Chapter 438 It was her!

When Gu Lingsi was born, Gu Changming was ten years old.

During the period when babies were most likely to be confused, Gu Changming would look at his sister almost every day, and was sure that she would not be dropped or stolen by anyone.

Therefore, Gu Lingsi was his younger sister who grew up with his own eyes from the first time he saw her as a baby.

Why...why isn't she a child of the Gu family?

Hearing Gu Changming's incoherent speech, Gu Qichang sighed.

"I have investigated this matter, and it is your mother's fault."


"Do you still remember that your mother gave birth to the child in a small hospital in the countryside? It was she who carried the child wrongly. Your real biological sister grew up in another family."

But Gu Qi's explanation sounded like a joke to Gu Changming.

"Wrong? Are you kidding me! This is definitely fake, right, Dad, tell me it's fake..."

Gu Changming, whose face was pale, met Gu Qi's ruthless eyes, and the last bit of luck disappeared in his heart.

The document bag containing the paternity test slipped from his hand and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Gu Changming didn't care about it, he held his head, as if his whole body was taken out, he squatted down slowly, groaning in pain.

Gu Qi couldn't see him like this: "Enough, Chang Ming, you are the eldest son of Gu, and you have responsibilities that you should bear. Don't be trapped by such trivial matters!"

Gu Changming raised his flustered and dull face: "A small matter? Dad, do you call this a small matter? That's my biological sister who I've seen growing up since I was a child! Now she tells me that she is not my own, and has nothing to do with our Gu family, my biological sister There are other do you want me to accept it?"

Gu Qi's tone was indifferent: "It's useful for you to be sad now? What can you change?"

Gu Changming stared at Gu Qi in a daze: "So Dad, you already knew about it? Lingsi... Does Lingsi know too? You have been hiding it until today? Is it because of Ning Gu's marriage?"

Gu Changming suddenly felt that no matter Gu Qi or Gu Lingsi, they were so strange to him that he was shocked.

Gu Qi didn't care about the change in the way his son looked at him.

He only cares about one thing: "I ask you, who told you?"

The vented emotions were like fists hitting cotton, Gu Changming was stunned.

Gu Qi: "Don't say it's a coincidence, I know, with your character, you won't come into my study casually when I'm not at home."

There is another reason why Gu Qi's study allows his son, Gu Changming, the only exception, to enter. It is that Gu Changming knows the rules and knows how to measure, and he usually doesn't step in without authorization.

But today, Gu Changming was uncharacteristically.

From Gu Qi's point of view, there must be tricks in it.

After being reminded by him, Gu Changming, who was belatedly aware, finally realized that something was wrong.

He hesitated and said, "Yes...Ning Shu told me."

Gu Qi turned pale with shock: "Ning Shu? Are you sure it's Ning Shu? Come on, what exactly did he say, tell me everything!"

Now Gu Changming didn't dare to show his temper anymore, he repeated what Ning Shu said word by word according to what Bao Qi said.

Gu Qi was greatly shocked, and murmured: "He actually knew... When did he know... Could it be that he was just for this broken engagement... No, no..."

Gu Changming remained silent and did not answer, nor did he vent his temper indiscriminately like those just now.

The father and son are stuck in their own emotions.

Until a call came in to break the deadlock.

It was Gu Qi's call. He glanced at it with a frozen expression.

Probably the external crisis cheered Gu Changming up, and now he can calmly ask, "Who is it?"

Gu Qi gave him a complicated look: "I commissioned someone to investigate the child's whereabouts."

"That child", did not specify who it was, but both Gu Qi and Gu Changming knew it well.

Gu Qi is not passive. Ever since he learned that Gu Lingsi was not his own, Gu Qi has been making two-handed preparations.

If Gu Lingsi can get engaged to Ning's smoothly, then he can pretend to be confused all his life and treat Gu Lingsi as his own daughter with peace of mind.

But if something goes wrong with the engagement...

So he had already entrusted someone to investigate what happened back then.

Gu Qi asked people to find out the ins and outs of the whole matter of "holding the wrong child".

Because at first he suspected that someone had deliberately tampered with the matter of holding the wrong child.

If the evidence is convincing, even if he would not take revenge on Gu Lingsi out of consideration for his affection, he would not let go of anyone who dared to reach out to the Gu family.

After some investigation, I finally found the person who was Wein's assistant back then, and now he has moved to another company. He is living a happy life with a son and a daughter, so he told the story without even a little intimidation.

It turned out that the assistant had noticed something wrong at the time, but Wein had a bad temper. During pregnancy, he beat and scolded the people around him. One of her little assistants questioned her a little, but Wein scolded her head and face.

Afterwards, the more the assistant thought about it, the more something went wrong, but it was a done deal, and she dared not say anything, fearing that Gu Qi would not blame Wein, but would only punish her. In order to keep her job, the assistant chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and when the time was right, she moved to other jobs. The company thought it could stay away from these things...

Now that the truth is out, Gu Qi certainly won't think that his family did something wrong.

He blamed Wein for a few words, but more anger was directed at his assistant back then.

Another key is to investigate, the identity and location of the other child who was wrongly held.

After searching for a long time, the matter was more troublesome than Gu Qi's impression. He said that there was a problem with the file not long ago, and the person who gave birth on the same day as Wei Yin in the same ward could not be found.

So it took a long time and a lot of money, and I haven't been able to come up with an answer until today.

Gu Qi hadn't received a call from the person over there for a long time, and he thought this matter would drag on forever.

But for the call from this joint right now, there is nothing else to think about except that things are progressing.

Is the truth about to emerge?

Gu Qi was in a very complicated mood, holding the phone for a while without moving.

Gu Changming is the same, wanting to know the answer, but also afraid of facing the truth, in an uneasy situation.


Gu Qi still picked up the phone.

As he expected, the person he entrusted said, the child was found.

Gu Qi pursed his lips: "Send the information, I want the most detailed information, what school she went to, what kind of people her adoptive parents are, including close friends around her... send them all!"

The other party hesitated and said: "Mr. Gu, maybe you don't need to go to such trouble, because the person you are looking for is very famous now. If you search the news on the Internet, you can learn more details than what we investigated."

Gu Qi's face obviously relaxed: "Is she a celebrity?"

The other party replied: "Yes, she's an actress, she's on fire right now, her name is Ming Dai, she just acted in a 20 billion box office movie "Twin Lotus"..."

Gu Qi's expression changed instantly, and he subconsciously looked at Gu Changming.

And Gu Changming also heard it, and his face was as colorful as if he had knocked over a paint bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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