Chapter 434
Mr. Ning was the first to receive the news, but he is in the old house, so it will take time to rush over.

It was the Gu family who got the second-hand news.

The call was made by Ning Xu himself to Gu Lingsi.

The reason is simple, the fiancee must have the right to know.

After finishing this trivial matter, Ning Xu folded his arms and leaned against the wall, quietly waiting for the good show to begin——

The Gu family lived up to expectations and came very quickly. Except for Wei Yin who didn't like to get involved in these things, the other Gu Qi, Gu Changming and Gu Lingsi all came neatly.

Ning Xu happened to be outside the ward at this time, and when he saw the Gu family in a hurry, he took the initiative to say hello.

Ning Xu put on an innocent boy's face, his brows and eyes were full of joy:

"My brother just woke up. The doctor pushed him for an examination and will be right back."

Gu Qi and Gu Changming have no doubts about Ning Xu's joy, after all, the Ning brothers are famous for their affection.

Only Ning Xu, because he knew what happened to Ning Shu, could see the scrutiny in Ning Shu's eyes.

The old fox Gu Qi was still able to bend and stretch, he slapped his son on the face with his backhand, and dragged him to apologize to Ning Shu, and then he complained about being a father.

Ning Shu was expressionless: "Why are you here?"

However, the current Ning Shu has a completely new inner soul. It is Ning Shu who has lived for several years and knows the truth.

As proud as the eldest son of the Gu family, Gu Changming, can only be an ordinary company employee.

Ning Shu didn't pursue it?

In this way, Ning Shu will definitely not let it go easily...

All his tolerance and concessions to the Gu family came from Gu Lingsi. If he was reborn, he should know that Gu Lingsi took the credit for Ming Dai, and he would never let go of such a great opportunity to clean up the Gu family.

Immediately in front of Ning Shu, "angry for brother" came out.

Ning Shu didn't know.

Looking at the Gu family father and son in front of him, Ning Shu finally felt reborn.

Gu Qi stepped forward with a smile.

Maybe this tolerance is due to the fact that the Gu family is Ming Dai's family?

Or was Ning Shu concerned about Ming Dai's blood relationship with the Gu family?
It's not right, everyone knows that Ming Dai and Gu's family are not on good terms.

As for Wein?That woman had no intention of sharing weal and woe. Seeing that the Gu family went bankrupt, she packed up her luggage decisively and went to join her brother who was abroad. Because her brother was unwilling to support the entire Gu family, she divorced cleanly. She didn't bring a single child and was alone Be merry and continue her life of luxury.

Ning Xu then heard Ning Shu say to Gu Lingsi:

After returning to the hospital bed and lying down, Ning Shu waved the nurse out, leaving only Ning Gu and his family in the ward.

He even personally took the wheelchair from the nurse and escorted Ning Shu into the ward.

Only Gu Lingsi looked at Ning Xu one more time, which contained exploration.


Ning Shu had already canceled his engagement with her, but because of the life-saving grace, he still showed mercy and gave Gu Lingsi a sum of money enough to live on, and ordered someone to take care of her in normal times.

But Ning Xu wouldn't care.

In the end, the father and son were heavily in debt, and the last bit of assets in their hands was squandered.

Then there is only one answer -

"Fourth Young Master, we are here to visit you."

Before, he dared to be a little arrogant, but now he is so humble that he sinks into the soil.

While speaking, Ning Shu, who had just been taken for a CT scan, came back, sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by a nurse. Compared with the bewilderment when he just woke up, he is obviously much calmer now.

He thought to himself, if Ning Shu from before, he would have tolerated Gu Lingsi's childhood life-saving grace, and would not easily tear himself apart with the Gu family.

In the previous life, the biggest reason why Ning Shu was scolded by the board of directors of Ningqi Group was the cooperation between the two parties born of the marriage between Ning and Gu.

When Gu Changming and Gu Lingsi saw their father's humble actions, they didn't dare to lose their temper and just lowered their heads.

Looking at Ning Shu's gratified and thoughtful eyes, he probably didn't suspect him at all of taking off the oxygen mask.

Probably in this short period of time, Ning Shu had sorted out his thoughts and was able to hide his emotions well.

Ning Shu in his previous life didn't know the truth about his savior until his death.

Ning Xu, who folded his arms, looked at it with great interest.

Anyway, during his negligence, the Gu family, which had already had problems with its capital chain, got into big trouble, and the Ning family was involved. The Ning family suffered a loss of billions, and the Gu family went bankrupt directly.

But Gu Qi, who has seen the extreme wealth and honor in this world, how could he tolerate his fall from a high throne?He tried to make a comeback, using his thin property to invest repeatedly, but failed repeatedly.

So now, even if he saw the living Gu family standing in front of him, Ning Shu's eyes were still calm.

After the play was over, Ning Xu left the stage at the right time, didn't stay for a second, and then handed over the stage to the Gu family.

Don't even dare to call him by name.

Although Ning Shu and Gu Lingsi did not hold an engagement ceremony, the two marriages are well known, and the Gu family has gained a lot of benefits in this name, and Ning Shu seems to be tolerant of Gu Lingsi's life-saving grace.

With Ning Shu's vindictive temperament, not only he who dares to deceive him, but even the relatives and friends around that person will be punished!

As for acting, you need to pay more attention in front of Ning Shu, but you don't need to do it in front of the Gu family. You can act casually, and they don't dare to gossip casually.

Even Ning Xu was stunned for a few seconds!

Although Gu Qi and Gu Changming's father and son looked extremely humble, if they had actually seen the father and son fall into the dust, they would know that the father and son in front of them were already glamorous enough.

Gu Changming had to take care of Gu Qi and work at the same time, his life was full of fluff, and the father and son were like enemies.

At first, the Gu family father and son were not in such a mess. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After all, the Gu family has inherited nearly a hundred years of wealth and splendor. Even if they go bankrupt and liquidate, the remaining assets are enough for the father and son to live a not-so-rich but ordinary life.

The father and son of the Gu family, who are now wearing handmade custom suits with cuff buttons full of precious stones, were so embarrassed that they could only live in a rented house after the Gu family went bankrupt.

Gu Lingsi's life is not good, her reputation has plummeted, she can't get along in the entertainment industry, and she still has no place in the classical music industry.

"This incident was an accident, and I will not pursue it."

As smart as Ning Xu, of course he knows that acting needs to be complete.

What about Gu Lingsi?

So when Ning Shu got the news about Gu Lingsi, it was relayed by others——

Ning Shu didn't stop him, and let Gu Qi move.

Gu Qi, on the other hand, couldn't bear the huge gap, and went crazy directly, and was in a daze all day long.

And she didn't seem to plan to live with the Gu family and his son, but lived alone in Ning Shu's house.

On the last day Ning Shu could remember, he just received a call from his subordinates, saying that something serious happened to Gu Lingsi.

Unfortunately, before Ning Shu could ask clearly, he hung up the phone because of the impromptu meeting.

After that, he couldn't sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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