Xia Ling never expected that one day he would do this for friendship——

On the Gulfstream private airliner at an altitude of thousands of miles, the cabin is almost silent.

The floor is covered with thick handmade wool carpets, even if leather shoes step on it, there will be no sound.

A cup of iced milk tea was delivered by the stewardess, covered with a soft towel, and unexpectedly put it on the small table at hand.

Xia Ling looked down, and saw that the glass cup containing the milk tea had been covered with thin crystal water droplets, which looked extraordinarily cool in this hot summer.

Xia Ling turned her head, and saw her little uncle and Mu happened to be across the aisle from her.

He Mu didn't speak, but nodded to indicate: If you are not satisfied, change it.

Xia Ling is not used to it.

Everyone in the family respects the little uncle at a respectful distance, but now she, together with the little uncle and Dai Dai, is about to go to a remote island in the Pacific Ocean that belongs to the little uncle for vacation.

Should be happy?
Xia Ling didn't know, all she knew was that she really made a great sacrifice for friendship...

"Thanks, thank you little uncle."


He Muhu raised his finger.

Xia Ling's heart tightened, and his eyes shifted to Ming Dai who was sitting face to face with him.

The soft sofa chair almost wrapped Ming Dai's slender body, her head was tilted to one side, her blue hair was flowing like a waterfall from her shoulders to her arms, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, she was sleeping soundly, and her eyelashes didn't even tremble. one time.

Ming Dai seemed a little hot, small beads of sweat ooze from the tip of her nose, and her hair stuck to her face due to sweat.

However, there was also a cup of iced milk tea just delivered by the stewardess on the small table beside her.

It suddenly dawned on Xia Ling that he was a bystander!
Really... thank you.

Xia Ling's half-smile didn't make any sense.

But still as He Mu reminded, it was much quieter.

But at this time, someone didn't have the eyes to send messages to Xia Ling, and even sent dozens of messages in a row.

Xia Ling forgot to turn off the mute, and the phone on the table vibrated.

Ming Dai trembled following her body.

Xia Ling frantically picked up the phone to turn off the sound, and lowered her head guiltyly, not daring to meet her little uncle's eyes.


Mingdai made a hoarse voice.

The next second, the eyes slowly opened, and the hazy sleepiness was still there.

Xia Ling seemed to see a savior: "Dai Dai! You're awake!"

Ming Dai rubbed her face, feeling quite refreshed: "Yes. Where have we been?"

Xia Ling glanced at his little uncle secretly: "It's still early, you haven't slept enough, have you?"

Fortunately, Ming Dai shook her head: "I slept very deeply, and my energy is quite good."

Soon, that faintly discernible gaze moved away.

He Mu's soft voice sounded: "Dai Dai can drink some milk tea."

Ming Dai: "Milk tea?"

Only then did he notice the iced milk tea in front of him, and smiled happily.

After waking up with a dry throat and a little heat, a cup of iced milk tea is the most suitable.

"Thank you!"

Mingdai picked up the milk tea with a smile, and took two mouthfuls contentedly.

Then she remembered the voice she heard in her sleep just now, and asked casually, "Lingling, do you have any news?"

"Actually, you don't need to mention it anymore..." Seeing Ming Dai's puzzled look, Xia Ling immediately twitched the corners of his mouth, "No, I mean, I'm just about to watch it."

As he spoke, he casually glanced at the unread messages on his phone.

Then, let out a low cry of surprise.

"what happened?"

Confused, Ming Dai leaned forward slightly, ready to listen to gossip.

Xia Ling's first reaction was to turn his head and look at He Mu.

He Mu put down the tablet in his hand: "I'm curious too."

Xia Ling still spoke: "Isn't today... the engagement ceremony of the Ning Gu family?"

Originally, Ming Dai had a faint smile on her face, but after hearing this, the smile restrained.

Just ask: "What happened to the ceremony?"

Xia Ling: "Well, someone who happened to be at the scene sent me a message saying that it was the engagement ceremony today, and Ning Shu didn't come."

Now even Ming Dai showed a surprised expression: "Ning Shu's engagement ceremony, Ning Shu didn't come?"

My mind quickly thought of the accident two days ago.

Although Ming Dai did not agree to Gu Changming's request to keep her secret at the time, she did not mention it to anyone afterwards.

It's not that Ming Dai is because of Gu Changming's soft heart, it's just that she simply doesn't want to get involved in these trivial disputes and doesn't bother to mention it.

After hearing Xia Ling's words, he thought that Ning Shu's injury was more serious.

"Maybe something has delayed it." Ming Dai said casually.

Thinking of the engagement of Ning Shu and Gu Lingsi in her previous life, Ming Dai didn't think there would be any other problems this time.

Xia Ling shook her head: "There was indeed an accident, it seems that Ning Shu was injured. But if Ning Shu was unable to attend due to his injury, then the engagement ceremony should be postponed, but someone told me just now that it's not just Ning Shu who didn't show up. , Ning Shu's parents, grandfather, younger brother... and other family members, none of them were present, this engagement is simply a one-man show of the Gu family!"

As he said that, Xia Ling remembered slowly: "Oh, that's right, no wonder when I was going out, my mother said that today I plan to go to the villa in the mountain with my father to live for a day..."

In order to take into account Ming Dai who stayed up late last night to make an announcement, today's departure schedule is arranged at [-]:[-] noon.

Xia Ling got up at eight o'clock in the morning to pack her luggage, and had breakfast with her parents by the way.

At that time, her mind was full of nervousness about traveling with her little uncle today, and she completely ignored the vacation itinerary mentioned in the conversation between her parents.

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid my parents had already heard the news, so they didn't plan to go to the scene.

There are probably many choices like Xia Bowen and Lingxiu's couple.

Without the presence of heavyweights, this engagement ceremony, which sounds good, is actually a complete joke!

"Absolutely something happened to these two!"

Xia Ling swears to guess!
Ming Dai frowned thoughtfully: "How could this happen?"

Could it be that something else happened that I don't know about?
Ning Shu who bumped his head...can't he?

——Recalling the long-lost memory, Ming Dai had a bad guess, and her mood suddenly became terribly bad.

In a moment, He Mu noticed it.

His silent eyes fell on her, but he didn't ask rashly, but just quietly watched the subtle changes in Ming Dai's expression.

At this time, Xia Ling was looking down at the group chat message of a certain letter, and took a rough look:

"Tsk tsk, I've heard that in order to show off her engagement ceremony this time, Gu Lingsi invited almost the entire class, and most of them attended. Heh, she even handed me the invitation... Did she also give it to her?" about you?"

Ming Dai hummed, but she couldn't tell what the purpose of Gu Lingsi's invitation letter was.

The invitation letter was not handed over directly, but sent by courier, signed by assistant Xiao Ai.

Ming Dai glanced at it and threw it directly into the trash can, but she had no interest in wasting time to attend this boring engagement banquet.

How did Ming Dai know that such an ordinary engagement ceremony would have so many side issues?

Something happened yesterday that delayed the update...

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