Chapter 433 Awake
'Ning Shu. '

A familiar voice echoed in my ears.

Someone is calling him.

It's Dede.

Ning Shu was shocked and speechless, his soul trembled.

what happened?Dede is not... not already...

He tried to look up, but the world in front of him was shrouded in black mist, and his body seemed to be shackled by an invisible force, and he couldn't break free at all.

Ning Shu couldn't remember what happened before he closed his eyes, he just felt extremely tired both physically and mentally, and several years with him seemed to have passed several lifetimes.

Suddenly, the floodgates of memory opened, and everything in this life flowed by like a tide.

I heard that people will see everything they experienced in this life before they die.

"So your body is so fragile? It's a bit beyond my expectation, Ning Shu."

In the blink of an eye, someone approached him again.

So now is the afterlife?
Ning Shu gave up all intentions of struggling to escape, and suddenly felt that it would be good to continue lying down like this. When he was completely swallowed up, those joys and sorrows should also disappear, and they would no longer torture him.

Ning Shu fell into confusion, and his body began to tremble violently.

Ning Shu regretted it.

An old voice sounded in my ear, very familiar, the voice of the grandfather Ning Shu had always feared and respected:


The boy raised his eyebrows high: "Brother?"

Before Ning Xu passed away, he was already the boss of a well-known game company in China. Even if he was engaged in a young and emerging industry, he could not erase the aura of success that he had experienced in society.

No matter how slow he was, Ning Shu also felt that the situation was wrong, so he simply followed the words: "I, I don't remember clearly."

Ning Shu has no doubt that if his younger brother changes his clothes, he can go straight back to school for high school... high school?
"Xiao Xu, you are still alive... you are really alive... you have breath and temperature..."

Ning Shu sighed inwardly.

What Ning Shu felt most guilty about in his life was Ming Dai first, and Ning Xu, his dear younger brother who he loved dearly.

Her delicate smile and coquettishness, her eyes wide open when she was hurt and not let the tears flow, her eyes silently condemning her eyes...

Could it be that Ning Xu's soul came to see him?

And all of these words fell into Ning Xu's ears.

This voice is... Ning Xu?
Ning Shu was greatly stimulated, and he was so excited that he was about to sit up!
what happened?Didn't Ning Xu, Ning Xu jump into the sea already?Why is he here?

Ning Shu didn't suspect Ning Xu's lame reason at all. He stared at the fresh Ning Xu in astonishment. The young man's face was still immature. He was wearing a hooded sweater and jeans, and the green breath coming from his face seemed like he was still in high school...

Ning Xu pretended not to know and went to the bed and sat down, and said earnestly, "Brother, do you remember what happened?"

Ning Xu immediately called the doctor, and when the bed doctors and nurses rushed into the ward, he retreated to one side, the worried expression on his face disappeared, and became playful.

Look at Ning Xu!
Ning Xu grabbed something that looked like an oxygen mask with his right hand, and clicked his tongue inexplicably.

Why regret it?

The word Dai Dai is like a switch.

I don't know how long after that, the passage of time has no meaning to Ning Shu's soul.

But why does it seem difficult to breathe?Something that was covering the face was removed?
Wait, is he breathing?Do dead people breathe?Or did he not die?

"Brother, are you alright? I just saw that you were moaning and feeling uncomfortable, so I wanted to take off the oxygen mask for you...I didn't expect you to really wake up!"

In the days that followed, he was like a lone traveler in the wilderness, with no place to stay, no place to lean on, he was tireless, always moving forward, his soul became numb and unaware, and finally wasted in the repeated days... …

Rather than asking, Ning Shu's words were more like talking to himself.

"Isn't it because I saw you and Dai Dai standing together, I misunderstood!" After Ning Xu complained, he asked "uneasy", "Brother, you and Dai Dai should have nothing to do?"

Ning Shu still didn't understand the situation, so he let out a dreamy "huh?"

The joy in Ning Xu's eyebrows and eyes was almost exaggerated, like a clown in a stage play, his flesh was smiling, but his eyes were as cold as ice.

Now that he can meet Ning Xu again, Ning Shu feels that this is probably the happiest time after his death.

At this time.

Ning Shu, who was in a daze, seemed to read "regret" from it.



It seems that Grandpa still has expectations for him and has not completely given up on him, but he has already...

Although he died suddenly.

Before the world fell into darkness, he had just gone through a series of overtime work. He only slept for three or two hours for three consecutive days, and he was extremely exhausted.

The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes——

"Didn't you say the operation was a success? Why is it the third day and he hasn't woken up yet."

...But looking carefully, it seems that this is just Ning Shu's illusion.

Is that what he is?
At this moment, Ning Shu discovered that Ming Dai had left the brightest imprint on his life.

He thought it would numb his nerves and stop thinking about Ming Dai.

"The brain is the most mysterious part of the human body. Modern medical methods have reached the extreme. The rest mainly depends on the patient's will and desire to survive."

"What do you mean? Does my grandson want to die?"

Ning Shu gradually had a real feeling: "Oh? Push me? Why did he push me?"

It turned out that he did not die suddenly, but was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Because of Ming Dai who was hurt by anger for a while, her life was left with permanent regret.

Ning Shu, you are here too.

Now, this breath is completely gone, and his face has become a few years younger.

In an instant, countless memories flooded into his brain, and the pain was almost unbearable. Ning Shu hugged his head and curled up like a shrimp, gritting his teeth and persisting.

In order to save the last bit of his sense of existence in life, Ning Shu devoted all his energy to work.

Ning Shu blinked again, and the inexplicable emotions on Ning Xu's face disappeared, and there was more worry.

There is no way, the strict accountability of the board of directors has put his stable heir position in jeopardy, and even grandpa no longer fully trusts him, because Ningqi Group does not need a president who will only bring negative effects.


Yes, he remembered.

Ning Xu immediately gritted his teeth and said angrily: "That Gu Changming is so courageous! He even dared to push you! You fell down the stairs! I can't spare him!"

How long did you live in your previous life?
How many things do you know?

"Interesting, really interesting."

From an angle invisible to others, the young man's body was sunk in the shadow of the wall, and the corner of his mouth was smiling brightly, but there was no sense of brightness. Instead, it was like a shadow surrounding him, baring its teeth and claws, waiting for an opportunity.

The news that Ning Shu woke up quickly spread.

(End of this chapter)

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