Chapter 418 Shooting
Everyone is thinking.

If the entertainment industry were to select a "star who looks best in a white shirt", then Ming Dai would definitely be on the list.

She is well-proportioned, able to support the outline of the white shirt, and thin enough to wear the white shirt with a sense of elegance that blows in the wind.

The three shirt buttons were unbuttoned just right, seemingly casually, but carefully adjusted to just reveal the clear clavicle and the line of one shoulder.

Mingdai's neck line is extremely superior, as thin and long as a swan, naturally tall and beautiful, without any extra decorations, it is already a natural work of art.

At the moment, there is a colorful gemstone necklace that is so gorgeous that it can be called cumbersome. The multi-layered design is stacked, and a cat-eye-sized diamond in the middle is the finishing touch.

Not to mention that Ming Dai's face that has been mentioned repeatedly since she became famous, was once shown on the big screen without any dead ends, and was praised as a perfect bone appearance, which vividly displayed her amazing beauty.

Looking at Ming Dai like this, Gao Sen couldn't be more satisfied.

"This kind of shooting is simply a kind of enjoyment."

Gao Sen sighed with emotion in a low voice.

The photography assistant next to me heard it and nodded vigorously.

Everyone in the studio thinks this way, even if they were depressed by Gao Sen's violent temper just now, after being purified by Ming Dai's beauty, even the depression in their hearts seems to be taken away, leaving only joy .

Pleasure... Strange, work can make people feel happy?Is the role of the great beauty so great?

they do not know.

Anyway, today's work started in a relaxed state.

With Ming Dai in the studio, Gao Sen's temper was [-]% suppressed. Even when communicating with Ming Dai, he spoke in a lighter tone, and everyone else was affected and treated gently.

However, today's shooting was surprisingly smooth. Ming Dai was smart enough to understand everything. Everyone tried to shoot a few times, and the results were not bad.

But Gao Sen always felt that something was wrong, which was far from the vague feeling in the movie.

He simply asked Ming Dai to come up with an idea, and then followed her idea.

This request made everyone present feel incredible.

Not only Gao Sen, but everyone knows that this kind of top photographers can be called picky when they work, and even a strand of hair has to be arranged according to their ideas.

As for the subject being photographed, whether it is a person or an object, whether it is an unknown starlet or a top-notch actor, in the eyes of these photographers, it is just an object, a model, and a part of the photo.

Want Ming Dai to follow her own ideas?This is simply breaking the principle.

However, Ming Dai understood what Gao Sen meant.

She had communicated with Gao Sen in advance and knew the real feeling that Gao Sen wanted for the subject of this shooting.

After searching for a while with his eyes, he simply pointed to the shooting props aside:

"How about I lie down here and take pictures?"

That is a mirror.

Gao Sen was instantly reminded, and inspiration lit like a spark, making him excited.

"Good! That's a great idea!"

Since the movie is "Twin Flowers", the shooting can also be set according to the theme of "double-sided"!

During the eloquent conversation, the two began to experiment with shooting poses, and finally decided to only shoot Ming Dai's upper body, with her hands supporting the mirror.

After taking two photos in this way, Mingdai personally confirmed the finished product on the display, thought for a while, and simply took off the necklace around her neck.

Gao Sen: "What's wrong?"

Ming Dai said: "Such a gorgeous gem is too incompatible with Song Tan."

Gao Sen scratched his head and said in distress: "The reason is this, but this cover shoot is for jewelry."

The necklace is another antique collection of the C family. The brand spent a lot of money to put Ming Dai, the spokesperson, on the cover of top magazines. It was not for charity, but to promote its own brand and display the necklace.

It can be said that this necklace is the real protagonist, and Ming Dai is the model to show it.

How could this necklace not be photographed?
Ming Dai insisted on this: "Try first."

Gao Sen didn't object, and nodded in agreement.

Then Mingdai came to the table with the mirror, sat down, hung the necklace between her fingers, and picked it up with her index finger—this gem worth tens of millions became a toy in her palm, and Mingdai held it with one hand. Chin, looking at her toys, showed Song Tan's innocent side behind the camera, with bright amber eyes and a blooming smile.

Afterwards, Mingdai changed her posture, her smile was slightly restrained, her eyelashes drooped, she casually looked at the necklace, and even the posture of picking up the necklace became arrogant and disdainful.

Two states, the latter will be post-production as the reflection in the mirror.

Just like Song Tan's black and white sides.

Gao Sen was extremely satisfied, and while frantically pressing the shutter, he blew rainbow farts to Ming Dai.

Well, this familiar scene.

With Ming Dai's proposal, the filming was completed smoother and faster than everyone expected.

Gao Sen has always been strict in shooting, and he can be called nitpicking.

But today, everyone seems to have heard praise from him.


Afterwards, Ming Dai changed her clothes and took another photo for the inside page of the group.

This is much easier than shooting the cover, maybe it’s a good fit, and the whole studio is filled with a relaxed atmosphere.

The shooting lasted until late at night, and Ming Dai was exhausted, but she still dedicated herself to showing her full spirit in front of the camera.

Mingdai couldn't even lift her hands until she walked out of the camera. The makeup removal was done by the new assistant. After hastily saying goodbye to everyone including Gao Sen who was lying in front of the computer with an excited face, Mingdai stepped into the car to go home .

Gao Sen, who finally took time out of the pictures of today's results and wanted to talk to Ming Dai: ...Where is the person?
A month later, the latest issue of "vogue" was launched.

Ming Dai on the cover has amazed the fashion circle and received acclaim everywhere she went.

Even critics who have always been known for their venomous tongues directly said, 'This year's best cover has been born! '.

You know, the comments in the fashion circle have always been sharp and vicious.

The previous issues of "vogue" were criticized enough, even if the three gold actresses were invited to be models, they were said to be a waste of the beauty of the actress, making her a stiff doll in front of the camera.

In contrast, it is particularly incredible that the cover of this issue has received unanimous praise.

In addition to the fashion circle, people outside the circle also praised it wildly.

Many viewers who buy magazines do not have so much professional knowledge. They pursue pure visual enjoyment, and they know that the photos in this issue are surprisingly beautiful, not as weird as many previous covers, and perfectly in line with the public's aesthetics.

Even the necklace from the C family that Mingdai was playing with was talked about, and the brand got what they wanted most.

(End of this chapter)

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