Chapter 423 Don't be envious
There were crowds of people in front of the examination room, and their eyes were chaotic. At that moment, some people turned their attention to Ming Dai intentionally or unintentionally.

Xia Ling stood up in time to block those sights.

Soon Xia Bowen and Lingxiu both came over to help block Ming Dai so that no one would find out.

Ming Dai noticed the family's small movements and smiled knowingly.

Xia Ling patted Ming Dai's arm thoughtfully.

Lingxiu was even more delighted to see the intimate appearance of the two sisters.

"Ah! I almost forgot!"

As Ling Xiu said, she lowered her head and began to search for something in her Hermes handbag.

Xia Bowen seemed to know his wife's plan, and cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"Ling Xiu, it's still not necessary..."

Before she finished speaking, Ling Xiu first held the golden lump and handed it to Mingdai Xia Ling.

It is a heavy gold-plated bronze statue, which looks like the famous toad palace, implying that you should pass the exam and get a title on the gold list, which happens to fit the theme of today's college entrance examination.

Xia Bowen swallowed the rest of the words, and quietly turned his face away.

"..." Xia Ling was also shocked, "Mom, what is this?"

Ling Xiu was full of enthusiasm and joy: "This is the laurels from the Toad Palace. It has a very good meaning. My mother specially sent it to the temple and asked the master to consecrate it! It is very effective! Come on, come on, both of you touch Jin Chan's head, Be happy, I wish you all the best in your exams! Dai Dai, you come first!"

Ming Dai was about to raise her hand when Xia Ling grabbed her.

Xia Ling was speechless: "Mom, aren't you a university professor? Why are you superstitious! Put it away quickly, so that no one can see it!"

Ling Xiu was very calm: "What's the matter? Look at those mothers, there are even those who wear red cheongsams to wish the flag a victory. Mom has restrained herself in doing so!"

Xia Ling was shocked: So you still have this plan?

Mingdai patted the back of Xia Ling's hand with a smile: "It's okay, Auntie is kind, just try it, what if it works?"

Ling Xiu nodded in agreement: "That's right, isn't this just in case? Daidai understands Auntie's heart, be good Daidai, come here."

Ming Dai obediently strokes Jin Chan's head.

The reluctant Xia Ling followed closely behind.

This is not finished.

Ling Xiu also prepared watches and pens, and Mingdai and Xia Ling each had a set of the same style.

It is said that Ling Xiu said that these were also consecrated.

Xia Ling complained again: "The master consecration of feelings is done on a wholesale basis?"

Ling Xiu glared at her reproachfully: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Xia Ling muttered: "Obviously it's because you are not enlightened..."

Regardless of whether Ling Xiu is superstitious or not, Ming Dai feels quite happy.

In front of her was Ling Xiu, Xia Ling, mother and daughter's petty disputes, and behind her was Su Fangyun, Huang Yuanyuan, who was smiling and protecting her.

Compared with those candidates whose family members flocked to the exam, Ming Dai was no different.

So, Ming Dai solemnly took the watch and put away the pen, her heart felt as if wrapped in a warm current, and she was in a very good mood.

As a result, Ming Dai's mood was not affected in the slightest when the unexpected figure appeared in her sight.

It's Gu Lingsi.

She got out of a Mercedes-Benz car, because the appearance of the luxury car attracted a lot of attention, but Gu Lingsi didn't care. Seeing that her face was not looking well, she turned around respectfully, and said goodbye to people in a low voice through the car window.

It turned out that she was not the only one in the car, but other people.

When the car window was lowered, it was the faces of Gu Qi, Wein and his wife.

Mingdai could see the emotions on the faces of the couple from a distance, one was hypocritical and the other was extremely impatient.

This face is the one Mingdai is most familiar with. In her previous life, Mingdai often endured it like this, and she couldn't help being envious of the sincere love that Gu Lingsi got.

Unexpectedly, after the rebirth, the life trajectories of the two of them changed, and all the so-called "true feelings" disappeared. Now Gu Lingsi's situation is no different from her in her previous life.

It's ridiculous.

... Xia Ling followed Ming Dai's gaze and saw Gu Lingsi.

"It's her."

Xia Ling curled her lips, showing disdain and contempt from the bottom of her heart.

Ling Xiu was curious: "Who?"

Then she turned her head, but accidentally met Gu Qi's eyes in the car.

Gu Qi, who originally didn't plan to get out of the car, saw Xia Bowen and Lingxiu couple, quickly changed his mind and opened the door to get out of the car. With a reserved yet enthusiastic smile on his face, he strode towards them.

Wein got out of the car after him.

"Chairman Xia! Professor Ling!"

Xia Bowen and Lingxiu didn't look good when they saw the couple.

He just nodded indifferently: "Come to take the exam."

Gu Qi turned a blind eye to this indifference, and smiled familiarly: "Isn't that right, the child's college entrance examination is the top priority in the family, and Lingsi's mother and I deliberately let go of what we were doing, just to be with her on such an important day. Unexpectedly, I thought of going with you, Mr. Xia! Haha!"

Xia Bowen smiled politely, but did not answer.

Lingxiu completely lost her warm and superstitious cuteness in front of Mingdai, she was elegant and calm, showing her demeanor.

Both the couple have clear eyes, so they can naturally see the falsehood in Gu Qi's words.

What is the most important matter, Gu Qiwei is just trying to use this reason to bring the two families closer, how can they pay attention to it?I can give a smile because I am too educated.

Therefore, the occasion when no one answered the call was extraordinarily weird.

Gu Qi happened to be thick-skinned enough to keep his expression on such occasions.

His eyes moved, and he said intentionally: "By the way, after the college entrance examination is over, it will be our engagement ceremony between Ling Si and Ning Shu. Chairman Xia and Professor Ling must come to attend!"

Only then did Xia Bowen answer the call.

But it was not as Gu Qi hoped, because the power of the Ning family was subdued, but rather surprised:

"Really? Why didn't the Ning family send me an invitation? Then I have to ask."

The implication of this is that - even if the invitation is from the Ning family, your Gu family is not up to the table!

And... the Ning family probably doesn't take it as seriously as you think.

Gu Qi felt like he had a lump in his throat, his face was livid!
Xia Bowen still turned a blind eye: "I'm about to enter the examination room, so I won't tell you more."

Then turned around, leaving Gu Qi and Wein behind.

Wein could vaguely hear the voice of muttering and complaining: "Who told you to get together to find embarrassing..."

Xia Bowen and Ling Xiu ignored it, and pulled Mingdai and Xia Ling a little further away.

Su Fangyun and Huang Yuanyuan followed, and each of them was in a good mood.

Ming Dai directly skipped Gu Lingsi's gloomy gaze.

But Xia Ling saw it and was upset: "She's staring at you!"

Ming Dai didn't turn her head back: "Don't pay attention to her, it's a waste of time."

Xia Ling thinks about it too, the exam is coming soon, who would waste precious time on Gu Lingsi?
"Thinking about her, it's quite sad. After the college entrance examination, she will be sold to the Ning family by her parents as goods. Look at how impatient her parents are, tsk tsk, can she be a parent?"

Ming Dai smiled warmly: "That's right, such people are also considered parents, heh."

Probably only she herself understood the sarcasm in this statement.

(End of this chapter)

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