Chapter 427 How about [-] million

Ming Dai can't turn a blind eye.

Firstly, Ning Shu was seriously injured, and she simply didn't want to see a life die before her eyes;

Secondly, it was also because if something happened to Ning Shu, Ming Dai would not be able to get rid of it, and she might fall into unnecessary public opinion disputes.

After making a decisive decision, she got into the car with Xiao Ai.

As a life assistant, Xiao Ai has a necessary skill to drive. After getting in the car, she quickly starts the car and moves to the parking space next to her to wait.

Five minutes later, an ambulance arrived and took Ning Shu away.

The doctor asked for a guardian to accompany him. Logically speaking, Gu Changming, the perpetrator and brother of Ning Shu's fiancée, should be the most suitable person.

But Gu Changming first glanced at Zhou Hui who was packing the bloody gauze and the medicine box, and then looked at the nanny's car in the parking space next to him.

He said to the secretary: "You follow first, I'll be right there."

The secretary nodded silently.

The ambulance roared away when it came.

The underground parking lot returned to silence, only the sound of Gu Changming's heavy steps approaching the nanny's car.

He was menacing, his face was gloomy, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his condition looked terrible.

Seeing that he was about to open the door with his hand outstretched, Zhou Hui who followed quietly behind grabbed Gu Changming's wrist.

Zhou Hui vigilantly scolded: "What are you doing?"

Gu Changming: "Let it go... let it go!"

Gu Changming struggled twice, but he was able to overwhelm Zhou Hui's strength, but was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick.

Originally, Gu Changming also had Zhang Junyi's handsome face, but now he is covered in a mess, and his aristocratic aura has been destroyed to nothing.

Seeing it through the car window, Ming Dai twitched the corners of her mouth ironically.

Then she took the initiative to open the door.

"Sister Hui, let him go."

Zhou Hui followed her advice.

But he still stands in front of the car, between Ming Dai and Gu Changming, always on guard against Gu Changming's movements.

Gu Changming's chest heaved violently twice, staring deeply at Mingdai's face.

Ming Dai: "Is there anything you want to say?"

Gu Changming gritted his teeth: "Don't tell what happened just now."

Ming Dai almost laughed: "Is Xiao Gu always ordering me?"

Gu Changming opened his mouth, and scolded dissatisfiedly but did not say anything.

Instead, difficult words came out of his throat: "I am...begging you."

Ming Dai's smile deepened: "Why should I listen to you?"

It feels amazing.

She could actually see Gu Changming bowing his head in front of her.

And the reason is even more ridiculous... Ridiculous, too ridiculous.

Gu Changming rushed up in anger, feeling that it would not work to say good things, so he simply looked at her directly: "Okay, tell me, how much will it cost to settle you down, so that you don't go out and talk nonsense?"

Ming Dai propped her chin with her hands, stared at all the subtle expressions on Gu Changming's face casually, and asked lightly, "How much can you give?"

The expression on Gu Changming's face read impressively: Sure enough.

Ming Dai understood and raised her eyebrows.

Gu Changming picked up his momentum and raised his chin to Mingdai again: "How much do you want? Say the number."

That lavish attitude seemed to be acceptable to Ming Dai no matter how much money she paid.

Ming Dai said the count enthusiastically: "[-] million, how about it?"

The confident expression froze on Gu Changming's face, and then cracked.

"Are you crazy? Do you know how much [-] million is? How dare you open your mouth to ask for this number?"

"Didn't you ask me to quote? I thought you should have the awareness that I'd get this price, but you didn't. It's a pity. I really want to see what it looks like to have [-] million cash lying in the account."

Ming Dai elongated her voice faintly, sounding disappointed.

The sigh sounded like a slap on Gu Changming's face, making him extremely embarrassed.

Ming Dai glanced at him: "Since you don't have this awareness, don't say that indiscriminately."

After speaking, press the switch of the electric door.

Zhou Hui also glanced at Gu Changming, with no extra expression, only contemptuous eyes.

Gu Changming clenched his fists and watched Mingdai's nanny car shake off the exhaust and drive away.

He didn't know how much effort it took to calm down.

I wanted to drive to the hospital, but when I touched it, my pocket was empty, and I remembered that the car keys were on the secretary.

The car can't be driven anymore, so I can only go out and take a taxi.

Gu Changming still had blood stains on his hands, and he was in a mess, so he took time to tidy up.

Waiting to clean up the rules and go out to take a taxi, it happened to be the rush hour.

Gu Changming was stuck on the road for four to ten minutes, and finally rushed to the hospital covered in wounds.

At this time, Gu Qi and Gu Lingsi had arrived.

It's not surprising that Wein is here.

The strange thing is that no one from the Ning family has arrived, and only Ning Shu's secretary is standing here.

Gu Changming was inexplicably relieved when he saw the scene outside the emergency room.

"elder brother!"

Gu Lingsi rushed over as if seeing the backbone, with tears in her eyes.

"What to do! Ning Shu was seriously injured! What if something happens to him? What should I do?"

In Gu Changming's heart, Gu Lingsi is that pure white flower that is not polluted.

Gu Changming automatically interpreted the meaning of these words as Gu Lingsi's worries about the injuries of his fiancé and the person he likes.

As everyone knows, what Gu Lingsi is really worried about is that she will lose her cards and her future.

Gu Qi understood a little bit, and glanced at Gu Lingsi.

However, Secretary Ning Shu was by his side, so he couldn't say anything nonsense. Instead, he had to act like the only elder present and reprimanded him with righteous words:

"The general manager of the shopping mall is on good terms with me, and I've asked him to adjust the monitoring! I want to see who dares to hurt our son-in-law of the Gu family!"

Gu Changming's face was in burning pain, and he was still panicking.

Hastily winked at Gu Qi: "Dad, there is no rush to adjust the surveillance!"

Sure enough, the old fox Gu Qi noticed something strange, and after a while he called Gu Changming away under the pretext of answering the phone.

The father and son came to a no-man's corner.

Gu Qi said with a sullen face, "What's going on?"

Gu Changming, who was on the verge of collapse, had to tell the whole story.

Gu Qi's expression changed from shock at the beginning to numbness later.

"Are you crazy?"

"It was an accident! It was really an accident caused by my mistake! I definitely didn't mean it!"

Gu Qi endured his violent temper and did not break out in public, only his voice suppressed his anger:

"You hurt Ning Shu, do you know what it means! What if the Ning family wants to pursue it? What if..."

Even Gu Qi didn't dare to think about what happened next.

Gu Changming remained silent.

Suddenly there was a commotion not far away.

Gu Qi, Gu Changming and his son looked around and were stunned at the same time.

Because among the crowd of people coming from the other end of the corridor, the leader is Mr. Ning!
We all know that the elderly Mr. Ning chose to live in seclusion behind the scenes after he cultivated Ning Shu, a satisfactory heir, and rarely showed his face outside.

Even at the engagement ceremony of the Ning and Gu families tomorrow, Gu Qi is not sure that Mr. Ning will be there.

Now, Mr. Ning is here.

(End of this chapter)

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