Chapter 420

Ming Dai's test number, which test room she is in, how she is in general condition, and what will be the final result...

Many people were paying attention to the above issues. In order to catch up with the hot spots, the media racked their brains to find more news, so those who had a little contact with Ming Dai were affected.

The teachers in the Propaganda Department of No. [-] Middle School received a huge number of calls every day, all of them were asking about Ming Dai. For this reason, they had to temporarily invite two teachers to come over to help. The bustling scene was like a customer service call center.

Among them, Ming Dai's class teacher Shi Shi was the most affected. Even her relatives who were out of touch with her called and asked in a roundabout way, "Is Ming Dai in your class?"...

There is no way, since Ming Dai started studying in No. [-] Middle School, the relevant information has been picked up, and the results of the monthly exams have to be searched every now and then, not to mention the small essays written by Ming Dai's classmates on the Internet.

Shi Shi's status as Ming Dai's class teacher is no secret, and there are countless calls like this to inquire about news.

Fortunately, Ming Dai is about to take the college entrance examination and graduate, so all these troubles will disappear.

——Standing on the podium and looking at all the students, including Ming Dai's Shishi, he was relieved and felt a sense of loss.

Today is the last day before the college entrance examination. Looking at the first graduation class she brought out, Shi Shi has a lot to say. For this reason, she drew up a manuscript of hundreds of words in advance, all of which are full of expectations as a teacher. At this moment, he couldn't utter a single word.

"Seeing you, I suddenly remembered when I graduated from high school ten years ago, the weather was very hot at that time, my teacher was speaking impassioned speeches on the podium, but the students below us just felt bored and wanted to finish quickly Leave. Do you feel the same way now?"

There was a burst of laughter from under the podium.

Ming Dai was also among them.

She rested her chin on her hands and sat by the window, the sunlight outside the window bathed her hair and skin.

When she was staring at the quartz attentively, she didn't realize that she had also become the scenery in the eyes of others.

Quartz's eyes flicked over her at the right time, and then moved away.

Quartz smiled and said: "Okay, I know that you don't like to listen to too much talk. Tomorrow's college entrance examination is a big day in everyone's life. You must have grown up listening to such words. But now, I want to tell you, It is a hurdle, but it cannot completely determine your life, the future is long, and the road is long, you should never stop working hard and live up to your youth and time."

There was silence in the class, probably because the students felt the sadness of parting.

It wasn't until the most naughty boy yelled "Yes" that everyone laughed and dilute the atmosphere.

Shi Shi waved her hand, signaling the students to take a break, and she left the classroom with her legs.

As soon as Quartz's front foot left, the rear foot of the classroom became a mess.

Everyone knows that graduation is coming soon, and if we say goodbye today, we may not see each other again for many years.

And for them, there is Bai Yueguang who is the most unforgettable in the class...

Ming Dai, who was secretly watched by countless people, knew nothing about it.

She tidied up her textbooks, most of them had already been moved away, and the remaining few were exam booklets that she had written. They were very thick and old, and had been turned over countless times. There were sticky notes on each page. Interpretation and analysis of wrong question types.

Ming Dai spends almost all of her free time on this outside of filming, it is all Ming Dai's hard work, and it is also a proof of her hard work.

Ming Dai felt a little emotional while touching the worn-out book cover, but Yi Xiaowan, who was at the same table beside her, quietly came over.

"Dai, Ming Dai..."

Yi Xiaowan blushed and called out to Ming Dai in embarrassment.

"Can I ask you for a message? Well, I know it's troublesome for you, but... of course! If you don't want to write, it doesn't matter! I just ask...just ask..."

Speaking of the latter, Yi Xiaowan herself started to shrink back.

——Since the box office hit of "Twin Lotus" starring Ming Dai, and her popularity has reached a new level, the attitude of the classmates towards her has changed subtly.

I used to be curious, envious, admired, and wanted to get closer, but after all, I was faced with the emotions of my peers. Now these emotions are filled with admiration, as if looking at an unattainable character from another world.

After all, the heroine of a blockbuster movie with a box office of 20 billion, and a big star who was worth tens of millions by himself when he was just an adult is my classmate... This kind of plot is too novel and cool, and it will inevitably make people feel distanced.

Even if Ming Dai has never changed her attitude towards other students since she became famous, it is no wonder that other people treat her differently.

For example, Yi Xiaowan has always been close to Ming Dai, but later Ming Dai's identity was revealed, and she treated Ming Dai better, but that was also mixed with selfishness as a fan.

Later, Ming Dai left for more than two months to film, and didn't go back to school except for the exam.

Naturally, the relationship with Yi Xiaowan and other classmates became unfamiliar.

So at this time, Yi Xiaowan was shy and cautious when speaking to Ming Dai, for fear of offending Ming Dai with a single word.

Ming Dai raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Leave a message?"

Yi Xiaowan shrinks her neck shyly, her voice is like a mosquito: "It's better to pretend that I didn't say anything..."

As she said that, she wanted to pull back the ledger that was pushed in front of Ming Dai.

Unexpectedly, Ming Dai didn't hear her whisper of repentance, and picked up the pen casually.

"Of course. But what should I write in the message? Wishes for the future?"

Ming Dai unconsciously bit the pen and began to think hard.

It can be seen that she is very enthusiastic and enthusiastic about writing messages, without any airs.

On the contrary, it seems that Yi Xiaowan's worries are all superfluous.

Yi Xiaowan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Ming Dai's side face, her smile became bright.

"Ming Dai, I will support you for the rest of my life!"

Ming Dai returned a bright smile, and then carefully wrote down one line at a time in Yi Xiaowan's handbook, and attached her signature at the end by the way.

"Ah, I wrote it as an autograph for fans, or else..."

Before crossing out the two words, Yi Xiaowan hastily stopped her.

"Don't, don't! Let me keep it!"

Yi Xiaowan guarded the ledger like she was protecting a baby, smiling innocently and happily.

Ming Dai smiled: "It's just a trivial matter."

This scene fell in the eyes of many students.

Those students who were secretly paying attention and eager to make a move immediately rushed forward.

"Ming Dai Ming Dai! Thank you for helping me too!"

"Ming Dai! I don't need you to write so much, just leave me a sentence!"

"Ming Dai, I only need a signature! A signature is enough!"


Ming Dai was squeezed into a dizzy state, so she responded repeatedly.

The next day was the college entrance examination, and it was impossible for Ming Dai to spend all her time on it. In the end, everyone left their signatures and blessing phrases, and everyone was satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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