Chapter 409
Netizens with great powers are everywhere, and then someone really exposed Ming An Yuting's video.

And it happened to be the video of Ming Dai at the police station after calling the police!
The owner of this photo claimed that he had gone to the police station to report the crime, but he ran into these people by accident, and felt that it was too much to listen to.

It wasn't until the time when the police issued the notice was similar to what he remembered, and he looked through the phone's photo album again, that he found the video and posted it on the Internet.

Although the video was secretly captured by a mobile phone, it was captured very clearly. In the corner was Ming Dai, who was guarded by a female police officer, wearing a hat and a mask, and Ming An, who was yelling madly, who couldn't be dragged by other strong male police officers. , screaming and accusing Yu Ting.

The insulting and cursing voices of these two people are dozens of times worse than the voices in the paparazzi video, almost to the point of rolling.

Compared with them, Ming Dai is just a small boat tottering in the wind and rain, pitiful and sympathetic.

The public instantly replaced Ming Dai with the previous role of Princess Pearl, and it exploded all of a sudden!

[My daughter goose is too miserable!I was in tears watching the video! 】

[You tmd say this is your parents?Which parent scolded their daughter with such words?It's so dirty I can't tell! 】

[Why do I feel that these two people are guilty of fearing that things will be revealed? 】

[Those marketing accounts that don’t support their parents, please call these two human traffickers! 】

[Just a buyer?Hehe, buying and selling is the same crime! 】

Accusing public opinion is like a tsunami, with waves getting higher and higher.

Even though Ming An Yu Ting is not a public figure, but because the video of the two was exposed, someone who knew the couple revealed their names, and soon even their phone numbers and places of residence were exposed.

[I recognize this couple, the man is lazy, the woman is obsessive, so their daughter is Ming Dai, who has been wearing glasses since she was a child and looks very low-key. I saw her a few times, but her mother scolded her, it was unbearable of. 】

[I live on the same street as their family. This couple is notoriously poor in character, but I heard that they recently moved into a high-end residential area, and I don't know where they got the money. 】

[God, I just found out that I saw this couple downstairs in my community! 】

The netizen who said this posted a location by the way.

Others immediately picked out the location and price of this community, obviously Ming An Yu Ting should not be able to afford it.

Did Ming Dai give it?
I'm afraid not, the two parties have broken off relations, and it is impossible for Ming Dai to buy a house for the couple.

Then the source of this money is very doubtful, who knows if Ming Dai's name is used to bluff again?

Just thinking about it, the netizens were so angry that they were filled with righteous indignation and cursed the couple one after another.

For a moment, Ming An and Yu Ting became what the netizens called "human traffickers" and "destroyed consciences", they were like rats crossing the street and everyone shouted and beat them.


In a suite of a six-star hotel in Yanjing.

Su Fangyun stood on one side with arms folded, seeing that Ming Dai's styling was almost completed, like an old mother seeing a beautiful daughter, she smiled with satisfaction.

"Finished? I'll talk to Dede."

After Su Fangyun finished speaking, the other staff retreated to the outside room consciously.

Ming Dai: "What, is something wrong?"

Su Fangyun shook his head: "However, you may need to read this."

Speaking of handing the tablet to Ming Dai, the software opened on the screen was a certain blog, and Ming An Yu Ting's name was impressively listed on the trending search, casually flipping through it, all the comments below were cursing at the two of them.

Ming Dai's eyelashes trembled, she couldn't stop being surprised.

Su Fangyun then told the ins and outs of the whole matter.

"We only arranged paparazzi here, and the police announcement later was absolutely unexpected."

This was really surprising, but in the blink of an eye, Ming An Yu Ting became a villain cast aside by public opinion.

It is of course a good thing for Ming Dai, the official announcement is more credible than anything else, and most of the netizens will choose to side with Ming Dai because of this, saving a lot of effort.

As for Ming An Yu Ting's miserable end...what does it have to do with them?Isn't it the couple's own fault?

So Su Fangyun's face was full of joy.

"Remember to hold your head up later, we are on the side of justice!"

In fact, Su Fangyun is still faintly worried that Ming Dai will be affected by these public opinion turmoil.

No matter how strong Ming Dai was, what was pulled out to discuss her past and her "parents" whom she had been with for 18 years.

But Su Fangyun didn't know that in the reincarnation of the two lives, Ming Dai had already worn her heart like a rock, and she had no illusions about family affection. Ming An and Yu Ting had fallen to such a state, she would be worthy of them if she didn't choose to add insult to injury.

Tuk Tuk.

Huang Yuanyuan knocked on the door twice, poking her head in: "Dai Dai, your phone number is... Mr. He."

After thinking for a while, Ming Dai guessed that He Mu's phone call must be about today's turmoil.

"give it to me."

Huang Yuanyuan walked in, handed the phone to Ming Dai, and went out with Su Fangyun, leaving enough room for Ming Dai to make calls.

Ming Dai was taken aback by this series of smooth movements, and it took two seconds before she remembered to answer the phone.

Ming Dai's voice sounded calm as usual: "Hello?"

He Mu was obviously relieved.

Then he asked, "Are you okay?"

Ming Dai followed suit with a smile: "Are you talking about the matter on the Internet now?"

He Mu hummed in a low voice.

"I have seen it for a long time, some things cannot be forced."

Ming Dai's tone is free and easy, from the inside out.

He Mu could understand, so he was naturally happy for her.

At this time, Ming Dai suddenly felt blessed.

"That police notice..."

It is normal for the Yanjing police to issue notices, but it is surprising that they are so efficient and timely.

He Mu: "It's me."

Ming Dai murmured: "I knew...thank you."

Besides thank you, Ming Dai didn't know what to say.

He Mu didn't take it seriously: "It's just a greeting, and this is the truth."

He Mu said it lightly, in fact, of course he did more than that.

The netizen who took the video inside the police station was also found by him. Otherwise, how could a person who had forgotten the video after shooting it remember the video at this very moment?
It took He Mu a lot of effort to find these evidences, and finally Ming An Yu Ting and his wife were crushed to death, with no room for recovery.

Ming Dai roughly guessed it, but hesitated to speak.

He Mu seemed to be aware of Ming Dai's thoughts, and changed the topic first: "Are you going to a dinner party tonight?"

Ming Dai responded, just in time to see Su Fangyun knocking on the door to remind: "It seems that the time is coming soon."

He Mu: "Then you go, if you are not happy, remember to call me."

Ming Dai agreed.

After answering, he suddenly remembered that he had heard this sentence from Xu Ji.

The words were exactly the same, but if they were said from He Mu's mouth, Mingdai thought, this call would be made.

(End of this chapter)

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