Chapter 444

Ming Dai hastily called Xia Ling.

Xia Ling didn't take it seriously: "It's okay to change the time, why not change it to tomorrow? What? Will there be heavy rain tomorrow?"

The last half of the sentence was addressed to the housekeeper. It should be the housekeeper, Uncle Liu, who reminded Xia Ling that tomorrow's weather is not suitable for going to sea, and there will be heavy rain in the next few days.

Ming Dai pressed her forehead in frustration, regretting that she missed such a good opportunity, and the trip will be over in a few days, what if she still can't see the sunset over the sea when she leaves?
Uncle Liu seemed to sense Ming Dai's loss, and offered to propose:

"How about going out to sea now? The sea surface is quite good today. Even at night, sea fishing and moon watching are very interesting."

Uncle Liu, an "indigenous person" who lived on this small island for a long time, spoke, and Ming Dai had no intention of refusing, so she responded repeatedly.

Xia Ling didn't have any objections, anyway, Ming Dai agreed, and she nodded accordingly.

Then Xia Ling told Ming Dai that she and He Mu were in the living room.

Ming Dai promised that it would be over.

After hanging up the phone, Mingdai changed her clothes first.

Just now, I hurried back to the room and started to make a phone call. The place where the grapefruit juice was spilled on the long dress was already dry, but it was sticky and stuck to my legs, which was not very comfortable.

In order to facilitate her actions on the boat, Ming Dai chose relatively loose and casual clothes.

Afraid of further delays, Ming Dai almost ran over all the way.

Ming Dai's figure just appeared at the corner of the corridor, and He Mu, who was sitting on the sofa flipping through a magazine, stood up.

"Don't run, we're not in a hurry." He Mu's unhurried voice fell on Ming Dai's ears like a breeze, "You are wearing slippers, be careful not to fall."

Ming Dai was reminded, and looked down, only to realize that she forgot to change her shoes when she came out, and was still wearing the flip-flops she wore on the beach.

So I asked, "Will it be convenient?"

He Mu smiled firmly: "Don't worry, the boat is very stable."

Xia Ling, who was slowly getting up from the sofa, glanced at the magazine on the table that had not been touched by his uncle for nearly 10 minutes, and curled his lips secretly.

But Uncle Liu, the housekeeper next to him, was grinning almost to the ears.

Not long after, Ming Dai understood the meaning of what He Mu said.

It turned out that the yacht they sailed on was driven by He Mu himself——

This Sunreef 140 Sailing catamaran is Kazuki's big toy and he loves it very much.

It is docked at the private pier on the island. Its body is pure white, its lines are as smooth as a sculpture and full of artistic sense. The light belt on the hull, which is only turned on at night, reflects the broken light on the sea, as if sprinkled with broken silver.

The natural yearning for beauty made Ming Dai and Xia Ling express amazement the moment they saw this yacht.

"Please come on."

He Mu politely invited the two of them.

Ming Dai and Xia Ling boarded the boat one after another.

He Mu followed closely behind.

Afterwards, the housekeeper Lao Liu and the chef followed them on board. The chef was halfway preparing dinner in the kitchen. Because of the temporary decision to go to sea, they brought the materials and pots and moved the kitchen to the yacht. .

Fortunately, everything on the yacht is complete, the interior of the ship is brightly lit, the central living room is extremely comfortable and spacious, and the 360-degree circular corridor surrounds the living room, allowing you to enjoy the sea view unobstructed.

Going down to the first floor is the guest room, bathroom, kitchen, etc., all spaces are available.

Not far from the living room is the cockpit, He Mu settled Mingdai and Xia Ling in the living room, then turned and walked towards the cockpit.

Xia Ling had already excitedly ran to the front to enjoy the beauty of the sea at night.

Ming Dai, on the other hand, showed curious eyes towards He Mu's back.

The butler, Old Liu, appeared out of nowhere, and he grinned at Ming Dai. With his metal prosthetic limbs, and the space of the yacht, he had an inexplicably cool feeling of a pirate captain.

It's just that this cool uncle is smiling extraordinarily kindly at the moment, which gives Ming Dai a strong sense of déjà vu.

It was a long time later that Mingdai realized that Uncle Liu's smile now was a typical aunt's smile who "knocked on the CP".

Old Liu asked Ming Dai: "Are you curious about what Xiao Mu is going to do?"

Honest child Ming Dai nodded.

Old Liu smiled mysteriously: "Come with me."

Resolutely lead Ming Dai to walk in the direction He Mu left.

Ming Dai followed closely, and soon caught the back of He Mu who was confused just now.

He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. Coincidentally, they matched Ming Dai's clothes in a loose and casual style.

The collar of the shirt was not fastened to the top as usual, but three collars were unbuttoned, just to the right degree. As the yacht sailed, the sea breeze blowing in front of him poured into his shirt, agitating and flowing.

At this time, he was standing at the helm area, holding the rudder with both hands, because he carefully observed the data and the movements in the sea ahead, his eyes, which were deeper and more mysterious than the night, looked extraordinarily deep, like a black hole, continuously flowing Pulling people's souls down to the depths.

Because the wind blew away the hair on his forehead, the side profile that was completely exposed was incomparably perfect, especially at this moment when he was holding his breath and his lips were tightly pursed, which added to his aura, which was another side that Ming Dai seldom saw.

Ming Dai sees He Mu who is always approachable, he often smiles, and gently enlightens, like this sea that encompasses hundreds of rivers.

But now he is serious and serious, which makes people's heart beat faster.

Ming Dai slowed down her breathing a little.

As early as Ming Dai entered this area, He Mu had already noticed the arrival of Ming Dai and Lao Liu.

He first gave Lao Liu a meaningful look, but said nothing.

The aura that was condensed due to seriousness dissipated, and he smiled and said to Ming Dai in a low voice:

"come over."

Ming Dai didn't react in her head, her body took a step ahead of her.

When she came back to her senses, she had already stood beside He Mu.

There is a faint scent of cedar on He Mu's body. It is the perfume he uses all year round. It is a unique scent specially prepared by a private perfumer. It smells very similar to He Mu's temperament.

Ming Dai moved her nose, looked sideways, and accidentally found that her hair was flying towards He Mu's body under the influence of the sea breeze.

There was a distance between the two of them, but the hair had already broken through this distance, sweeping back and forth on He Mu's arm.

"Ah." Ming Dai, belatedly aware of it, raised her hand to press her hair, and gave He Mu an embarrassed look.

"It's okay." He Mu almost sighed.

Ming Dai looked at him in a daze.

He Mu Teng pointed forward with a finger.


Ming Dai followed the past obediently with her eyes.

After looking around, I realized that the scenery here is the best on the whole yacht.

Because this yacht is He Mu's toy, he likes to drive the yacht himself, and he often stays in this position, of course he can see the best scenery.

"Although I missed the sunset, there are still stars waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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