Su Fangyun breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that nothing happened.

Later, I mentioned to Ming Dai the itinerary of the new variety show, and asked Ming Dai if she would like to go, so that she could promote the movie by the way.

"The question over there is more urgent, otherwise I wouldn't disturb your vacation." Su Fangyun explained.

Ming Dai smiled and said it was all right.

After listening to the planning of the variety show in general, I didn't have much entanglement, so I agreed.

Su Fangyun hummed: "I thought so too, so...are you having fun over there?"

Ming Dai: "Of course!"

"Okay, I'm very happy to hear your tone, then you have fun!"

Ming Dai responded obediently and hung up the phone.

Taking advantage of Ming Dai's time to answer the phone, Xia Ling walked away and brought her a glass of iced juice.

After Mingdai thanked her, she took it, and when she bit her straw and looked up, she found that the surfer He Mu had disappeared, so she subconsciously turned her head to look for it.

Xia Ling narrowed his eyes: "You still say you haven't watched it?"

Ming Dai was speechless.

"Okay, okay, little uncle has come back, I heard that he is getting someone to arrange a yacht! The sun is about to go down at this point, so I should go to watch the sunset!"


Ming Dai's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and she was very much looking forward to the upcoming itinerary.

"Ah..." Xia Ling was worried that he had done something bad with good intentions, so he quickly explained, "This is my guess, maybe little uncle has other arrangements!"

"It's all right!" Ming Dai smiled and narrowed her eyes.

At this time, the phone in his hand vibrated again.

Ming Dai smiled and lowered her head, thinking that it was Su Fangyun who sent the news about the variety show.

Her smile quickly froze on her lips, because it was a text message from Ning Xu.

From time to time, Ning Xu would send messages to Ming Dai to inform Ning Gu of various trivial matters that happened to the Ning Gu family. The two had not seen each other for several months, but Ning Xu's actions made him seem to be a ghost around Ming Dai.

It's not that Ming Dai hasn't blocked him, but Ning Shu can still send messages from another number in the next day. With his financial resources, it's not uncommon for him to change a hundred numbers a day.

Impulsively, Ming Dai thought about changing the number by herself, but there were too many contacts on the mobile phone number, and Ming Dai decided not to affect her life in this life because of the bad fate in her previous life, so why would she want to spend a lot of trouble for Ning Xu? ?

Later, I simply stopped caring about it, and let it go, and gradually got used to it, and learned to ignore it.

But on Ning Xu's side, even if he didn't get a half-word response, he was still tireless, talking to himself for months without getting tired.

Sometimes even Ming Dai admires his perseverance!
When she looked down at the phone and found that the sender was Ning Xu's number, Ming Dai didn't want to bother.

Ning Xu probably guessed what Ming Dai was thinking, so he dropped a blockbuster at the beginning——

[Ning Shu woke up, and he also came back. 】

Ming Dai clutches the phone tightly in shock!

Ning Xu spoke in a cryptic manner, others might not think of anything when they saw it, but Ming Dai understood what Ning Xu was conveying at a glance!
And she never expected that the last thing she wanted to see happened!
Is the world a sieve?
Why does everyone have to do it all over again?
Now even Ning Shu...

Shen Qinghe, Ning Xu, Ning Shu.

Now, among her four ex-boyfriends, there is only one Zhou Yunzhi left.

Shouldn't he be reborn together in the end?
——Just thinking about that scene, Ming Dai feels dizzy, and the peaceful life is gone forever.

"What's wrong?" Xia Ling, who was standing two steps away, looked at Ming Dai strangely, "Your face is ugly, is there something wrong?"

Ming Dai did not respond for a long time.

Xia Ling asked twice, but still couldn't get an answer, so she had to stretch out her hand and gently push Ming Dai.

Mingdai suddenly regained consciousness, and the iced grapefruit juice in her hand accidentally spilled out and landed on her long skirt.

Xia Ling exclaimed: "Sorry! I pushed you!"

"'s nothing." Mingdai forced a smile, "Lingling, were you calling me just now?"

"Well, I want to ask if you feel uncomfortable somewhere, your lips are white."

"It's a bit too hot. Just right, I'm going to pack up and change clothes."

Mingdai hastily put the grapefruit juice on the table, holding the phone and planning to leave.

Xia Ling told her behind her: "If you still feel uncomfortable, go back to your room and rest for a while!"

Ming Dai turned her head and waved, then trotted away.

So, when He Mu came over, all he saw was Ming Dai's back.

He also heard Xia Ling's words: "Dai Dai is not feeling well?"

Xia Ling frowned: "It's too hot, she must be suffering from heat stroke! I think her lips are a little white, so let her go back and rest."

He Mu arranged decisively: "I'll send the doctor over."

The island is remote, and the only way to communicate with the outside world is through yachts, boats and helicopters.

So this trip and going to the island in the evening, I brought medical staff along with me. The island even has a complete set of basic medical equipment, which is no different from a small hospital.

Xia Ling understood Ming Dai's temperament, and quickly stopped her: "No need for now, little uncle, if Dai Dai feels uncomfortable, she will definitely tell."

With Mu's calm face, he insisted unexpectedly: "It's good to check."

Xia Ling hurriedly said: "But Dai Dai will feel burdened!"

As expected, He Mu stopped, pursed his lips and remained silent.

Obviously his expression didn't change, but Xia Ling could see He Mu's displeasure.

During the past two or three days of getting along, Xia Ling has gradually gotten used to the existence of He Mu, especially with Ming Dai as his solid backing.

At this moment, he still dares to make a joke with He Mu: "Is little uncle worried that Dai Dai won't be able to go to the yacht you arranged to go to sea later?"

He Mu turned his eyes and stared at Xia Ling silently.

Xia Ling immediately restrained herself, feeling a lot of pressure: "No, I just happened to meet you coming back with a surfboard in your arms, and told someone to arrange the yacht. I thought this was the right time to watch the sunset, and I thought that was your plan..."

He Mu Shensheng: "Did you tell Dai Dai?"

"Of course!"

Xia Ling fell silent after realizing it.

"Shouldn't I have said that?"

What can He Mu say?

Just stepped on the sand and left.

Xia Ling let out a long breath: "It's still so infiltrating, I don't know where Dai Dai has her eyes on little uncle, hiss."

She shivered and couldn't help but miss Ming Dai.

A little uncle with Ming Dai around is the one he can get along with!
So where did Dede go?Are you uncomfortable?
At this time, Ming Dai naturally didn't feel uncomfortable.

She's just too shocked and desperate to figure out what's going on.

So she returned to the villa from the beach in a sightseeing car, waited until she got back to her room, locked the door, and then dialed Ning Xu's phone number in a secluded space.

Ning Xu over there seemed to be holding the phone and waiting at any time. The phone rang halfway, and it was connected immediately:

As always, the cheerful and cheerful voice belonged to Ning Xu.

Ming Dai: "What do you want to say?"

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