Chapter 428 What About Engagement?
Things went awry.

After Gu Qi realized it, he went to see his son at first sight, thinking about how to ask Mr. Ning to forgive him.

In front of people like Mr. Ning, it is impossible to lie and hide, it is better to confess the truth.

If necessary, it is not impossible to give up some...

After making up his mind, Gu Qi hurriedly dragged Gu Changming to Mr. Ning.

Mr. Ning was followed by five or six people including the secretary assistant, and the rest of the Ning family did not come.

When Gu Qi approached, he happened to hear Mr. Ning asking the secretary: "Where is Ning Liu?"

The secretary responded awkwardly: "Liu Shao didn't answer the phone..."

Mr. Ning leaned on a dragon headed crutch expressionlessly, showing no sign of worry or sadness.

Gu Qi didn't dare to be careless at all, and approached cautiously: "Old man."

Mr. Ning woke up suddenly, and smiled kindly when he saw the Gu family father and son.

"It's the future in-laws. I'm sorry, but I have to trouble you to make this special trip."

A boss of Mr. Ning's level is always thoughtful and impeccable.

Even if the life or death of his most important grandson is uncertain, he can still greet guests politely without showing any excess emotions.

Gu Qi admired it from the bottom of his heart, and was also afraid of it from the bottom of his heart. He pressed his waist, not daring to delay too much, and whispered:

"Old man, there is something I want to communicate with you, can you find a place where no one is around?"

It turned out that Mr. Ning, who had an amiable smile and was as intimidating as a chess player in the park, had his eyes condensed suddenly, and his sharpness became sharp in an instant, as if a falcon was staring at Gu Qi, seeing through all his thoughts.

Gu Qi was covered in cold sweat.

Gu Changming standing behind him was not much better, his body was already shaking uncontrollably.

Mr. Ning restrained his smile, and told the secretary: "Find a place."


A group of people quickly walked into the vacated meeting room next to it.

Gu Lingsi did not follow in, she was still watching Ning Shu outside the emergency room.

The secretary who fell last locked the door, and two bodyguards stood outside the door to prevent being heard.

The smile on Mr. Ning's face disappeared completely, and he glanced at the father and son lightly: "Now we can talk."

Gu Qi's heart trembled, and he stretched out his leg and kicked Gu Changming's calf.

Accompanied by the screams, Gu Changming thumped forward and fell to his knees. Everyone in the room heard the muffled sound, and most of them fell hard.

Gu Qi didn't dare to keep his hand at all, and bowed respectfully to Mr. Ning: "Mr. Ning, I'm really sorry, I didn't discipline my son well."

Mr. Ning held the leading crutch in one hand, and put the other behind his back.

The mouth calmly persuaded: "Future in-laws, what are you doing? How do you beat the child?"

In fact, the body didn't even move, and even the wrinkles at the corners of the mouth were steady.

Gu Qi was even more terrified, and lowered his head to reprimand: "You bastard, hurry up and tell the truth!"

Gu Changming knelt down on the ground with a trembling voice: "Old man, Ning Shu... Ning Shu was hurt because of his talents... But I really didn't mean it! I misunderstood, there was a dispute between us, and then I At that time, I wanted to grab him, but I accidentally pushed him down..."

Mr. Ning smiled but didn't smile: "So, my family, Ning Shu, is out of luck."

Gu Changming was stunned: "That's not what I meant."

The crisp applause echoed over the room!
"Gu Changming! How dare you argue? Are you looking for so many reasons? I have been raising something like you for more than 20 years. It really disappoints me!"

Gu Qi cursed loudly.

Gu Changming was stunned by the beating, the right side of his face became red and swollen rapidly, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

It can be seen from this that Gu Qi's slap really didn't show any strength at all, and he exhausted all his strength.

However, Mr. Ning still didn't answer.

Gu Qi's heart sank.

He had no choice but to kneel in front of Mr. Ning, and said in a low voice:
"Old man, I have no way to teach my son. No matter what the reason is, Gu Changming made a mistake if he did something wrong. In this case, he should pay the price. Old man, whether you want to break Gu Changming's limbs or kill him One life, I, Gu Qi, will never complain!"

Gu Changming was startled by his father's cold and hard words, and slowly turned his head in disbelief.

Gu Qi was indifferent.

Mr. Ning finally opened his mouth, but he said, "Let's look at Ning Shu's situation first."

Gu Qi understood that this meant tit for tat, and he was completely out of luck.

He could only pray that Ning Shu in the emergency room would be safe and sound.

A group of people walked out of the conference room, and the operation was not over yet.

Gu Lingsi was blocked from the door. She didn't know what happened, but Gu Changming's cheeks were red and swollen.

She took a breath: "This is... what's wrong?"

She intuitively felt that there must have been a serious conflict in the room just now, and she couldn't help becoming anxious.

Gu Qi was expressionless, didn't look at her, and only told: "Don't ask random questions."

Gu Lingsi sat restlessly on the bench.

This waited for three hours.

After the operation, the doctor finally came out.


The chief surgeon in surgical gown is one of the top neurosurgery masters in Yanjing. Mr. Ning personally called and invited him. No wonder he would greet Mr. Ning skillfully when he saw him.

Mr. Ning nodded towards the other party: "How is my grandson?"

The chief surgeon was quick-tempered: "The bleeding has stopped, the damaged part has been repaired, and there is basically no serious problem."

Then he briefly talked about Ning Shu's injury, which sounds very dangerous. Thanks to the superb skills of the chief surgeon, the operation was completed in just three hours, and he has now been sent to the ward to rest.

"Then how long will he be in training? Engagement... What about the engagement the day after tomorrow?" Gu Lingsi blurted out.

Gu Qi tugged Gu Lingsi hard: "What are you talking about! At this juncture, is engagement still important?"

Gu Lingsi's face was pale, and his whole body was crumbling.

not important?For her, getting engaged is the most important thing, that means her whole future and happiness!
"Who is it..."

Gu Lingsi hated her so much that her eyes were about to bleed!

Gu Qi shouted "shut up" again.

Gu Lingsi faintly noticed something, and his face was filled with disbelief.

Mr. Ning glanced at the family, waved his hand, and left first, heading to the VIP ward.

The Gu family was left behind, and Gu Lingsi finally had time to find out what happened.

When she learned that Ning Shu was pushed by her elder brother Gu Changming, she looked as if she had suffered a catastrophe.

She was full of resentment, and turned to look at Gu Changming who was in a state of despair.

"Brother! Why are you doing this!"

Gu Changming's shoulders trembled and he raised his head, unable to describe his mood at this moment.

He explained softly: "Because of you."

Gu Lingsi was stunned: "Because of me?"

"Because I saw him with a young girl, complaining about what happened to you, and now you're blaming me instead?"

(End of this chapter)

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