered?
Quickly said: "You have found the wrong person, I can't help you!"

Then he quickly pulled Xia Ling and left.

Kang Ren, who had just knelt half way up, stood up again and shouted loudly:

"No! You must help me! It's all because of you that I'm in this situation!"

Ming Dai turned around in surprise, could this have something to do with her car?

She ignored it at all, exchanged a glance with Xia Ling, and was about to run away.

Behind them, Kang Ren rushed towards them like crazy, shouting:

"Ming Dai, you are responsible for... ah!"

With a scream, Kang Ren flew upside down with the broken kite several meters away.

At this time, there was a tall and solid figure in front of Ming Dai and Xia Ling.

He is wearing a low-key wool suit with dark patterns, his shirt is buttoned up meticulously, his Adam's apple is gently pressed, and he is wearing carved handmade cowhide shoes. He has an excellent body proportion, wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. The noble and elegant gentleman in the oil painting.

It happened to be such a person, who kicked Kang Ren away with one kick, with a casual and relaxed posture as if kicking a weightless ball.

Ming Dai stared blankly, then suddenly remembered what she had heard before——

He Mu had a preference for extreme sports for a while...

So is this how his skills are trained?
"Are you guys okay?"

He Mu turned around and asked in an unhurried voice.

Beneath this calmness, there was a slight trace of worry.

Ming Dai wakes up like a dream: "We're fine!"

Xia Ling took another look at He Mu, and agreed: "Well, I'm just a little scared."

He Mu comforted them: "Don't be afraid."

As he spoke, he raised his eyelids.

Ming Dai and Xia Ling followed the situation, and saw that a bodyguard had already appeared, pinning Kang Ren to the ground who couldn't even get up, limiting his ability to continue making trouble.

Another bodyguard, as if he had eagle eyes, accurately caught a certain figure watching the excitement in the crowd, and said sternly:

"Sir, please hand over your video camera."

Ming Dai and Xia Ling were shocked, could it be paparazzi?
Obviously, the other party would not admit it, and retorted stiffly:
"What camera? I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just passing by, just take a look!"

The bodyguard didn't do anything lightly, but pointed to the black miniature camera exposed from the opponent's chest pocket:
"Hand over the camera, or receive a lawyer's letter?"

The paparazzi pretending to be a passer-by was still calm even if they were spotted, probably because they had faced similar situations too many times, so they wanted to struggle to the death, and instead yelled loudly:
"Do you care about me? This is my freedom! If you dare to do something, I will call the police!"

It's really a thief shouting "stop thief".

The bodyguard didn't raise his eyebrows.

"It seems that sir wants to receive a lawyer's letter."

As he spoke, he handed out the lawyer's business card.

When the paparazzi saw it, his expression changed rapidly.

In the end, he handed over the camera in dejection.

The bodyguard was very thoughtful, and directly paid the other party a check, which was only a lot more than the amount of the camera, and it would not be true at all.

Seeing the whole process with her own eyes, Ming Dai scratched her face in embarrassment:

"It's because we think too simple."

"Yeah, who would have thought that paparazzi would know how to cross-dress? Why don't they become secret agents if they are so good?"

Ming Dai was almost amused by Xia Ling's complaints.

After solving the paparazzi, Kang Ren is next.

With He Mu and so many bodyguards by his side, Ming Dai boldly wanted to ask Kang Ren a few words.

But under the public view, there are passers-by nearby watching, Ming Dai is unavoidably scruples, her expression reveals hesitation.

He Mu caught a glimpse: "Take people to the car."

The bodyguard executed immediately.

Kang Ren tried to make a scene and break free from the shackles: "What are you doing? Do you know this is breaking the law? I want to call the police! Please call the police for me!"

Passers-by looked at each other.

It's not easy for Ming Dai to come forward, so Xia Ling came forward tacitly to help explain: "I'm sorry, he is my friend's elder brother, he has a problem with his mind, and he sneaked away from home suddenly, and now we have to send him back."

Passers-by suddenly realized that this explanation was very reasonable.

No wonder this nice young man suddenly knelt down towards these two girls, it turned out that he had something wrong with his mind!Tsk tsk, what a pity, at such a young age...

Kang Ren was dragged into the bodyguard's car under the pityful eyes of the crowd.

Kang Ren's request for help did not get any feedback, and he was almost desperate, frantically recalling the scene in the movie where the protagonist jumped off the car to fight back... Unfortunately, the movie is just a movie.

Two strong bodyguards sat next to him, one on the left and the other on the right. Kang Ren really couldn't make any waves and could only watch himself being taken away.

Five minutes later, the car stopped in an open and remote place.

It is close to the driveway, there are no buildings or pedestrians nearby, only a construction site under construction.

(End of this chapter)

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