Chapter 421 Give it to the teacher
When Shi Shi walked out of the classroom, he heard the uproar behind him and smiled.

But he didn't walk back with a straight face as usual, preparing to leave them a rare happy time.

Back in the office, other teachers are there, and the arrival of Quartz has attracted much attention.

More than half a year ago, Shishi was still the head teacher of class [-] in a corner, not being taken seriously, and because of his status as a new teacher, he was looked down upon. Seniority ranking was the most inconspicuous little transparency in this office.

But now, because of Ming Dai, Shi Shi's status in the school has been greatly improved, and even the principal looks at her differently. There are rumors that Shi Shi will be sent to study during the summer vacation, which is a rare good opportunity!

In such a change of situation, some take the initiative to make friends and please others, while others are jealous and jealous.

So, when Shizu walked into the office, the other teachers were watching her.

With a good relationship with Quartz, he came over and said with emotion:
"Time flies so fast, I didn't expect the children to graduate so soon. With Ming Dai's reputation, it's always hard for us to see her casually in school like this after graduation."

"We are not sure, but Teacher Shi is not sure. I heard that Teacher Shi and Mingdai have a very good relationship."

"That's right, I think Ming Dai's child is a respectful teacher, and she will greet me when she sees me."


Quartz smiled and didn't answer.

But some people couldn't understand it, and while tidying up their desks, they said in a strange way:

"Hey, some people don't think too much. They are big stars. If you graduate today, you might not know who you are tomorrow."

"Don't say that." Immediately someone spoke out to dissuade him, seemingly with good intentions, but actually asked Quartz with malicious intentions, "Maybe someone left a contact information for Teacher Shi alone? Isn't it Teacher Shi?"

"Why didn't Teacher Shi say that? You don't even have a separate contact method, right? I heard that the phone number Ming Dai left for the school is that of her assistant. I thought that at least Teacher Shi could have Ming Dai's private number."

After all, the school is not a real ivory tower, but a small society.

The warmth and coldness of human feelings are vividly reflected, and even the teachers are not exempt from customs.

Ming Dai was about to graduate, and all her suppressed emotions were aimed at Shi Shi.

The smile on Quartz's face gradually disappeared.

"Don't worry about it."

Someone followed suit:

"That's right, it's none of your business!"

The sour talker curled his lips, but his eyes were full of pleasure when he looked at Shishi.

Quartz walked back to his position expressionlessly.

She wasn't angry about not having Mingdai's private number, but she was unhappy about other people's malicious speculation.

She helped Mingdai and was kind to Mingdai, which might be interpreted by some people as having a purpose, but as far as Shishi herself was concerned, she had no dark thoughts at all, she just wanted to help an ordinary student!
It is not pleasant to be misunderstood.

Quartz decided to stay away from these gossipers for a while.

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the office door.

Quartz originally didn't look up.

I heard the teacher next to me whispering.

Quartz noticed something and looked up.

Someone also shouted: "Ming Dai!"

In fact, those media and netizens came to No. [-] Middle School teachers and students to inquire about Ming Dai, which is really unreasonable.

Ming Dai is too busy filming, even in her third year of high school, she is basically out of school for most of the time, and she also has one-on-one professional tutoring, and her relationship with the teachers is not considered close.

Even if they are the teachers of the No. [-] Middle School, they rarely see Ming Dai, no wonder seeing her now is like seeing something rare.

The teacher who was closest to the door was also the one who spoke of Yin Yang Quartz just now. He was the first one to approach her, with a smile as bright as a flower: "Ming Dai, what are you doing in the office? Is there something wrong?"

Ming Dai is not surprised, she politely smiled: "Hi, I'm looking for Teacher Shi."

Quartz then got up from behind the pile of exercise books, and asked kindly: "Mingdai, what do you want me to do?"

Ming Dai walked to Shi Shi's side, and put the small white bag she was carrying on the table.

Quartz was stunned: "What is this?"

Ming Dai smiled and said: "Thank you, I may not have time to hold a teacher appreciation banquet like other students after graduation, so I will give the gift to you, Teacher Shi, in advance."

The bag is pure white without any logo. It looks very low-key and not expensive.

But when Quartz looked inside, he saw a red leather box with a distinctive style, and the logo printed on it belonged to C's jewelry.

Before even opening the quartz to look at it, he already guessed that it might be very valuable. At least the jewels of the C family, even a plain silver chain, cost thousands of dollars!

She was so surprised on the spot that she wanted to push the bag back: "Don't! I can't take this! It's too expensive!"

Ming Dai insisted: "It's a gift from others, it's worthless, you can accept it."

Quartz also wants to say no.

Ming Dai said: "Ms. Shi, when I was in school, thanks to you helping me, caring about me, and thinking about me, you are really a very good teacher."

With other people's attention, Ming Dai couldn't say anything too sensational, and directly handed out the yellow note paper in her hand.

The paper was folded in half, and traces of pens could be vaguely seen inside.

"It's my phone number." Ming Dai took the initiative to explain, "If there is anything in the future, Teacher Shi can call me."

Shi Shi stood there in a daze, forgot to return the gift, and watched Ming Dai leave.

Emotions surged in my chest, full of emotions.

As soon as Ming Dai left, other teachers immediately surrounded her.

"What what? What did Ming Dai give you?"

"This bag doesn't look very expensive."

"Hiss, what's not expensive, isn't this the jewelry box of the C family?"

Under the urging of other teachers, Quartz took out the box and opened it a little slow.

It is a necklace with diamonds. It is said to be not expensive, but the price of the counter in the mall is [-].

"Hey, that's a big deal!"

"Didn't you hear what Ming Dai said? It was given to her by the brand, no money!"

"How many people can get the gift from C's jewellery? Isn't it money for this necklace to be sold by a certain fish?"

Quartz quickly closed the box, wanting to interrupt the discussion of these people.

But the teachers are very interested, besides the gifts, what they are most interested in is Mingdai's personal number.

"Who said just now that Dai didn't give Teacher Shi her number? I think Ming Dai was too busy and forgot."

These words made the faces of the teachers who were eccentric and angry just now turn pale, but they couldn't say a word.

There are also people who want to ingratiate themselves with Shishi in order to obtain Mingdai's cell phone number.

But how can quartz give it?
Hurry up and keep the gift and mobile phone number well, avoiding other people's inquiry.

However, the smile on Quartz's face was bright again.

The unintentional move at the beginning has fulfilled the current harvest.

Quartz suddenly understood the true meaning of being a teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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