Chapter 419

Soon, the cover photo of this issue became an out-of-the-box photo, and countless people couldn't help saving it with their fingers.

Everyone also recognizes that the inspiration for the cover of this issue comes from "Twin Flowers".

Even the keywords about Mingdai printed on the cover are "double-faced Mingdai".

In the related interview, Ming Dai was asked a lot, except for herself, which was related to movies.

At that time, "Twin Flowers" had been released for a month.

Generally speaking, the box office and popularity of movies are concentrated in the first week, and 7% of the box office of most movies comes from the first week, but "Twin Flowers" has attracted more audiences because of its excellent quality and excellent second creation. , which far exceeded the expectations of professional box office research institutions, and achieved a reverse decline in the box office for three consecutive weekends.

Such a result is so good that the official made an exception and agreed to extend the key of "Twin Flowers" for half a month, and wait until mid-June before it will be officially released.

Now the box office score of "Twin Flowers" has reached 18.8 billion, and it is not a problem to reach the box office of 1.2 million in the remaining half month.

This means that "Twin Flowers" will once again break through another hurdle and enter the 20 billion box office movie club. This result is enough to rank among the top ten box office in film history!
Such a blockbuster work has a wide and far-reaching impact.

For example, the "suspense" theme, which has always been unpopular and not favored, is being re-examined by major investors. Many low-cost suspense films have begun to gather together for the record, all thinking about the success of "Twin Flowers".

And this is just a small area affected by the whole movie.

Ming Dai is the one who really gets the biggest bonus from the movie.

The popularity of Song Tan's character continued unabated. On an authoritative list, the popularity list of characters in movies and TV shows, for the entire month of May, the word "Song Tan" dominated the list.

No matter how many people are changing positions behind her, only she can stand tall, and no one can compete with her!
So Ming Dai was able to appear on "vogue" this time, 99% of the people would not question why Ming Dai was able to appear on the cover and break the age record for an actress.

In their view, this matter should be taken for granted. Even those who are sour on Mingdai and unhappy with Mingdai can't say the word "unworthy". "Steal the limelight of the real heroine Chu Yunping."

But not many people would care about such sour words.

Ming Dai's popularity is getting higher and higher, and the discussion about her next movie "Omen" is also getting higher and higher.

Ming Dai had already kept a low profile to the point where she finished the filming and did not hold a finale banquet, but the media who were always watching her troubles released the news immediately, attaching photos of the filming set that they secretly took.

The photo is so blurred that even Ming Dai's clothes can't be seen clearly, only her hair is disheveled and covered in blood.

Most of the people who first paid attention to the news were people who had a good impression of Ming Dai, and the main discussion was about the new film and Ming Dai herself:
[Is the photo taken by a landline?It's so blurry! 】

[The crew's level of secrecy is so high, there were not a few Reuters photos after the filming was completed. 】

[Ah, my daughter-in-law looks so pitiful, so distressed! 】

[Although I'm not interested in this kind of fantasy movie, but Ming Dai made it, I will support it no matter what! 】

[It is said that this photo was taken by a paparazzi from a nearby mountain with a telephoto lens, everyone understands hahaha! 】

Reviews are nitpicking, but generally friendly.

But in the past month, Ming Dai has attracted too much jealousy because of the super high popularity, and soon some sailors began to enter the scene and attack the movie:
[Ming Dai's popularity is a guarantee of quality for one movie?Even Chu Yunping is not so crazy! 】

[Who would watch such a bad movie?A profile is boring as hell! 】

[Are there any excellent works in Huaguo fantasy movies?I think it is another money-making work! 】

[Is Ming Dai really popular?I think it's a marketing hype, otherwise, why would I accept this kind of bad movie at first glance! 】

[Ming Dai is lucky enough to hit a blockbuster movie. It is impossible for a person to be lucky all his life. It is better for everyone to see clearly. 】

These sailors are very smart, they didn't attack Ming Dai directly, but when attacking the quality of the film, they mentioned Ming Dai in passing, as if Ming Dai was innocently implicated.

As a result, many passers-by who had a good impression of Ming Dai would curl their lips when they saw her, but they rarely ended up arguing fiercely with these sailors.

Probably in their hearts, they also felt that the quality of this "Omen" was very likely to be poor. The director and other actors were all unknown, and "Twin Lotus" had an actress Chu Yunping at least. What about "Omen"?Only the negative reputation left by the previous director Tan Wenshu.

Under such circumstances, everyone is not very optimistic about "Omen", even though it has been completed and a concept trailer has just been released, saying that it will be released in August, everyone is still generally in a state of bad news.

[There are only a few empty shots in the trailer, and the actors don't even show up, it's too boring. 】

[The special effects seem to be okay, but I never hold out hope for domestic fantasy blockbusters. 】

[I can't even tell the storyline, is this a trailer? 】

Under the wind of public opinion, even some bright lights have been shaken.

They discussed it in the internal fan group, inoculating everyone to lower their expectations, saying that even if the finished product of the movie is not good, everyone should relax. After all, this movie was picked up by Dai Dai before "Twin Flowers" exploded. There were not many choices for her at that time, and Dai Dai was young and had just started her career, so there were many opportunities in the future.

Fans responded one after another, and they were probably prepared for the film to be of average quality, or even bad.

Under such circumstances, the crew of "Omen" didn't seem to have much movement.

No stills, no extras, no new trailers... nothing.

Except for the official blog, which was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, not even the directors, producers, actors, etc. inside stood up to refute, as if lying flat and letting everyone ridicule.

No one felt that they were holding back their big moves. Everyone only felt that the facts might be as bad as the bad words, so the entire creative team remained silent.

However, no one criticized Ming Dai for being equally quiet.

Because the whole world knows that Ming Dai, a senior high school student, is about to usher in a major event in her life.

No, it's not just a major event in her life, it's a major event in life for all senior high school students——

The college entrance examination is approaching.

As early as a few days before June [-]th, various media began to rush to report news related to the college entrance examination.

The star who participated in the college entrance examination this time is not only Ming Dai, but also two child stars, and idols of several idol groups.

It's just that among these people, the rest of them are not as popular as Ming Dai. Naturally, the media's focus is on Ming Dai alone.

(End of this chapter)

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