Chapter 437 Found it!
Ning Shu's words had too much impact.

Judging by that expression, it doesn't look like he's talking nonsense.

And according to Ning Shu's proud temperament, he didn't bother to lie.

Could it be that……

Gu Changming's heart beat like a drum, and he had the premonition of touching a secret that should not be revealed.

In the end, he left the hospital without arguing too much with Ning Shu.

This time, he went straight home and bumped into Wein, who was well-dressed and was about to go out for a tea party.

Wei Yin was very surprised to see Gu Changming, fiddled with his hair, and said slightly complaining:
"Where did the three of you go? Why aren't you at home? I can't even talk to you."


Even Gu Changming felt like he was choking.

Now the entire Gu family is in chaos over the matter of Ning Gu's marriage. Even distant relatives who have nothing to do with each other call to ask if there is something wrong with the marriage.

The Gu family has a lot of relatives, even if they have a little bit of superficial light, they still want to get benefits from the Ning family, so everyone cares about it and regards it as a big deal.

Only Wein, who had heard the gossip, still didn't care about it at all. In her world, it seemed that there was nothing more important than dressing.

Ning Shu woke up?Break up the engagement?What does it have to do with her.

As long as her life is not affected and she can dress up beautifully to go to the banquet, it will be fine.

As for the crisis of the Gu family, she didn't even notice it.

As a son, Gu Changming will inevitably feel tired.

I really don't know whether to admire Wein's "open-mindedness" or feel cold at her indifference.

"What's wrong? What's the problem?"

Gu Changming's face was strange, even Wein could see it, and asked a few more questions.

Gu Changming shook his head: "No."

Then he remembered what Ning Shu said.

Gu Lingsi is not her own sister, so is she a half-brother, or a half-brother?
This kind of thing is not uncommon in the circle, and most of them are examples of legitimate children and illegitimate children fighting fiercely. Gu Changming has always been proud of the Gu family, that is, the Gu family is harmonious, quiet, and upright, and those families whose private lives are in a mess very different.

but now……

But Gu Changming soon felt something was wrong.

If it's half-brother, and Lingsi was born to another woman, with Wein's character who can't touch the sand in his eyes, how can he dote on Gu Lingsi and be proud of her?

Is that half father?He was already ten years old when his mother Wein Huai Lingsi, and he had a clear memory. It was the most harmonious and happy period in the Gu family's family life. His father, Gu Qi, left work early every day and tolerated all of Wein's petty tempers. Baby girl in the belly.

Unless he was deceived and concealed, his father would not have this attitude.

But the question is, how could the shrewd father be deceived by the mother?

... All thoughts were mixed into a mess, making Gu Changming extremely confused for a while.

Wein didn't know why Gu Changming had an ugly face, or because she was too lazy to care.

When the assistant brought the bag, she carried it in the crook of her arm.

"Okay, don't tell you more, I'm running out of time."

As he spoke, Wein swayed away in stiletto high heels.

Gu Changming wanted to stop her several times, but the words came to his lips, but in the end he couldn't.

He didn't know what to ask.

I had to work hard to investigate by myself.

Gu Changming went up to his father's study on the second floor, and heard from the security guard at the door that his father came back just now and went out again soon.

The door of the study room is closed, because the father is suspicious, this place is a restricted area for other people, even the cleaning aunt is not allowed to enter and leave at will, only when the father is present.

But Gu Changming was the only exception.

In the Gu family, only Gu Changming could enter the study without permission. This was a sign and honor of being trusted as the eldest son of Gu.

Therefore, Gu Changming knew the password of his father's study.

He stepped forward to open the door, glanced across the room, and found that the table was a little messy.

Something is wrong, my father has always valued cleanliness, how could he let the desktop be in such a mess?

Gu Changming walked over resolutely, and found a cowhide file bag on the top black file folder.

Gu Changming raised his heart high, reached for the file bag, and opened it.

It's like opening Pandora's box.

"Paternity... testimonial?"

Gu Changming's breathing was stagnant.

It never occurred to him that what he thought Ning Shu was talking nonsense was actually true!
The paternity test above belonged to Gu Qi and Gu Lingsi, and the final conclusion was as Gu Changming guessed, the parent-child relationship was not established, and Lingsi was not the father's biological daughter.

Could it be that the shrewd father was really deceived by the mother?Lingsi and his half father?

Soon this guess was overturned.

Because there is another document below, which belongs to Wein and Gu Lingsi, the same parent-child relationship cannot be established.

"how come……"

Now Gu Changming was completely dumbfounded, and the documents fell heavily on the desktop.

He was in a state of confusion, and various speculations emerged one after another.

I don't know how long I stood there.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him——

"What are you looking at?"

The one who can enter the study quietly, except Gu Qi, doesn't think about it.

Gu Qi, who had already left, came back suddenly for some reason.

Gu Changming turned around abruptly, his eyes were red, and he looked in a bad state of mind.

Gu Qi snorted: "What? Now I know I regret it? Just now in the ward, I, the father, kept apologizing, but you just stood there stupidly, biting that bit of arrogance. Hehe, what's the use of arrogance? Do you want to benefit from it? Changming, you should grow up and learn from Ning Shu..."

While scolding his helpless son, Gu Qi walked up to Gu Changming.

His eyes froze suddenly, because Gu Qi found that what Gu Changming was holding in his hand was a cowhide document bag that he was very familiar with, and the contents of that document bag were...

"Who told you to open the file bag? Gu Changming! Is it because I value you so much recently that you have no rules and dare to take the files on my desk casually!"

Gu Qi yelled at him sharply, his face was ugly, and he stretched out his hand to take back the file bag.

But it was too late, Gu Changming had already seen clearly what should be seen and what should not be seen.

He, who always obeyed his father's words, took a step back decisively, and raised the file bag high with his youth and strength.

"Gu Changming!"

Gu Changming looked straight at Gu Qi: "Father, tell me first, what is this paternity test!"

The anger froze on Gu Qi's face, and the outstretched arm drooped down.

"You... have you seen it?"

"Why is Lingsi not related to you or your mother? Who is she then? Where did the child that mother conceived go? Died? You found Lingsi instead? No, no, from what I remember, Just watching Lingsi grow up from a baby..."

(End of this chapter)

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