Chapter 410 Jewelry Banquet
This C family jewelry dinner was of a very high level. The Huaguo district president and spokespersons were all present. In addition, many big names in the circle were invited. There were a lot of stars, and reporters were naturally indispensable.

But these reporters are excited for Ming Dai, and they probably want to take photos of Ming Dai who is devastated and affected by the turmoil in her life experience, so as to earn a wave of traffic.

Therefore, during the whole night's red carpet entrance, Ming Dai received the most attention, and even the cheers were the loudest.

Full attention.

It's a pity that the reporters' ideas were in vain, Ming Dai not only did not show the slightest vulnerability, but her whole face was radiant!

Different from the youthful attire in the afternoon, under the night, Ming Dai changed into a slim and elegant black dress.

The antique haute couture of the A family has always been simple and elegant, and the one on Ming Dai, in addition to following the usual style, in addition, the skirt is covered with broken diamonds, sprinkled from the waist all the way to the floor-to-ceiling skirt, and the lights above the head are shining brightly. According to the photo, it is as gorgeous as a spreading Milky Way, the light is bright and beautiful.

In addition to the dress, the jewelry Ming Dai wears is also in a gorgeous style. The emerald gemstone over [-] carats is an antique collection of C jewelry in the museum. It is not for sale. The last one can be borrowed from the brand. It's only the famous Oscar queen.

Ming Dai is the second one, with a full set of emeralds and diamonds, and the earrings around her neck shine brightly, shining with a mysterious and cool light, which makes people unable to move their eyes away.

Such a full set of gorgeous attire can easily overwhelm the artist himself, making the artist an ordinary hanger.

In Mingdai's place, it's just the opposite.

Although she is talented, she doesn't give people the slightest sense of shrinking and youthful embarrassment.

On the contrary, she walks gracefully, free and easy, and the smile on her face is even brighter than a one-hundred-carat gemstone!

When she was walking on the red carpet, everyone was amazed at her beauty, even her hair was as fluffy as a cloud, and they would also be amazed at the jewels of her dress...but they would not ignore one of them, but complement each other.

So, when Ming Dai walked by, the reporters only had time to frantically press the shutter, and the flashes flickered into pieces, but they forgot to ask the questions they wanted.

This made the decision to lend the brand side of the dress and gems, not to mention much satisfaction.

Before the jewelry dinner officially started, Ming Dai's red carpet look was already trending, overwhelming the news about her life experience.

Sure enough, the only one who can defeat Ming Dai is Ming Dai herself!
Netizens can't help being curious while being reduced to Yangou:

【Ming Dai's appearance and temperament are completely different from those two traffickers!I suspect that her biological parents are not ordinary people, maybe they are wealthy daughters living outside! 】

[What does this mean? Don't ordinary people look beautiful?What's more, there are not a few wealthy people who are ugly. I think it is a genetic lottery. 】

[Ming Dai is so powerful now, what if another real parent comes out and oppresses others with filial piety?Sorry, it's really PTSD to those two traffickers! 】

[Don't worry about this, Mingdai herself is very clear-headed, no matter what her background is, she is just Mingdai, the unique Mingdai! 】


Ming Dai walked into the infield, and was soon guided by the waiter to the front seat of the banquet hall.

Seating order is probably the most prominent status.

This jewelry banquet was held very grandly. In addition to celebrity entertainers, many celebrities were also invited. Naturally, the brand's VVIP guests were indispensable.

Like these big benefactors, those with complete status and prestige were arranged at the first table, so looking around, all of them were outrageous and relatively unfamiliar.

The president of Huaguo District sat at the second table, and the people at the same table were mainly big names in the entertainment industry. Mingdai glanced casually, and saw two top actresses, unlike the rumored king who didn't see the king, but lowered her head and chatted happily , There are smiles on the face.

The one next to the two movie queens... Hey, isn't that the heavenly king who was rumored to have an affair with sister Chu Yunping?

Ming Dai concealed her surprise very well, and finally came to the second table under the guidance of the waiter.

Yes, the second table.

The vacant seat next to Ming Dai, with the handwritten name plate in English, clearly belongs to the president of the Huaguo District.

The brand's trust and love for this young spokesperson can be seen.

Even the other seniors at the same table all looked at him curiously.

Ming Dai was neither humble nor overbearing, and responded to each one with a smile.

The famous heavenly king gave her a complicated look: "I have admired your name for a long time."

Ming Dai felt very strange, did Mr. Zhu know her?

Mr. Zhu Tianwang was just a space away from her, and lowered his voice to remind: "Chu Yunping. I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to help you. At the beginning, I wanted to make my relationship public, but she refused to let it go."

There are emotions, annoyance and envy in his eyes, it can be seen that this Mr. Zhu Yunping, the king of heaven, is still in love with Chu Yunping.

Ming Dai's face was full of shock, as if she had gotten a lot of money.

Tianwang is five years older than Chu Yunping. When Chu Yunping was 20 years old, Tianwang was in the prime of his career, and his songs became popular in both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

So when the relationship was first reported, many media maliciously speculated that it was Chu Yunping who unilaterally picked up Tianwang, and Tianwang himself was not interested in announcing the relationship, so that someone made up a small story, saying that the two broke up because of Chu Yunping I want to make it public, but the king of heaven refuses to let it.

Who would have thought that the truth is completely reversed!

It was Tian Wang himself who really wanted to make it public, but Chu Yunping was unwilling, and the two had a big fight because of this, and finally broke up.

Later, the two each had several romances. Chu Yunping saw that she had come out and married her later husband. Although the results were not good, she finally let go of her first love.

On the other hand, Tianwang, there were rumors of a breakup in love more than ten years ago, but now he is clean, causing everyone to doubt his sexual orientation, but he is only thinking about his first love back then.

Especially this time, for the sake of Ming Dai, Chu Yunping did not hesitate to bring out the original love affair... The Heavenly King was really hurt, and he was full of regret.

Even the look in Ming Dai's eyes is a little more inexplicable... Jealousy?
Ming Dai didn't know how to respond for a while, so she could only praise Chu Yunping: "Sister Chu is very kind, she is the one who takes care of me."

"Hmph." Tianwang hummed arrogantly, "She's always like this."

Ming Dai stared at Tian Wang's expression, and gossip bubbles popped up in her heart.

However, due to the occasion, it is not easy to ask more questions.


A slow and elegant female voice sounded from behind:

"Hello, can I sit here?"

Ming Dai turned her head and saw an elegant lady in a cheongsam looking at her with a smile on her face.

It took two seconds for Ming Dai to react before she came to her senses: "D-Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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