The forbearance and restraint revealed in these words made Guo Xiling feel distressed for a moment.

So much so that I began to doubt whether what I said at the beginning was correct.

...But Guo Xiling quickly thought of He Mu's appearance of being out-of-this-world all these years, and then thought that it was good for this guy to suffer from feelings, lest his life go too smoothly.

Guo Xiling let go of the psychological burden, and simply pretended to be stupid with He Mu: "I don't understand what you are saying, I just went shopping. As for the photo, I just met a little girl who got along well and said a few more words. Any questions?"

He Mu Minmin captured the key words: "You guys... get along well?"

Guo Xiling: "Who doesn't like a young and fresh girl?"

He Mu was silent.

Guo Xiling asked in turn: "It's you. When did this news come out? Did you know it so soon?"

He Mu remained silent.

Guo Xiling persisted, and asked with a bit of anxiety: "Are you following Dai Dai's news every day? That's why you can find out today for the first time?"

He Muhu asked back: "'Dai Dai'?"

Sure enough, lying flat and being beaten was not He Mu's style, this sharp rhetorical question directly made Guo Xiling speechless.

After discovering that she had slipped the tongue, Guo Xiling also lost her mind to play tricks on her youngest son, made excuses, and hurriedly hung up.

While the mother and son were exchanging words.

Yanjing Xia Mansion, Xia Ling nestled on the sofa in the living room with potato chips in his arms.

A fairy-tale love drama is playing on TV. From Xia Ling's point of view, it looks bloody and boring, but mother Ling Xiu likes it very much and is addicted to watching it. Occasionally she shed tears, and father Xia Bowen feels very distressed. While handing over the tissue, he coaxed his wife.

The two threw dog food like no one else was around, and Xia Ling, who was the crystallization of love, felt very uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the so-called family activities that were forced by the parents, Xia Ling would have found an excuse and gone back to the room.

Bored, he secretly swiped his phone. Xia Ling knew that Ming Dai was going to attend the jewelry dinner today, so he wanted to check the news of his friends.

Bringing the juice to her lips, Xia Ling opened the latest news of a certain blog.

At the dinner party, Ming Dai had a good talk with the mysterious lady?
What kind of bullshit news is this...


He spit out all the juice he had just drank into his mouth.

Xia Bowen protected his wife Ling Xiu tightly in time, and half of his home clothes were completely wet.

Ling Xiu's thoughts on watching the drama were interrupted: "What's wrong?"

Xia Bowen looked at his daughter reproachfully: "Xia Ling!"

Xia Ling quickly wiped her mouth and apologized to the nanny who came to clean it.

Then she threw away the potato chips and ran away. Her panicked voice came from the stairs: "I have to go back to the room first!"

Xia Bowen raised his voice: "Didn't you say good family activities? Xia Ling? Xia Ling!"

Ling Xiu gave him a hand: "Forget it, she looks too boring, let her go back to her room first."

Xia Bowen had no choice but to obey.

So the couple naturally lost the opportunity to watch the big news.

Xia Ling was not.

Recognizing her as the real owner in the photo at a glance, her heart was beating fast.

Clutching her little heart for a while, Xia Ling finally took out her cell phone and called Ming Dai immediately.


Ming Dai didn't answer.

As the dinner draws to a close, it's social time again.

Ming Dai is not a person who is good at socializing, so the invitations to receptions and dinners in the past were always refused.

Today's dinner is inevitable. Fortunately, she is young and is in the limelight at the moment. Most people don't care about her reticence. Seeing that she always purses her lips and smiles while listening to people, they praise her for her calm temper There is the wind of a general.

Ming Dai looked at Mr. President, who was standing beside her, who was devoted to flattering her, and there was something else in her smile.

In two lifetimes, her personality has not changed much.

In her previous life, she seldom spoke at banquets, but she was considered dull, boring, and had no beautiful appearance.

In another situation, her silence turned into a steady, elegant, and general style.

Really interesting.

Because she wanted to deal with people, Ming Dai held a red wine glass in her hand, which contained diet Coke.

Someone with "knowledge" recognized it and wanted to persuade Mingdai to replace Coca-Cola with alcohol, on the grounds that "even if she is a senior in high school, she is already an adult and can drink."

Ming Dai ignored it, and the president even coldly blocked the other party back, letting that person leave in despair, once again confirming that the brand side attaches great importance to Ming Dai, and nothing like this happened again.

Seeing that Ming Dai was a little tired, she turned her gaze to the sidelines.

Huang Yuanyuan stood there, holding what looked like a mobile phone.

It just so happened that Mingdai's phone was not with her, it was in Huang Yuanyuan's hand.

Do you have anything to do with her?
While thinking, Ming Dai said something to Mr. President, and walked towards Huang Yuanyuan.

When Huang Yuanyuan saw her, she said, "It's Xia Ling's phone call. She said she couldn't get through to you, so she called me specifically to find you. From her tone, it should be urgent."

Ming Dai: "Really?"

Quickly handed the red wine glass to Huang Yuanyuan, took the mobile phone to a corner where no one was around, and called back the phone.

The phone connects in a second.

"What happened to Lingling..."

"Dedai! Do you know who you met tonight?"

Ming Dai was dumbfounded by Xia Ling's blatant words.

Ming Dai blinked dully: "... who?"

Xia Ling belonged to the contestants who never give up, took a deep breath, and said directly: "Ms. Guo Xiling, my little uncle's mother!"

Ming Dai was really taken aback by this time, unable to speak for a long time.

So that Ms. Guo is... He Mu's mother?


Xia Ling was a little worried: "Dai Dai, are you okay?"

Of course it's impossible to say nothing happened. Mingdai's mood... how should I put it, is complicated, very complicated.

Every sentence I said to Ms. Guo in my mind was playing repeatedly, and there was an invisible heavy pressure on my shoulders, and I couldn't help thinking—why did Ms. Guo come to see her?

Ming Dai's disordered breathing was transmitted through the earpiece to the other end of the phone.

Xia Ling's feverish brain cooled down a little, and he was annoyed at how he had spoken the news so quickly.

No way, Xia Ling himself was too shocked, so that his first thought was to let Mingdai know the truth.

Seeing Ming Dai's upset and distressed, he comforted her and said, "Don't think too much, maybe it's just a chance encounter."

Under the chaos, Ming Dai's thinking was unexpectedly clear: "Did Ms. Guo often attend dinner parties?"

It's impossible for Xia Ling to lie, so he had to be honest: "...not often."

Ming Dai said nothing.

Xia Ling: "Don't take it too seriously, it's just a trivial matter, didn't you two get along very well tonight?"

"That being said." Ming Dai exhaled softly, "But Lingling, thank you for telling me about this."

Rather than being carefree and kept in the dark, Ming Dai hopes that she can know the truth.

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