Chapter 431 Private Island
Hemu's private island is located in the western Pacific Ocean, adjacent to the famous diving resort Palau, with a warm and humid climate, three white sandy beaches, and various small coral islands in the nearby waters.

With the large manor in the center of the island as the core, a total of seven white villas radiate around the island. They are located in different areas such as cliffs, beaches, forests, and lakes. The scenery is different and interesting.

The island has a dedicated private airstrip, a helipad, and a dock for yachts. In addition, there are complete supporting facilities such as tennis courts, spa rooms, and game rooms. Compared with those professionally developed luxury island resorts, it has no choice but to not bad.

But this private island and Mu are not open to the outside world, only relatives and friends invited by him can go to the island, and the buildings and equipment on the island cost a lot of money every year to maintain, so as not to be corroded by the sea wind day by day.

Of course, compared to He Mu's incalculable wealth, such expenses are just a drop in the bucket.

On the contrary, the existence of this private island is of great significance to He Mu.

This is a symbol of his rare teenage rebellious time. When he bought it on impulse, it was when he was most obsessed with extreme sports. Here, he can experience the excellent underwater landscape, mountains on the island and open terrain. Diving, sailing, skydiving, surfing, rock climbing and more.

However, the warm and lively teenage years came violently and went quickly.

When he mastered all the skills, he quietly lost interest and began to turn to other more difficult fields.

——He Mu, who looks as calm as warm water, is actually a very competitive person inside!
It's just that it's impossible for He Mu to tell Mingdai Xia Ling about these words, especially Mingdai.

There is already a special person waiting here at the private airport. It is the special butler who came a week in advance to take care of the holidays with Mu. During this time, the three of them have to go through this person for basic necessities of life on the island.

Xia Ling nodded: "Well, it's to save little uncle."

"What can you answer? Of course, tell the truth!"

The only right leg was missing, severed from below the knee and replaced by a mechanical prosthesis.

Then he said, "Next time, finish the sentence in one breath."

This was originally a sad thing, but because Lao Liu's attitude is too calm, even the prosthetic limb that symbolizes pain has become extraordinarily cyberpunk, which makes Lao Liu look extremely cool!
"Mr. He, Miss Xia." Old Liu pushed up his sunglasses, looked at Ming Dai with a smile, and rarely showed the kindness that an elder should have, "Where is this lady?"

He Mu, who was less than ten years old, was once kidnapped by his family's opponents. It was Lao Liu who hid himself for three days and three nights, and rescued He Mu without eating or drinking. A car accident occurred during the chase and escape. , the vehicle exploded on the spot, while Lao Liu protected He Mu tightly.

He Mu's cold eyes fell silently on Lao Liu.

"Just call me Lao Liu."

It's rare for someone like Lao Liu to dare to joke around with He Mu.

Ming Dai obediently called "Uncle Liu".

Ming Dai was curious: "It's rare to see someone around him who isn't afraid of him."

Old Liu was dressed in a gaudy shirt and shorts, showing strong muscles in his arms and legs.

Old Liu chuckled: "They all told me to call me Old Liu."

Old Liu repeatedly waved his hands: "Okay, okay, I know, just don't say anything!"

Some people respect his character and ability, while others are afraid of his Bodhisattva face and vajra methods.

There are many people around He Mu, and there are only a handful of people like Lao Liu who dare to joke with him, probably because Lao Liu watched He Mu grow up. During He Mu's childhood, Lao Liu tried to break his little old man's attitude. With a calm and calm personality, I want to take him to try those mischievous moves.

We are talking about Lao Liu.

He Mu pondered for two seconds: "...So what did you answer?"

Lao Liu said yes, yes, and dare to do it next time.

After the plane taxied and stopped on the silver-gray runway, He Mu and Ming Dai Xia Ling prepared to pack up and leave.

His meaningful eyes looked back and forth between Ming Dai and the three of them.

At this time in another car, Xia Ling was also chatting with Ming Dai.

He Mu was keenly aware, and his eyes froze: "Old Liu."

Sensing He Mu's death ray, Lao Liu slyly changed the topic——

Just like on the plane coming, He Mu sees Ming Dai pensive and irritable because of her engagement, but still can't ask a word.

Lao Liu was born in the army and had personally experienced the war. Because of severe PTSD on the battlefield, he was discharged within two years after the war. Talent and the difficult situation of having nowhere to go after retiring from the army, he arranged Lao Liu to be a bodyguard beside He Mu.

Old Liu cleared his throat, and glanced at the driver in the front seat: "So can you tell me, what's the relationship with that little girl?"

He Mu didn't answer because he didn't know how to answer the topic.

He Mu raised his chin slightly, and his eyes stayed on Lao Liu for a few more seconds.

He Mu kept watching Mingdai and Xia Ling get into the car, the car started, and then he looked away, bent down and got into the car.

After a pause, he talked about the specific situation of Lao Liu——

Ming Dai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Could it be that..."

Wherever He Mu went, it would not be an exaggeration to say that everyone was in awe.

In the end, he was declined by He Mu.

Old Liu squeezed his eyes narrowly at him: "Xiao Mu, could it be that the guest was specially called by my wife to inquire about it..."

He Mu introduced: "Her surname is Ming, Ming Dai, and she is my guest."

The seats in the car were limited, Ming Dai and Xia Ling got into the first car, and He Mu and Lao Liu were going to sit in the back one.

"Old Liu." Xia Ling started the conversation, "Do you know why Old Liu didn't have that leg?"

Old Liu's gossip factor finally subsided, and he took the lead in inviting Ming Dai to the car.

"...Tell Madam, Xiaomu is the only one who is on vacation this time."

Old Liu almost thought that He Mu would go on like this for the rest of his life, but He Mu was always beyond his expectations.

The white-bearded old man wearing black toad mirrors looks bright and cheerful. According to the housekeeper Lao Liu, he is over 60 years old this year, but he can't tell from his face at all.

In the end, He Mu was unscathed, but Lao Liu had his right leg amputated due to severe damage.

Xia Ling said with emotion: "Grandpa Liu's life-saving grace, my little uncle always remembers, always takes Grandpa Liu by his side, considers everything for him, and arranges everything that can be arranged. On the contrary, Grandpa Liu thinks being a rich and idle person is boring, and wants to I am cultivating my body, so I took the initiative to apply to be a housekeeper on this island, it is said that I go to the sea to catch fish every day, and I am very happy!"

Ming Dai was terrified when she heard that, she clenched her hands tightly and then loosened them.

Muttering in his mouth: "It turns out that he has experienced so much before..."

(End of this chapter)

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