After hanging up the phone, the father and son were relatively speechless.

"Ming's actually Ming Dai?"

Gu Changming frowned tightly, apparently not happy with the result.

Because the first thing he thought of was Ming Dai, a girl who knew that Ling Si would be engaged to Ning Shu, but was still entangled with Ning Shu and didn't know how to behave.

How can there be joy in his heart at this moment?Only disappointment, great disappointment, and even doubts about the result.

"Is she really right? Dad, is the person you are looking for unreliable? How could it be Ming Dai? How could it be Ming Dai?"

Gu Changming asked eagerly, but Gu Qi's thoughts were completely different from his son's.

He was stunned at first, and then he was hit by a huge surprise.

"I thought this marriage with the Ning family was over, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect it!"

His soliloquy fell into Gu Changming's ears.

Gu Changming: "Dad, what do you mean?"

Gu Qi didn't even think about it: "Didn't Ning Shu like Ming Dai? That's just right, Ning Shu would never say anything about breaking the engagement if Ming Dai was the engagement candidate. It really is my blood! My daughter! Haha! "

Gu Changming couldn't understand Gu Qi's logic: "Dad! What are you thinking? Now that the whole world knows that Lingsi and Ning Shu are engaged, you want to change the candidate now? Are you going to let everyone see the joke of our Gu family? ?”

Gu Qi glanced at him, and said coldly: "Then you want to see our company come to an end? Changming, you should know better than me how the company is doing recently. If there is no engagement from the Ning family, it is very likely that we will not be able to survive this journey." Difficulties, so we must not lose this marriage! Understand?"

Gu Changming's body trembled: "But Lingsi..."

Gu Qi shouted sharply: "She's not your real sister! Your real sister is Ming Dai! Gu Lingsi...ah no, her biological father's surname is Ming, so she shouldn't be called Gu Lingsi either! It's Ming Dai, wait for the wrong one Let the matter be known to the world, and her surname must be changed back..."

Gu Changming: "What about mom? She doesn't know about it yet, how are you going to explain it to her?"

Gu Qi thinks that this is not a problem: "Isn't it just that it takes some time? Could there be any problems. Well, if Ming Dai returns to the Gu family and becomes the eldest lady of the Review family again, then this star will definitely not be able to continue to be a star. In the future, Mrs. Ning's family will be outside What is showing your face?"

Gu Qi has already started to plan a series of measures to bring Ming Dai back.

But she never thought about whether Ming Dai would be willing.

After all, in Gu Qi's opinion, smart people know how to choose between being a starlet in the entertainment industry and being a young lady who returns to Gu's family to live in luxury!
Gu Changming, who heard Gu Qi's calculations all the way, was going crazy!

He couldn't help raising his voice: "What about Lingsi? Are you going to drive her out?"

Gu Qi was indifferent: "I wasn't a child of the Gu family in the first place, why did I stay? I don't know the fish eyes and pearls, that's why other people see Gu family jokes!"

Gu Changming murmured: "How can you be so... cold-blooded..."

Gu Qi was very displeased.

"Cold-blooded? Is this what you should say to your father? If it weren't for my plan, do you think you can still be the young master of the Gu family? Look at Ning Shu! You are still younger than you, and you are half as capable as he is." , I wouldn't even lose face to do this!"

Gu Qi's roar echoed in the empty study, and Gu Changming found that he couldn't say a word to refute.

In the end, he could only leave in anger.


Gu Qi scolded behind him.

Gu Changming really wanted to leave regardless, but the majesty established by his father since he was a child forced him to stop.

The only stubbornness is not turning around.

Gu Qi didn't bother to control his temper, so he just told him: "Before I figure out how to handle this matter, you should know what to say and what not to say, right? Especially that girl Gu Lingsi, you must not put We will tell her the news of the person we found, otherwise she might do something to spoil my plan. Do you know?"

Gu Changming didn't answer, but turned his head slightly: "Dad, I really want to ask you... Do you regard Lingsi as your daughter? Even for a moment?"

Gu Qi didn't even have the slightest hesitation, and sneered decisively: "I don't even have a blood relationship, what kind of daughter is it?"

Gu Changming's body suddenly shook.

At first glance, one would think that it was because he was hit too hard that he could not stand upright suddenly.

Only Gu Changming himself knew that some small pictures flashed before his eyes.

...The environment is so familiar that it creates a sense of déjà vu.

However, what his father Gu Qi said was completely different from what he said now——

He said: 'The child I have raised for so many years, how could it not be my daughter?Of course Lingsi is my daughter, and she will be my proud daughter all her life!What is Ming Dai?Dare to compare with Lingsi? '



Or was it because he was so shocked and longed for his father to say such words that he had auditory hallucinations?
Gu Changming shook his head, endured the sadness in his heart, and left slowly with heavy steps.

Gu Qi looked at his back disappointedly: "Useless guy."

Ming Dai had a great time these two days.

The treacherous disputes in Yanjing have nothing to do with this peaceful island.

Kazuki once again shows his versatile and different side - surfing, speed boating, rock climbing...he can do anything!

Mingdai was lucky enough to see him stepping on a surfboard and riding waves. He is so vigorous, determined, and full of power, as if the whole ocean is under his control!
For convenience, he also took off his shirt, revealing the muscle lines that are usually invisible in a suit. The muscles are well-defined, smooth and solid. At first glance, they are not the kind of exaggerated muscles, but each muscle contains huge power!

As he rose up with the waves, the waves of the sea hit him, but his mountainous back was steady, but the waves broke and fell back into the sea feebly, which was vulnerable to him!
Ming Dai stared blankly at his figure, her heart was beating so fast!
"You look silly, don't you?"

Xia Ling came out from nowhere, holding a glass of grapefruit juice, wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat, stepping barefoot on the beach, looking through the sunglasses at the figure riding the waves in the distance.

Ming Dai's cheeks blushed quickly: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Xia Ling smiled and leaned over: "I've hit the mark, aren't you guilty!"

Ming Dai patted her reproachfully: "I told you to stop talking!"

Xia Ling toppled over exaggeratedly, almost spilling the grapefruit juice.

At this moment, Ming Dai's cell phone, which was placed on the small table next to her, vibrated.

Ming Dai looked down: "Sister Su?"

"Dai Dai, why is your phone always disconnected?"

"Maybe the signal on the island is not good."

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