Chapter 401 Live Interview
The live interview program will be in the afternoon, and not only Ming Dai will be interviewed, but the entire crew of "Twin Lotus", from director Yan Jiaxue to actors Ming Dai, Chu Yunping and Xu Ji, will all be present.

It can be regarded as a little compensation for the fans because of the limited time of the road show and the inability to travel to major cities across the country.

Now this news has been officially announced on the platform, some blogs, certain books and other places have publicized it, and the number of online reservations exceeds one million.

The live broadcast starts at [-] o'clock and ends at [-] o'clock, which is the lunch break time for everyone on weekdays.

Although there were still a few hours before the official start time, at eleven o'clock in the morning, Ming Dai arrived at the scene ahead of time.

But she was not the first one, Xu Ji was the one who arrived earlier than her.

Seeing Ming Dai, Xu Ji smiled slightly and called out, "Xiao Dai."

Different from the restrained, calm, strong self-confidence of Qin Yue in the movie, who occasionally reveals a sense of aggression, Xu Ji's personality is introverted to quiet, tepid, not at all aggressive, and he is gentle and considerate in his dealings with others. People can't find any mistakes.

Such a character can easily make people have a general liking, and then they won't go any further. Those people in the crew, Xu Ji has already worked with them for a whole movie, the relationship is still maintained at a polite level, and they seem alienated when they meet and greet.

Because of this, it shows that he treats Ming Dai very differently.

Ming Dai smiled and raised her hand to greet him: "Brother Xu, you really came first."

Ming Dai has been considered an early arrival player on the set all year round. She has never been late for several months of filming. Arriving half an hour or an hour earlier is commonplace.

But on the set, there is always someone who arrives earlier than her, and that is Xu Ji.

Basically every time Ming Dai arrives, seeing Xu Ji with a relaxed posture, she doesn't know how long she arrives earlier than her.

There was even a time when Ming Dai arrived at the set at [-] o'clock in the early morning, and Xu Ji arrived first without any accidents, as if she didn't need to sleep and lived on the set all day long!
So compared with those examples, it is not surprising for Ming Dai to see Xu Ji now.

The staff of the interview team were of course happy to see them both.

The live broadcast is not as easy and simple as the eyes see. If it is a recording studio, it can be edited or cut off. There are many ways to deal with it, but in the mode of simultaneous live broadcast, a rollover is a rollover, and there is no chance of saving it.

It is definitely exciting for the audience, but for the staff, it is a doubled workload. All links have to be confirmed and confirmed again. In case of mistakes, they will be criticized again for accountability.

Therefore, it is very important for the interviewed artists to arrive early. A group of hard-working migrant workers almost cried with joy when they saw it. They hurried over to communicate with Ming Dai and Xu Ji about the upcoming interview. Goodwill doubled.

Especially Ming Dai.

Not only because she is more popular than Xu Ji, but also because it is really rare to be famous at a young age without being arrogant or rash.

After chatting with each other carefully for almost half an hour, Yan Jiaxue and Chu Yunping arrived one after another. Seeing that Ming Dai and Xu Ji were already here, they greeted each other very smoothly.

The staff rushed to surround the two of them, and soon the preparations for the interview were almost completed.

Today's interview will be broadcast live on the Internet simultaneously. After the live broadcast is over, the edited version will be broadcast on the TV station this Saturday night.

The publicity of the related news was in place, and before the time came, a large number of viewers had flooded into the live broadcast room with a black screen, 20, [-]... rapid growth.

At 55:60, the live broadcast room was lit up, facing the empty and temporarily unoccupied interview room, the number of viewers of the live broadcast had already reached [-].

【Dede, here I come! 】

[I knew it would be ahead of time! 】

[Goddess Yunping, I love you! 】

The fans of the blockbuster film occupied the entire screen of the live broadcast room, especially Ming Dai's fans. Looking around, Ming Dai's name was everywhere, and there was nowhere to go when the screen was full!
Some passers-by or ordinary viewers were dissatisfied when they saw it. Just as they frowned and were about to type a few words of criticism on the keyboard, fans soon came out to appeal to their colleagues not to swipe the screen and apologize to other viewers.

This attitude is so sincere that those who are dissatisfied can't say anything. When most of the fans are obedient and control their behavior, these passers-by viewers have a good impression of "Bright Lantern".

With a large number of fans, it is inevitable that there will be sporadic and irrational individuals, but the impression given by the overall atmosphere is more important. At least in the eyes of these passers-by, the lights are relatively calm and mature.

Seeing the return to rational discussion in the live broadcast room, everyone was very happy, and began to use barrage to discuss questions later.

The time is almost up.

At 59 minutes, the sweet and calm host in a white dress came out from the backstage and greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

The host didn't make a fool of himself, and after two or three opening remarks, he invited the four main creators out.

Ming Dai and others appeared on stage one after another, each of them drew cheers from the barrage.

Ming Dai is the last to appear according to her age.

Today's interview is mainly about a casual conversation, like a chat between friends. Ming Dai is dressed casually, with white pants and an avocado green sweater, her hair is tied into a high ponytail, and her makeup is too light to be seen.

As soon as she walked out, the bullet screen was filled with screams:

[Ah, ah, so cute!so beautiful! 】

【My daughter goose, this is my daughter goose (incoherent)...】

【Dai Dai, do you know that you are so cute that you will be kissed to death? 】

It's not just the fans who are excited, even the audience has to admit that Ming Dai's appearance is so impeccable that it's hard to imagine that the Ming Dai in front of her is actually the same person as Song Tan in the movie. The degree of changing the personality in the movie!
In fact, Ming Dai's dress is "cautious", this is a discussion with Su Fangyun, the purpose is to try to get rid of the influence of Song Tan's role, don't let the audience form a fixed impression of her, try to go in the opposite direction dress up.

Now it seems that the effect is remarkable.

The main creative team took their seats on the sofa, and the host, Song Song, had a lively and cheerful style, and immediately covered his chest:

"Wow, the audience may not understand that I am sitting here now, it is simply a beauty crit! What should I do, I can't sit still!"

Not to mention Ming Dai, the existence of a beauty out of the circle, a crushing unified fan circle.

The other three—

Chu Yunping, a goddess-level figure who has been popular for nearly ten years.

Xu Ji's facial features are superior and impeccable.

Even Yan Jiaxue, the director, has a kind of unruly and handsome feeling.

So these words fell into the ears of the audience in the live broadcast room, and no one would doubt:
[Hate why I wasn't sitting in Song Song's seat! 】

[Song Song, stop pretending, your little thoughts are almost overflowing the screen! 】

[Leave it alone, let me do it! 】

(End of this chapter)

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