Chapter 436

Gu Lingsi pushed the door open to leave the ward, and the Gu family father and son immediately greeted her.

The sound insulation of the door of the ward was so good that the people outside the door had no idea what Ning Shu and Gu Lingsi were talking about.

Although Gu Changming was a little disappointed in her because of Gu Lingsi's reprimand two days ago, he still cares about her state right now.

So he keenly caught Gu Lingsi's strangeness at the first moment: "Your eyes are so red... Are you crying? Did Ning Shu say something?"

Gu Qi's focus is entirely on other places: "Could it be that Ning Shu wants to break off the engagement with you because Chang Ming is dissatisfied with you? No! Absolutely not, you know?"


Ning Xu, who was leaning against the wall with his legs bent, spoke abruptly, and tilted his head to look at the Gu family.

"I'm still here, talking through my head."

Gu Qi was shocked, and immediately apologized to Ning Xu in a low voice, at least on the surface.

Afterwards, the Gu family did not dare to stay in the ward, and decided to find a quiet place to talk.

After much deliberation, the three returned to the car.

Gu Lingsi's tears had dried up, she just sat there in a daze with red eyes.

Gu Qi couldn't wait to ask: "Now we can talk about it, what did you talk to Ning Shu in the ward just now? Is he holding you accountable? Are you going to postpone the wedding?"

Gu Qi fantasizes about the worst situation, and is unwilling to say a word about breaking off the engagement.

Gu Lingsi looked at him quietly.

"Let you answer, what are you looking at me for? Are you stupid?" Gu Qi was angry.

"Dad, don't scold Lingsi, she should be in the worst mood." Gu Changming pursed his lips, "The current situation is ultimately caused by me, and I should be responsible."

"Are you responsible? How are you responsible? Killed you to vent Ning Shu's hatred?" Gu Qi's scolding continued, and his mood was terrible.

"Enough!" Gu Lingsi interrupted Gu Qi, meeting the eyes of the father and son, "Ning Shu said that he wants to break off the engagement with me."

It should have been hidden.

It should have been rounded up a bit more.

However, for some reason, Gu Lingsi became rebellious, unwilling to continue acting, and simply told the truth.

The moment the truth came out, Gu Lingsi immediately regretted it.

At the same time, it's a little refreshing.

Next, Gu Lingsi watched Gu Qi's face turn into a liver color with his own eyes.

The shocked Gu Changming slowly came back to his senses: "Lingsi, are you okay?"

Before Gu Lingsi could answer.

Gu Qi: "Get lost."

"Dad, you..."

"You two! Get the hell out of here!"

Gu Qi couldn't help but drive Gu Lingsi and Gu Changming out of the car, and then drove away alone.

Gu Changming comforted Gu Lingsi: "This matter is my brother's fault, I know you like Ning Shu so much...I'm sorry."

Gu Lingsi shook her head: "Brother, I want to be alone."

Gu Changming sighed, then turned around.

Gu Lingsi was standing by the side of the road when a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally dialed the number.


"It's me." Gu Lingsi didn't cry, but her voice was choked up, "Zhengqing, you said that no matter who I am or who I am, you will firmly choose me, right?"

"Lingsi, did something happen to you? What happened yesterday? Why didn't Ning Shu come?"

"You have so many questions. But you just need to answer me now."


"okay, I get it."

Ning Shu leaned against the hospital bed to rest alone.

He just sent Ning Xu away, telling him not to stay in the hospital and go back to school early.

After muttering and complaining for a while, Ning Xu still left.

Seeing his brother's appearance, Ning Shu smiled knowingly.

Ever since Ning Xu ended his life early in his previous life, he has never experienced such brotherly warmth again.

Fortunately, there is now a chance of redemption.

Ning Shu thought about it.

He took out his mobile phone and found Ming Dai's number.

His finger was hanging on the screen, and he didn't press it down for a long time.

Finally, exit the call interface, open the webpage, and search for the word "Ming Dai".

The webpage immediately refreshed with a lot of news——

"Entertainment super star Ming Dai!The young star's national favorability ranks first! "

"Ming Dai is scheduled to be admitted to Yanjing Film Academy!Looking forward to her acting skills to the next level! "

"Ming Dai's new movie <Omen" will be released soon, covering a large area, will it be able to replicate the success of "Twin Flowers"? "


Fingers sliding across the screen freeze.

Ning Shu stared blankly at Ming Dai's photos, different from those exquisite and perfect appearances, Ming Dai in this photo looked full of life, smiling and looking at other places, her eyes were free from any haze, bright and shining like crystals.

"That's great, you don't know anything yet."

Ning Shu muttered to himself.

He was so deep in his thoughts now that he didn't even notice that someone had entered the ward.

Gu Changming, who was three meters away, relied on his good eyesight to successfully see the person who left Ning Shu in a daze——

"Ming Dai? If I'm not mistaken, Ning Shu, the person you can't even blink is Ming Dai, right?"

Ning Shu raised his gaze calmly and calmly.

"Why are you back? Gu Changming."

Said put away the phone.

Gu Changming gritted his teeth: "I came here to apologize to you! I thought, if you insist on breaking off the engagement with Lingsi because of me, then I will kneel down and beg you no matter what, Let you take back this thought and don't take your anger out on Lingsi..."

Ning Shu pulled one corner of his mouth: "'Original'?"

Gu Changming clenched his hands into fists: "That's right! That's what I planned! But now I've changed my mind! Ning Shu, you deserve to be beaten! If you have someone you like, why bother to involve my sister? Think about it now , the person who was in the underground parking lot that day was also Ming Dai, right? You two dogs and men are working together! What do you think of my sister Lingsi?"

"really interesting."

Ning Shu's black eyes turned into ice and stabbed at Gu Changming sharply.

Gu Changming, who was emotionally interrupted, froze for a moment.

Ning Shu: "Gu Changming, you are such a good brother, you consider everything for Gu Lingsi."

Gu Changming roared: "Of course! Lingsi is my own sister! I don't think about who for her?"

Ning Shu looked as if he heard a big joke: "My sister?"

Gu Changming lowered his face: "What do you mean?"

Ning Shu raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure Gu Lingsi is your real sister? What if she is fake? Does your real sister actually have someone else?"

Gu Changming felt more and more wrong: "Ning Shu! What are you trying to say!"

Ning Shu's smile deepened: "Find the answer yourself, I have no obligation to tell you."

Ning Shu remembered that even though Gu Changming in his previous life knew that Ming Dai was his own sister, he still chose Gu Lingsi and treated Ming Dai coldly, until Ming Dai...

So in this life, if Gu Changming knew the truth in advance, how would he choose?
Is it still Gu Lingsi?

Ning Shu really wanted to know the answer.

And Gu Changming also began to waver as he hoped.

(End of this chapter)

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