Ms. Guo Xiling, He Mu's mother.

Such an identity would be nothing more than a mere chance encounter.

But in fact, that Ms. Guo took the initiative to appear next to Ming Dai, and even changed places specially.

Now think about it carefully, for a brand dinner of this size, a professional lighting designer must be invited. Like the guest of honor seat where Ms. Guo is sitting, the feeling is definitely the first consideration. What about birth discomfort?

If she regards this taste as a chance meeting again, then Ming Dai herself will not be able to convince herself.

If you came here specifically for her...

Maybe it's intuition.

The first thing that comes to Mingdai's mind is the strangeness with Mu in the past two months.

Two months ago, although the two didn't meet often, they always communicated in a certain letter.

Not many, maybe seeing a beautiful bouquet of flowers, maybe because the sun is beautiful, or maybe the moon is too round... They are all trivial things, and they are forgotten after they are said, but this kind of connection has never been broken.

Until two months ago, when Ming Dai joined the team and Mu went abroad, the contact between the two was inexplicably broken.

At that time, Ming Dai thought, maybe it was because of time difference and it was inconvenient to contact in a foreign country.

Now, Ming Dai can't help but associate the strangeness of those two months with Ms. Guo.

Could it be that Ms. Guo is dissatisfied with her?
But seeing how Ms. Guo treats her tonight, she is more than kind, like a gentle elder.

...Ming Dai couldn't figure it out.

Until the end of the dinner and on the way home, Ming Dai was thinking about this matter.

However, she soon ran out of time to think about it.

It was originally planned to return to the crew immediately, after filming the last bit of finale, the next step is to concentrate on preparing for the college entrance examination.

As a result, there was an extra itinerary in the middle. It was C's Jewelry who made a special trip to push Ming Dai to appear on the cover of a fashion magazine. It was not an ordinary magazine, but among the top five women's magazines, all belonged to the top "Vogue".

The fashion magazine "Trend", which Mingdai shot last time, is only a second-tier magazine among women's magazines, and its foundation is not stable, but "Vogue" is different. It enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad, and most of the magazine covers are models. Followed by celebrities or queens of the big flower level.

From the inauguration of the Huaguo edition of "Vogue" to the present, the number of people who can appear on the cover at Ming Dai's age is zero.

In other words, if Ming Dai can be on the cover this time, she will be the youngest "Vogue" cover girl ever!
The previous one was eight years older than her!

It can be seen that the C family jewelry must have spent a lot of money and energy behind it!
As Su Fangyun said, this is a very good opportunity, and Ming Dai must not miss it.

If Ming Dai wants to complete the project and return to school to review according to the original schedule, then she must squeeze time out of the sponge.

For this reason, Ming Dai is very busy!

In this state, how can there be time to think about Ms. Guo?

Anyway, I can't figure out the reason, and it's not easy to ask He Mu, so I just put it down temporarily and let it go...

The schedule for the cover shoot was tight.

Behind the fashion cover blockbuster, it is not as easy as the eyes see. It looks like a simple photo. From topic selection to preparation to shooting, behind it is the hard work of hundreds of people, and I don’t know how many people have to scratch their heads.

The shooting time was a weekday afternoon, the weather was sunny and sunny, and this time the shooting was arranged indoors, and the photographer in charge of the shooting, coincidentally, was Gao Sen, Mingdai's old acquaintance.

Ming Dai knew about this during the preparation period. Because the two had worked together before and had experience, they got along very smoothly this time.

As always, Gao Sen was full of enthusiasm for Ming Dai, and the words of praise poured out like running water.

By the way, he told Ming Dai that he also went to the cinema to watch "Twin Flowers", a full three times!I am obsessed with Ming Dai's performance in the movie!

For the theme of this shooting, he naturally thought of using movies as inspiration to restore Song Tan's classic Black Lotus character on the cover.

He was full of inspiration, and he started to fully intervene from the stage of makeup, aiming to capture the most perfect side of Ming Dai.

So, from the moment Ming Dai stepped into the dressing room, Gao Sen's irritable voice kept echoing in the room:
"Simple! Extremely simple! You want to cover her beautiful and perfect skin texture with liquid foundation? You are simply killing the beauty!"

The makeup artist is also a big name in the industry. Although Gao Sen is in charge of this job, she still has a strong voice, and immediately fought back:
"Kill the beauty? It's such a big hat, why not just wash off the base makeup and put it on like this, what do you need a makeup artist for?"

Gao Sen pulled his hair frantically: "Are you making trouble for no reason?"

The makeup artist chuckled: "Really?"

Seeing that the two were incompatible, everyone else in the room was terrified and trembling.

Ming Dai, who was in the eye of the storm, voiced her advice at this moment:
"Why don't you two listen to me?"

Others looked at her with admiration in their eyes.

Ming Dai said with a smile, not in a hurry, "I think your opinions are all reasonable, why don't you combine them and take a step back?"

Gao Sen asked subconsciously: "How to mix?"

Even the irritable anger disappeared, and Gao Sen's reaction was like a spring breeze when he was "arbitrary" when facing other people.

The make-up artist gave him a scornful look.

Ming Dai explained her thoughts: "The two of you just have a problem with communication. What Teacher Gao said, I think the meaning may be to keep the blemishes and texture of the skin, and try to make the base makeup light and light, so it is better not to use foundation. Liquid, use isolation and loose powder, and keep other eye makeup, how about it?"

Gao Sen and the makeup artist thought about this opinion, thought it was okay, and reluctantly agreed.

A dispute disappears invisible.

Gao Sen saw with his own eyes that Ming Dai's makeup was as perfect as he imagined, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he walked out of the dressing room and went outside to "hurt" other people.

From such a distance, Ming Dai could hear his violent scolding along the aisle.

"Mr. Gao's temper at work is notoriously bad in the industry, even the actress has been scolded by him." The makeup artist raised an eyebrow at Ming Dai in the mirror, "But he is quite gentle with you, Mr. Ming. "

The second half of the sentence was said with ridicule.

Ming Dai smiled: "Maybe it's because I'm better at communicating?"

After taking it lightly, Ming Dai's makeup is almost done.

Then she changed clothes, walked into the studio, and officially started the shooting.

In front of the black curtain, Ming Dai was wearing a white shirt. Her skin was as white as snow, her black hair was like clouds, her face was clean, pure, fresh and vivid, just like a gurgling mountain stream. In the sweltering studio, there was a gust of cool wind, which made everyone feel bright.

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