Chapter 408
It is 02:30 in the afternoon, and the dinner time written in the invitation letter is seven o'clock.

It seems that there is plenty of time, but it is actually very urgent.

In order to avoid being late due to traffic jams during the evening rush hour, Ming Dai had to rush to the hotel where the dinner was held in advance to prepare.

That night, the entire hotel had been taken over by the rich and powerful C Jewelry, and Ming Dai, as the brand spokesperson, was entitled to a suite.

Now the entire styling team is on standby in the hotel suite, and as soon as Ming Dai passes by, she will start changing her styling without stopping.

In a little spare time on the road, Ming Dai made a phone call with Su Fangyun.

We are talking about the parents mentioned in the live interview today.

Su Fangyun said: "Don't worry, I have let people release the news that the couple contacted the paparazzi to ask for money, but it is all solid evidence, and they can't deny it if they want to. At that time, the public will form an impression, no matter how the couple dances. It worked."

Ming Dai hummed.

This is the plan she discussed with Su Fangyun, and it can be regarded as a precautionary measure.

Ming Dai doesn't know that Ning Xu has been helping her keep an eye on Ming An Yu Ting, or in other words, even if Ming Dai knows, she doesn't trust Ning Xu.

In the past, Ming Dai didn't want to mention her complicated family background to the public too much, but after discussing with Su Fangyun, she found that if she didn't mention it, it would be an invisible bomb, and she didn't know when it would detonate.

It's better for them to clarify the matter first, and turn passive into active, so that this matter will not become a handle in the hands of others in the future.

If Ming Dai wants to go on for a long time, she must take these things into consideration.

Fortunately, Su Fangyun has been collecting evidence, call recordings, transfer records and so on.

Even if the result of the first step is lower than expected, or Ming An Yu Ting went on the show to ask the media to complain, Su Fangyun has sufficient evidence to let the public recognize the true colors of the couple and hold them down. Turn over.

But now it seems that the effect is not lower than expected, but much higher than their expectation!

Ming Dai's management team has expanded to dozens of people, and there is a complete public relations team to deal with this incident. Before Ming Dai spoke, the public relations team had already paved the way to confirm that the wind of public opinion would not affect Ming Dai's reputation.

Now, the public basically holds a positive attitude towards this incident, thinking that there is probably something hidden behind it.

This was a pleasant surprise for the entire team. Mingdai's popularity with the public was much higher than they had imagined, and their workload would naturally be greatly reduced.

Su Fangyun sighed: "Our business these days is still useful."

After Ming Dai made her debut, she didn't make hype or act like a monster, and relied on her strength to get out of the circle, and finally got her reward today.

Ming Dai is also in a good mood.

Afterwards, Su Fangyun and Ming Dai made an appointment to meet at the hotel and hung up the phone.

Regarding Ming Dai's life experience, there was an uproar all afternoon on the Internet, and various people who claimed to be "informed people" came out to break the news, and the enthusiasm was so great that even Chu Yunping admitted that he had a relationship with Tianwang back then.

The overall trend is positive for Mingdai, but there are always a small group of people who constantly slander and insult Mingdai, and spread rumors everywhere—

[I just read someone broke the news that her family lived in a village in the city. She used to be very poor, and she was counting on Ming Dai to turn around after her success. As a result, Ming Dai turned her face and refused to recognize her when she signed a brokerage company. Her parents were so angry at home. tears! 】

【Ming Dai's parents are honest people, she is the unfilial white-eyed wolf, dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and will not recognize anyone if she climbs a high branch! 】

【Have you ever thought about how Ming Dai got to where she is today since she has no background? 】

Similar words are copied and pasted like locusts everywhere.

In fact, people with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that Ming Dai is too popular, touching the cake of other people's interests, and intentionally smearing her with rhythm.

There is no clear enemy, everyone who wants to drag Ming Dai down from her current height is an enemy.

But Ming Dai's public relations team is not vegetarian.

They know that it is useless to blindly delete posts and cover their mouths, but it will arouse the rebellious psychology of the public.

So the paparazzi that Su Fangyun arranged a long time ago came in handy... That's right, the paparazzi who used to buy Ming Dai black material from Ming An Yu Ting back then had a reputation on a certain blog with millions of fans Big V account.

[Paparazzi A: I saw such a quarrel about a certain actress, so let me come out and talk about it. At the beginning, I asked her parents (maybe they should be called adoptive parents), and I wanted to ask about a certain actress when she was a child, but this As a couple, they opened their mouths and asked me for money to sell black materials. Unfortunately, my company was poor and couldn't afford hundreds of thousands.Later, I approached the couple to find out what the so-called slander was, but what the couple kept saying over and over was only "unfilial", which is probably what they thought was slander.Attached below is the screen recording of the chat history of a certain letter: [Video]]

The chat history given by paparazzi A is very complete. It was Ming An who was in contact with him. He probably was too lazy to type, so he just sent a voice. Unexpectedly, he exposed his true nature to the public.

'It's absolutely impossible not to pay for this matter, don't worry, my material will be released to kill her! '

'That dead girl is ungrateful!She earns so much, what's the matter with spending tens of millions for her parents? '

'Is being unfilial not black material?Why not?When her behavior is exposed, the people of the whole country will scold her!I think she dares not to pay alimony! '

This should be the most definite evidence. After Paparazzi A posted a certain blog, it quickly attracted a large number of netizens.

【I heard her dad talking so much that I almost died of anger, bossy, who does he think he is! 】

[Please don't call him "Dad", it's an insult to this title. 】

【I really believe that Ming Dai was kidnapped and sold. Every word of this man is money, without any warmth. 】

There is no doubt that this screen recording completely determines the direction of public opinion in the future.

Basically everyone was disgusted by Ming An's tone, and started @武报 to ask them to investigate whether the couple was involved in child trafficking. This is the most sensitive and deeply hated crime for the public!

Perhaps even Ming Dai, Su Fangyun and the entire public relations team did not expect that the public would be so excited, and finally the Yanjing police actually came out to respond to this matter!

[Yanjing Police V: The netizen reported the report, and the police checked the report record, and there is indeed such a thing.Ming (female) has no blood relationship with Ming (male) and Yu (female) after identification. After detention and investigation, no criminal suspicions of Ming (male) and Yu (female) have been found for the time being, but according to Ming (Female) At her own will, the legal parent-child relationship has been terminated. 】

Although it is not an official case notice with white letters on a blue background, this response still confirms the speculation of netizens!

The reason is simple-if the police were not suspicious of them, why would they detain and investigate the couple?

(End of this chapter)

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