Chapter 443 Her Excellence
After Ming Dai finished speaking, she planned to hang up the phone.

"and many more!"

Gu Changming turned up the volume and could hear it even if he took the phone far away.

Mingdai was in a good mood, so she gave Gu Changming another chance.

"Please say."

It sounds polite, but Gu Changming only feels Ming Dai's bad upbringing.

"You really don't want to recognize it? Do you know what it means to go back to the Gu family? As the daughter of the Gu family, you don't have to show your face to be a star and make your fans smile. You can be a superior person proudly! Even if you want to continue in entertainment circle, Gu family background can become your backing... Are you really not tempted by the cake you can get at your fingertips?"

Ming Dai was extremely funny.

"Mr. Gu Changming, you are really interesting. The Qing Dynasty has been dead for so many years, and you still say that you are born and classed. Show your face... Hehe, I make money by myself, why should I be inferior to others? Mr. Gu Changming may be dissatisfied with the entertainment industry I understand too well, the Internet is full of news about how much money I made from a movie. Look at the figure and wake up, Mr. Gu Changming, from birth to now, how much money have you earned with your own hands and not with your parents? "

Ming Dai's sarcasm made Gu Changming speechless.

Hearing Gu Changming's heavy breathing, Ming Dai sneered.

Maybe from Gu Changming's point of view, going back to Gu's house is indeed a good thing for Mingdai.

He is so arrogant and despises Ming Dai's career, he is proud of his status as the young master of the Gu family and the family background of the Gu family, and recklessly criticizes Ming Dai...

It's a pity that what he met was Ming Dai, who knew everything about Gu's family.

How could Mingdai not know that under the shell of Gu Changming's haughty and noble status, in fact, the inside of Gu's family has long been a big leaky vat, which is almost full of water, and is still talking nonsense here?
Moreover, Gu Changming himself is also a fake elite. He is quite smart and can read, but he knows nothing about business. When he first entered the society, he was led by Gu Qi's hand.

When he was required to carry the banner independently in the later part of his previous life, he failed repeatedly. The cases he handled were either mediocre or bad, and he lost a lot of money for the company, which made Gu Qi disappointed in him time and time again.

However, Ming Dai was quite curious about what the purpose of Gu Changming telling her these words was.

Just when Gu Changming didn't speak for a long time, he was so humiliated that he was about to hang up the phone voluntarily.

Ming Dai asked with great interest:
"So, Mr. Gu Changming's 'careful' planning for me should not have any compassion for me. Or, does your father know that you called me? Actually, you might as well tell the real purpose directly , maybe I can help you?"

Of course it's impossible to help, it's just for fun.

Only Gu Changming, who was so stupid and sweet that Ming Dai didn't expect him, actually believed Ming Dai's nonsense.

Of course, he pondered for a long time after hearing Mingdai's suggestion of helping, so long that Mingdai thought the phone was disconnected.

Gu Changming: "Give up on Ning Shu."

Ming Dai was shocked: "...Huh?"

Gu Changming heard her surprise and thought it was her disgust at this proposal.

Gu Changming immediately said: "This is also my sincere advice to you - give up Ning Shu, the Ning family will not allow a female celebrity to step into his house, even if Ning Shu has feelings for you, you cannot be together. It is better to let him Lingsi, when she and Ning Shu get married, she will never forget your kindness."

Ming Dai couldn't speak a word for a long time.

Gu Changming's words were too sloppy, and she didn't know where to start laughing.

Give it to Gu Lingsi... Would Ning Shu be willing?

Even if Ning Shu is willing... Is her kindness from Gu Lingsi a big deal to her?

Shocked to the point of slipping her tongue for nearly a minute, Mingdai burst out laughing.

"I was in a bad mood when I heard your call today, but I didn't expect Mr. Gu Changming to be so interesting!"

After some compliments, he abruptly turned into a slap in the face.


Gu Changming was angry.

Ming Dai felt that this farce was almost over:

"Okay, Mr. Gu Changming, I'll pretend that I haven't heard what I said today. In the future, we won't mess with each other. I'm not interested in your Gu family's affairs, so don't contact me again."

Gu Changming seemed to raise his voice and scold Ming Dai a few words.

Ming Dai didn't hear it.

Because she had hung up the phone before her.

Gu Changming's endless noise was gone, and the whole world became quiet.

However, Ming Dai's mood did not improve because of this tranquility, instead she stared blankly at the distant seascape through the glass.

'It's really brother and sister...'

No matter how ridiculously stupid Gu Changming is, to Gu Lingsi, he is also a good brother who does his best.


I don't know when Jin Wuxi will fall.

The strong golden red became the last color of the sea and sky, and it was replaced by the dark sky in a short while.

It was getting dark, and another day was coming to an end. The time on the island was really carefree, and even the second hand moved unexpectedly fast!
Wait, it's getting dark...

"Oops! Go to sea!"

When Mingdai hung up the phone, Gu Changming was so angry that he threw the teacup out of his hand.

The porcelain cup hit the wall and shattered, just like Gu Changming's terrible mood right now.

He really wanted to throw out the mobile phone that brought him a sense of shame, but at the end of the day, he suddenly remembered what Ming Dai said about asking him to check the news online.

When Gu Changming came back to his senses, the phone had already started to search automatically——

There are many related news.

The birth of Ming Dai is too amazing, the entertainment industry has not produced a character like her for many years.

Especially with the anti-killing deeds of the dark horse in "Twin Flowers", naturally, there are a lot of people who are interested in Mingdai. Those self-media are all interested in Mingdai, so they made a special inventory of Mingdai's assets.

The investment in "Twin Flowers" accounted for the majority, plus income from film business, and some scattered investments of Ming Dai.

They summed up Ming Dai's experience as "[-] million a year! Ming Dai's gorgeous turn!".

That is to say, after Mingdai made her debut, Lin Linzong has earned hundreds of millions of dollars.

"These media can really make up! Dare to write any news!"

After Gu Changming complained, he subconsciously believed in this data.

Especially when Ming Dai was in the underground garage before, when she was sitting in the car with a faint smile, and when she offered a price of [-] million yuan.

So she offered that price because she really had [-] million?
So he became angry because he really didn't have [-] million.

At this point, Gu Changming once again felt a strong sense of shame.

The sense of shame was far stronger than when Ning Shu looked down on him, and even the entire Gu family.

This sense of shame comes from the blood sister who has been homeless for 18 years and has never received the education of the Gu family.

And her excellence far exceeded their expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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