Chapter 422

The matter of Mingdai giving Shishi a gift sparked a small discussion among the teachers of No. [-] Middle School.

If someone is envious, someone must be jealous.

Then whispered behind his back:

"Maybe it's just Ming Dai's show? Isn't she a big star? She definitely wants to protect her reputation. Think about it, if it's spread, it's a trending topic, and it's praised, so it won't leave a few million publicity fees." What is a necklace worth tens of thousands of dollars?"

The words are really sour, maybe even the person who said this thought it was illogical, but his words coincided with the psychology of many people, and they all nodded in agreement.

This word spread to Shi Shi's ears, Shi Shi, who used to avoid these discussions before, went to the teacher who was gossiping for the first time, and corrected him righteously, so that he would not casually slander Ming Dai's sincerity.

The two sides almost quarreled, and it didn't subside until the incident got serious and came before the principal.

However, there are still many people who think that Mingdai gave her cell phone number to save face, and if Shishi really calls in the future, she may not be able to find someone.

No one expected that just two years later, Quartz held a wedding with her boyfriend and tentatively made a phone call. This was the first time she dialed Mingdai's number. As a result, Mingdai was not at all unfamiliar, and called naturally and intimately. Teacher Sheng Shi also asked why Teacher Shi hadn't called him in the past two years.

At that time, Ming Dai's fame had gone up a few more steps, and she became a top actress in the world. At such a young age, with the name of a genius, thousands of honors and stars added to her body, many people could only dream of it.

Even Shishi was so flattered that she felt dizzy, and somewhat cautiously proposed to invite Ming Dai to attend her wedding.

In the end, Ming Dai really agreed!
On the day of the wedding, Ming Dai came to the scene in a low-key manner, and even sang a song on stage, but the guests were stunned!
Quartz's family conditions are not bad, but compared to her boyfriend with a superior background, she is too ordinary. Most of her boyfriend's relatives, except her boyfriend's parents, look down on her.

By doing this, Ming Dai directly reversed the attitude of Quartz's boyfriend's relatives towards her. From then on, they looked at her with high regard. They used to have their eyes higher than the top, but now they have to take the initiative to curry favor and ask for Ming Dai's news.

Except for these relatives, including those teachers who had said sour words and didn't take it seriously, they were all shocked. What they said back then turned into a thorn in their backs, and each of them was so embarrassed that they could only say "it really is Ming Dai".

Regarding the transformation of these people, Quartz is not only slightly refreshed, but also emotional.

For Ming Dai as always.


Of course, these are things to follow.

No matter how much discussion there was in the school because Ming Dai gave Shishi an expensive necklace as a gift, it couldn't compare to the college entrance examination itself.

Thousands of students cross the single-plank bridge, and fighting is not enough to describe the tragedy of this exam.

On the day Ming Dai took the college entrance examination, she was in a strange mood.

In two lifetimes, it was the first time to take the college entrance examination.

Make up for the regret, and feel full of joy and longing.

In addition to this, there is also a little nervousness.

At this time, Ming Dai did not take the usual nanny car, and changed to a low-key black MPV, which was not conspicuous in the traffic flow of the test.

Looking at Ming Dai, who was watching the crowds of people rushing outside through the car window, he tightly clenched his hands and then loosened them, exhaling repeatedly.

"Hey, be careful!"

A bicycle passed by the car window, and Ming Dai couldn't stop staring sideways at the gentle female voice.

It was a mother on the back seat of a bicycle, and her husband, the father of the child, was riding.

The two followed the other bicycle, keeping an eye on the movement of the child in front of them, for fear that the child would stumble.

At the school gate, the girl riding the bicycle braked the bicycle with her foot and turned around:

"I said I can do it, and you don't need to send it. Why don't you listen? The weather is so sunny."

"How could such a big event not come! This is the college entrance examination!"

Mother got out of the car and handed out the lunch box she was holding in her hand.

"Quick, this is the egg fritters I specially prepared. It will score [-]% in the test!"

The girl was helpless: "Mom, if I really scored [-] points in the exam, I should fail the exam!"

The mother froze for a moment, but the father reacted quickly enough.

"Then 100% on the list!"

The girl smiled.

Her parents laughed along.

It can be seen that the girl's family is not well-to-do, even poor. Her parents dress very plainly, which has nothing to do with the word "glamorous".

But, the girl's bicycle is brand new and beautiful without even a speck of dust, her clothes are neatly ironed, and her schoolbag is ingeniously embroidered with her name.

The way the girl's parents looked at her was full of expectation and love, which Mingdai could feel through the car window.

Ming Dai looked a little dazed.

"What are you looking at? Anyone you know?"

Su Fangyun's voice sounded behind him.

Ming Dai suddenly came back to her senses, shook her head at Su Fangyun, and said with a helpless smile:
"Sister Su, I said that I can come alone. You are so busy, why do you need to make time for a trip?"

After finishing speaking, she was stunned, because Ming Dai found that the words were very familiar, as if she had heard them just now.

Su Fangyun didn't pay attention to Ming Dai's pause, and said firmly:
"How could you not come! Didn't you see that all the parents outside are here to see off their children? Today, Sister Su will act as Dai Dai's parent, just don't dislike her."

"how come!"

Ming Dai said she refused, but the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously.

Huang Yuanyuan poked her head out from the back seat suddenly: "There's me too! Dai Dai, you can't forget your sister Yuanyuan!"

Ming Dai's smile became brighter and brighter: "How could I forget it!"

She quietly let go of her tense hands, probably not even realizing that those invisible pressures had disappeared, and her whole state became extremely relaxed.

Su Fangyun looked down at Ming Dai's hand and smiled silently.

Then Su Fangyun turned his head and looked out the window: "The reporters don't seem to be here. Fortunately, you have tightly covered the information in the examination room so that they don't come to disturb you."

Ming Dai nodded in agreement.

Before getting off the car, Su Fangyun handed the health-preserving tea to Mingdai: "Drink some, to warm your stomach."

Ming Dai obediently took a few sips, but did not dare to drink too much, Su Fangyun said that she was afraid that Ming Dai would want to go to the toilet in the middle of the exam.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

Someone knocked on the window.

Ming Dai tilted her head, saw Xia Ling's face through the one-way glass, and immediately lowered the window happily.


"Come down!" Xia Ling said, turning around and pointing, "My parents are here too!"

Not far behind Xia Ling, Xia Bowen and Ling Xiu, who were standing outside the car, waved to Ming Dai at the same time, gentle and kind.

Ming Dai showed a bright smile and called her uncle and aunt.

After picking up the hat and putting it on, Ming Dai jumped out of the car briskly.

Xia Ling happily grabbed her hand.

"Well, don't be nervous for a while?"

"Of course not! How about you?"

"Do I think I have anything to do with the word nervous?"

Today's eldest lady is full of confidence as always!
(End of this chapter)

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