Chapter 435
Play the humble Gu Qi with all his strength, and Gu Changming who bowed his head to him with his arrogance;

Gu Qi, who was insane, insane and embarrassed, and Gu Changming, who was humble and flattered and had no self-esteem.

The two, the two shadows, overlapped in front of Ning Shu's eyes.

Sigh, sigh, feel ironic and take it for granted.

At this time, there was another call of impatience and excitement:

"Ning Shu!"

Ning Shu moved his gaze, only to realize that Gu Lingsi was standing closest to the bed, which he had just ignored.

Maybe it was intentionally ignored.

Back ten years ago, the thing Ning Shu didn't know how to face was Gu Lingsi.

Ten years has wiped away the kindness and beauty that once existed in Gu Lingsi, and made her completely unrecognizable. She actually attacked Dai Dai, smeared her in front of the media, and finally suffered the consequences...

what about now?How big is the gap between the old Gu Lingsi and the 28-year-old Gu Lingsi?
Although after the previous life was exposed, Gu Lingsi cried in front of him, saying that she was too scared and worried about being robbed of her position in the Gu family, so she did something to hurt Ming Dai in a momentary obsession.

Ning Shu was dubious, but that kindness was broken after all.

"Ning Shu! How are you? Are you dizzy or not?" Gu Lingsi had tears in her eyes, and she looked so pitiful, as beautiful and fragile as pear blossoms with rain, "Brother told me, I know you are not that kind of person, but my brother He misunderstood too much, don't blame him, he is also concerned about it and messed up. If you want to blame, blame me, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be hurt."

Gu Lingsi is, as always, good at pretending to be pitiful.

Ning Shu used to like this very much.

At least, he really believed that Gu Lingsi was innocent and implicated.

But now, his sympathy has long since evaporated.

"I have already said that this matter will not be pursued, so you don't need to say this."

It was obviously a word of forgiveness, but Ning Shu's expression did not relax from the beginning to the end, and the eyes he looked at Gu Lingsi were full of scrutiny and inquiry, without any warmth at all.

Gu Lingsi felt it, her heart fell into the bottom of the sea, and she always felt that Ning Shu had changed a bit.

He was also indifferent to himself before, but it was different from the current indifference.

She always felt a little...disgusted in this attitude?
Gu Lingsi panicked.

"Exactly, I have something to tell you."

After Ning Shu finished speaking to Gu Lingsi, she silently looked at the others.

Needless to say, the others naturally understood the meaning, including Ning Xu, the rest all left the ward, leaving only Ning Shu and Gu Lingsi.

Gu Lingsi had a bad feeling, she opened her mouth before she could speak.

Ning Shu spoke first: "Let's break off the engagement."

Just now, Ning Shu discovered that Ning Xu was really alive, and the world around him was not the world after death... He also recovered the memory of this world, remembering his current situation, it was Gu Lingsi who just learned that he had the longevity lock was his lifesaver The benefactor, decided to meet her request and get engaged to her.

He met Ming Dai ahead of time, and she, who was supposed to meet Ning Xu who was studying in college a few years later, also met her younger brother Ning Xu ahead of time.

Ning Xu liked her, and he was one step ahead of him. He and Gu Lingsi got engaged because he wanted to show his attitude to his younger brother, and completely kill that unspeakable thought.

Just three days ago, he had just gone to see Ming Dai, holding a glimmer of hope.

If Ming Dai showed any hesitation, then he...

Ning Shu didn't know why the trajectory of this life changed.

Is Ming Dai reborn?But she didn't look at him with hatred, as if she had experienced pain in her previous life.

Maybe someone else was reborn?Ning Shu didn't find any clues yet.

Or, this is simply a parallel world!
No matter what the explanation is, Ning Shu is extremely grateful to him for having the chance to start over.

This time, he must guard Mingdai well, protect Xiaoxu, take action for his repentance day and night, and atone for every bit of harm he did to Mingdai.

This time, he will never make another mistake and repeat the same mistakes again.

and so--

"Let's break off the engagement."

Seeing Gu Lingsi's expression froze, Ning Shu had to bite the bullet and repeat the words.

Gu Lingsi was so flustered that she managed to squeeze out a smile, but the smile was uglier than crying:

"Why? We just got engaged yesterday. Although, although you are not here...but the whole world knows about our engagement, how can you say you regret it? Is it because my brother hurt you, and I apologize to you on his behalf! Please, Ning Shu, don't treat me like this!"

Tears flowed from Gu Lingsi's eyes, she looked sad and begged Ning Shu humbly.

However, Ning Shu had already made his goal clear. In his previous life, he had been cleaning up the mess for Gu Lingsi until the end... This made Ning Shu think that he had done all he could for Gu Lingsi's life-saving grace.

The most important thing is the regret and remorse of the previous life, which made Ning Shu understand a truth:
Kindness is not the same as love.

"I know it's sudden, but I've made up my mind."

Ning Shu, who had hardened his heart, had an extraordinarily cold expression.

"If you need me to repay the life-saving kindness back then, you can make any request, as long as I can do it, but engagement..."

"I'm going to get engaged! Ning Shu, you should know my situation. If I don't marry you, my life... my life will be over!"

Gu Lingsi was afraid from the bottom of his heart, even his shoulders were shaking.

Ning Shu saw it, but remained unmoved.

"Don't worry, I will protect you in this regard, at least you will not be hurt by Gu Qi. In addition, if you feel that you were engaged yesterday and announced the dissolution of the engagement today, it would be ridiculous to others. The timing of the announcement can be delayed, as long as we It is enough for the elders of both parties to know about it, and it will be announced when the time is right.”

Ning Shu was very organized and told his arrangement bit by bit, obviously he had considered all aspects.

How could Gu Lingsi fail to understand his firmness?
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she knew that she couldn't continue to squabble right now, Ning Shu would not be threatened by a woman.

Therefore, Gu Lingsi just looked at Ning Shu with tears in his eyes, his eyes were full of despair:
"Are you breaking off the engagement because of...Ming Dai?"


Ning Shu answered quickly without blinking.

Gu Lingsi sighed softly.

"It's really because of her."

For a moment, Gu Lingsi felt very tired, exhausted from the soul.

She suddenly didn't understand the meaning of everything she was doing.

Being manipulated by Ning Xu, abandoned by Ning Shu...

All she was obsessed with turned out to be a ridiculous joke.

Even her life has become a mess.

"I want you to think about it again."

After numbly saying this, Gu Lingsi wiped away her tears, got up and walked out of the ward.

When he reached the door, Gu Lingsi stopped and didn't look back.

"Ning Shu, my life is indeed a joke. But in some respects, your situation is not much better than mine."

Same in lies and deceit.

(End of this chapter)

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