Chapter 402 It Was Richard
Song Song's relaxed and humorous opening caused a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room, and played tricks with the audience.

The atmosphere quickly opened up, and then Song Song asked how they got together, and gave the title "Shenyan Crew" by the way, and the whole was very smooth and easy.

Song Song: "The most surprising thing is Mr. Chu, who came back after three years of retirement. Everyone thought that Mr. Chu would choose the works of great directors, but in the end he chose the film of the little-known director Yan at that time. The public was very surprised!"

When dealing with this problem, ordinary people may politely say a few words about the pursuit of dreams in movies and the like.

Chu Yunping was not.

Instead, he chose to say directly: "My situation is not as good as everyone imagined. At that time, there were not many directors who handed me the scripts. Even if they did, they were mostly border roles. I didn't want to play them. At this time, my previous My agent recommended "Twin Lotus" to me, I was very interested after reading the script, so I took the initiative to go to the crew to audition."

Chu Yunping took the initiative to audition!

This news was not even revealed at the premiere, this is the first time I know about it in this live broadcast!
Sure enough, the audience was whetted, and the host also became interested, and asked Yan Jiaxue:
"Then Director Yan was very surprised to see Teacher Chu come to audition?"

Yan Jiaxue echoed: "That's right, I, Producer Bai and Dai Dai were all shocked."

Song Song: "Teacher Ming is here?"

Ming Dai nodded, her ponytail swaying behind her head: "Catch the ducks to the shelves."

Yan Jiaxue turned his head to her and said, "This is because I believe in your ability!"

Ming Dai hurriedly cupped her hands: "Thank you very much."

There was another chuckle.

Continuing this topic, Song Song targeted Yan Jiaxue and asked him why he created this movie.

"Is it because of director Yan Hao? The father's influence should have a certain influence on the child."

"How is it possible!" Yan Jiaxue categorically denied, "When I was rebellious in high school, my dream was to be a rock singer!"

"I know this!" Song Song raised his hand, and took out a photo of Yan Jiaxue when he was filming "Shining".

Now Yan Jiaxue's hair is dyed black, but back then he had silver hair!Also wearing earrings and lip studs, looking punk!

Ming Dai testified as the person present: "That's right, it's Director Yan."

Yan Jiaxue's eyes widened: "I'm sorry for being so oily!"

It's one thing to like the look, quite another to be pulled out for the masses.

However, Yan Jiaxue quickly resigned to his fate. Talking about the sadness of wanting to find investment for "Twin Lotus" after the filming of "Shining", the attire became a factor of investors' distrust of him, and Yan Jiaxue was honest and honest. Dye the hair back to black.

Yan Jiaxue: "When I was in college, I confirmed that I wanted to be a director. I used to be a kid, and I deliberately went against my dad. Many young friends should understand that the more my parents want me to do, the more I want to do it. I chose not to do it... But in high school, apart from practicing with the band, I spent the rest of my time writing scripts. Later, when I went to UCLA in college, I also found a relationship with my seniors and entered a Hollywood screenwriting studio as an assistant. Because a play was delayed and I forgot to start school, I was almost expelled from school..."

Yan Jiaxue's difficult and sad past stories were told in a relaxed tone by him, which caused bursts of laughter instead.

This is the purpose of Yan Jiaxue, not to sell misfortune to the audience, but simply to share.

However, Ming Dai, who was quiet next to her, felt that the story was somewhat familiar.

I seem to have heard it somewhere...

The host Song Song asked a topic at the right time: "By the way, is there any signature on the works of Director Yan when he was a screenwriter?"


Yan Jiaxue published the name of the movie, which surprised everyone, because the movie is very well-known, and the box office is several times that of "Twin Lotus"!An absolute success!
Yan Jiaxue said in a very casual tone: "My name probably ranks third among screenwriters, not very high."

Listen, isn't it very forward?

A UCLA college student went to Hollywood to work part-time, and was able to become the third screenwriter of a blockbuster film... Isn't that very advanced?Is this the rhythm of Shuangwen?
The audience who had a little affection for Yan Jiaxue before, all sympathy disappeared.

This product is in Versailles!

Yan Jiaxue ignored the silence of the others, and continued: "Thanks to this work, I successfully passed the graduate application. At that time, the teacher suggested that I jump to screenwriting major, but I rejected it."

Song Song immediately turned on the phone and searched for information about the movie: "The third person, Richard Yan, is actually true! Is Richard Yan's English name?"

Yan Jiaxue shrugged: "That's right."

Ming Dai on the side was dumbfounded.

It turned was him!

When Ming Dai and Yan Jiaxue collaborated on "Shining" earlier, she felt that Yan Jiaxue was talented and a new director with very different ideas.

Later, this premonition of "Twin Lotus" proved to be a fact. The success of "Twin Lotus" is inseparable from Yan Jiaxue's ability as a director.

His still young but unique lens aesthetics made this movie stand out from the crowd of ordinary movies, and directly promoted the plot and the performance of the actors to a higher altar!
Without Yan Jiaxue, this movie would not have been successful, at least not as successful!
That's why Ming Dai was puzzled before, such a talented and capable director Yan, and the father of director Yan Haoda, why was he so unknown in his previous life?

Now that the name Richard Yan came out, all doubts were easily resolved——

Richard Yan, the most mysterious genius director in Hollywood in his previous life, how self-willed is he?The Oscar gave him the best director, but he didn't go. In the end, the producer accepted the award on his behalf, so that few people in the public knew his real appearance.

There are many rumors about him, such as the illegitimate son of a top director, and a lizard man from the center of the earth... Apart from the rumors, the only thing that is certain is that this director Richard is a native of China. He had developed in China in his early years, but his achievements were not outstanding , and later went to Hollywood, and became an instant hit from making low-budget cult films, and then got out of hand, taking turns to compete for famous film awards such as Oscars, Cannes, Berlin, etc. At the age of 40, he has reached the pinnacle of his life!

This kind of experience and achievement, in her previous life, was beyond Mingdai's reach, a person from two worlds.

Even if the marketing account came out and made up false information that Dai would play the leading role in Richard's new film, netizens knew it well, and would still mock Ming Dai, saying that she was trying to hype and go crazy.

And now, without knowing it beforehand, Mingdai got on the ride of Yan Jiaxue and became the heroine of his early film as a director... How unbelievable!

Perhaps, this is called unintentionally inserting willows into shades!
(End of this chapter)

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