Chapter 407

Gu Lingsi straightened her back instantly.

She turned her head and saw Wein standing not far away with her arms folded, and suddenly she was sweating coldly, with waves of chill rising up.

"mom, Mom, Mom."

Gu Lingsi tried her best to pretend to be calm, and walked towards Wein as if nothing had happened.

"Didn't you go out for afternoon tea? Why did you come back suddenly?"

She was caught off guard!
Wein threw away the bag in his hand irritably, and explained casually: "I had a fight with an idiot."

Of course Wein wouldn't say it, it was because someone was praising Mingdai at the tea party, and she made a few comments in her heart, but was turned back.

The other party's status was not lower than hers, and even higher than her, so that Wein couldn't lose his temper, so he simply found an excuse to go home early.

But Wein felt extremely disdainful, thinking of the woman who praised Ming Dai, that kind of taste can also run a fashion brand?Or what kind of strong woman?

Heh, she deserves to fall in love with someone like Ming Dai!

Wein was full of anger and didn't want to talk too much about this issue, so it implicated Gu Lingsi.

Asked irritably: "Didn't I ask what you were doing? Why didn't you answer?"

Gu Lingsi shook the bracelet in her hand: "Didn't mom say before that she would leave all these things to me? I'm getting engaged soon, so I want to come and have a look."

Wein frowned: "I said that?"

Gu Lingsi hugged her arm coquettishly, and said that she would buy more jewelry for Wein in the future, and finally coaxed Wein to smile, and didn't care about her sneaking in here.

But in Wei Yin's eyes, Gu Lingsi is about to get engaged to the Ning family, and she is still her beloved baby girl... How could he suspect that Gu Lingsi would steal?


Wein's mood changed very quickly, and his face suddenly darkened: "What happened to your grades recently? Your homeroom teacher called me and said that your ranking has slipped again!"

Usually, Wein doesn't care about these things, but this time, her life assistant got impatiently disturbed by Gu Lingsi's homeroom teacher, so she reported the news to her. Only then did Wein find out that the Gu Lingsi grades she was so proud of , has slipped from the top [-] in the grade to the top [-].

Gu Lingsi's arms trembled: "It's just...the pressure is a bit high."

Wein: "It's still because of the incident last time? Didn't it just scold Ming Dai a few words on the Internet, so what? As for being isolated by your classmates? Everyone is really blind, and no one should be flattered. Unclear!"

Wein gets angry just thinking about it!
How dare Ming Dai, a mere celebrity, sue Gu Lingsi?And won?
For this reason, Gu Lingsi had to write a letter of apology on the public platform, and paid tens of thousands of reputation damages to Ming Dai.

Money is a small matter, face is a big thing.

Thinking of the weird eyes of those people at the tea party today, Wein was filled with annoyance that he had nowhere to vent.

And Gu Lingsi looked at Wei Yin's dissatisfied side face, feeling guilty as well.

When the trumpet exposed the incident, Gu Qi wanted to protect her even if he was about to die of anger for the sake of profit, so Wei Yin and Gu Changming still don't know about it.

Gu Lingsi was even more thankful that these people in the circle had the habit of saving face. Even though the trumpet incident was widely known, these people were afraid of Ning Gu's marriage, and still did not bring the matter to the table, maintaining a superficial peace.

If Wein knew that he had become a clown in the eyes of others...

"What are you thinking about!" Wein tugged Gu Lingsi and raised his chin, "Didn't you hear me talking to you?"

Gu Lingsi smiled flatteringly: "Sorry mom, what did you just say?"

Wein had to repeat it patiently: "I said, when you gave up the Curtis Institute of Music and chose to stay in China for the college entrance examination, you personally promised that you would not let us down. Even if you marry into the Ning family, it doesn't mean that you will take the college entrance examination No need to work hard. Don’t fail the exam! I don’t want to say it out and be ashamed!”

Gu Lingsi forced a smile to cope: "I know, Mom."

The live interview was finally over, and Ming Dai came to the backstage lounge.

"Are you ok?"

A gentle voice of concern came.

Ming Dai looked up and found that it was Xu Ji.

He stood at the door, keeping a close distance.

Xu Ji is a quiet and gentle person, delicate and thoughtful in handling things, Ming Dai received a lot of care from him when he was on the set, and has a good impression of him.

So he smiled brightly at the moment: "It's okay."

Xu Ji handed over the milk tea in his hand: "It might be better to drink something sweet."

Ming Dai's eyes fixed on the milk tea cup for two seconds.

Xu Ji immediately thought of something: "Don't worry, it's sugar!"

Ming Dai's brain turned, and she blurted out: "It's not about drinking something sweet..."

Xu Ji also found the contradiction in his words, lowered his head and laughed twice, and planned to take back the milk tea.

"Brother Xu, I'm just kidding!" Ming Dai hurriedly took the milk tea, "Thank you, Brother Xu!"

The tone is relaxed and playful, but there is nothing charming about it.

Xu Ji can see clearly, so he won't do anything out of bounds.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "If you want to talk, you can call me."

Ming Dai agreed naturally.

But both Xu Ji and Ming Dai knew very well that this call would never happen.

Xu Ji did have a crush on Ming Dai.

If we start with friends, when Ming Dai is two years older, maybe Xu Ji will summon up the courage to confess to Ming Dai.

But before this confession, Xu Ji first saw how Mingdai talked about her "ideal type".

That is not a random, ethereal generalization, but a purposeful description.

When she talked about "people like water", the smile on her face was happiness, yearning, and tranquility.

This shows that she clearly has someone in her heart.

Xu Ji didn't want to do anything to interfere, so he could only press his mind.

A cup of milk tea is the best he can do, no more than that, the relationship between the two will only be like a friendship between gentlemen.

Xu Ji left, looking at his back, Ming Dai was slightly relieved.

To be honest, she is not very good at rejecting people who are nice to her.

If Xu Ji really expressed his affection, she might not know what to do.

Fortunately, Xu Ji left early without saying too much, to avoid Ming Dai from falling into an embarrassing situation.

Soon, Mingdai received a call from Huang Yuanyuan.

"Okay, I'll come over now."

There is no rest time, and Ming Dai is going to prepare for the C family jewelry dinner immediately.

Huang Yuanyuan was waiting for her at the door, and saw Ming Dai coming, staring at the milk tea in her hand:
"This is?"

"Someone gave it to me." Ming Dai took a sip, "It tastes pretty good."

Huang Yuanyuan hesitated to speak.

Ming Dai saw through her thoughts, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll just have a couple of sips, and it will definitely not affect the dress."

Huang Yuanyuan smiled sarcastically: "There are a lot of media tonight, and they will all be staring at you, plus that antique haute couture shop is very close-fitting... Don't worry, you can eat and drink well tomorrow! I'll order three cups of milk tea for you then." !"

Ming Dai raised her eyebrows: "Then have a drink?"

Huang Yuanyuan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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