Chapter 445 Name
Because of these words, Ming Dai's heart moved with the wind, and the sea world at night opened her arms to her, and the world took on a new look, as if those gloomy dust had been wiped away, and it became bright and beautiful again.

The stars are scattered all over, like diamonds dense and shining, and against the starry sky, it is as black as the top velvet cloth, and it is precisely because of its existence that the starry sky is more dazzling.

The sea is sparkling and calm, and the melodious and ancient whale songs are heard in the distance. Occasionally, dolphins jump out of the water and chase the waves brought by the yacht.

In an instant, Ming Dai's mind and mind calmed down, and a smile appeared on her lips unknowingly.

"Does it feel good?"

He Mu glanced sideways.

Because Mingdai wanted to look up at the galaxy and look down at the dolphins again, she had already forgotten her hair flying in the wind in a hurry, and the long hair that was originally gathered was scattered again, sweeping across He Mu's arms in countless ways. However, through the shirt, there seems to be nothing, itchy.

The smile on He Mu's face deepened quietly, seeing that he was in a good mood.

"I heard that if you encounter dolphins when you go out to sea, you will have good luck."

Ming Dai turned around when she heard the words, feeling extremely surprised.

"Do you still believe this? What if we don't meet dolphins today? Are we unlucky?"

Ming Dai, who had a little bad idea, wanted to make things difficult for He Mu, to see how he would answer.

He Mu was very calm.

"It's good luck to meet you. If you don't meet..." After a pause, she glanced at Ming Dai with a smile, "That's a superstitious rumor, it's not credible."

Ming Dai was amused to laugh out loud, her laughter like a broken bell drifted far away with the wind.

Uncle Liu, who was standing not far away, saw them, looked at them with relief, and then left quietly.

But Mingdai and Mu obviously didn't notice that after Uncle Liu left, there were only two people left in this area.

Under He Mu's guidance, Ming Dai stood a little to the side, where the view is better.

Ming Dai supported the railing with her hands, leaned forward slightly, and squinted her eyes comfortably against the sea breeze.

"Be careful." After He Mu instructed, he continued to build, "When you arrive at your destination, you can try sea fishing. It's very interesting."

Ming Dai turned around with a bright smile: "Okay, I haven't tried fishing yet! Is fishing at sea very different from fishing in rivers and lakes?"

"Fishing gear and bait will be different."

He Mu is worthy of being a walking encyclopedia, when Ming Dai asks casually, he can basically get the answer at his fingertips, and he can also speak in a boring and not boring way.

Ming Dai listened with gusto.

When He Mu finished speaking, she thought of her academic performance and couldn't help feeling: "If I had met such a good teacher as you since I was a child, I might be a top student by now!"

He Mu smiled without speaking.

After going through He Mu's popular science, Ming Dai was even more motivated, and she even talked about comparing herself with Xia Ling.

After all, an advanced player like Uncle Mu Liu really does not belong to her challenge category.

Seeing Ming Dai's enthusiasm, He Mu simply suggested: "If you find it interesting, you can come back tomorrow, and you can also see the sunset that you missed."

Ming Dai gasped: "Didn't Uncle Liu say that it will rain tomorrow? Will we be able to see the sunset then?"

He Mu raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Lao Liu said so?"

Ming Dai hummed.

After two seconds of silence, He Mu replied: "Old Liu has lived on this island longer than I have. Maybe he knows the weather changes better. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we can come."

Ming Dai had no doubt about him, she nodded happily.

The two stood side by side and continued to enjoy the beautiful scenery for a while.


Xia Ling's voice came from afar.

Ming Dai heard it.

"Little..." After blurting out, and swallowing the last two words, Ming Dai asked naturally, "How long will it take to reach the destination?"

"15 minutes." He Mu remained calm, seemingly not noticing Ming Dai's slight change in address.

Ming Dai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll go find Lingling first!"

"it is good."

Just when Ming Dai took a few steps, He Mu suddenly called her to stop.


Ming Dai looked back in doubt, and pinned her wind-blown hair behind her ears.


"You don't need to call me like Lingling, just call me by my name."

Saying this to Mu, he deliberately stared into Ming Dai's eyes.

In the depths of his black eyes, a monstrous wave was silently set off.

Ming Dai gradually opened her eyes wide, and quietly clenched her hair hanging on her chest.

Subconsciously followed the thoughts hidden in my heart, and my lips collided up and down:

"And... Mu?"

This seemed to be the first time Ming Dai officially called out his name.

In his face.

And not silently.

Calling names... seems to have a special magic.

The relationship is drawn closer by calling names, and the barrier is broken by exchanging names.

At that moment, He Mu's black eyes suddenly became deep, and dark waves surged in his restless eyes.

It was a kind of sharpness hidden in his bones, and He Mu was always calm and easy-going in front of Ming Dai, but now, this calm appearance was broken, and the strong emotions hidden in his bones were thriving.

Even if the two are separated by three or four meters at this time, Ming Dai can feel the temperature on her cheeks rising rapidly, and she is a little afraid to look directly at He Mu.

Afraid that the heartbeat was too fast and too loud, he would listen to it and peek into those secret thoughts.

"I, I'm going down first!"

After Ming Dai stammered, she almost ran away.

Ming Dai's figure disappeared in an instant, but He Mu's lips were tightly pursed.

"Am I going too far?"

He muttered to himself, thinking of his mother's warning, he couldn't help feeling annoyed, feeling that he was too abrupt and aggressive.

Raising his hand to scratch his messy hair, he who is always calm as a mountain is also troubled and troubled now, like a teenager who has fallen into the panic of his first love in adolescence...

Ah, right.

It's first love, right?

Ming Dai ran for a certain distance in a panic, but the temperature on her cheeks did not stop there, but continued to rise.

So much so that Ming Dai almost forgot to look at the road, and bumped into the arms of Xia Ling who was walking towards her.

"Dai Dai!" Xia Ling supported Ming Dai in time, "Where did you go, why is there no one?"

With that said, Xia Ling saw the abnormal crimson color on Ming Dai's face through the faint light in the corridor.

Xia Ling exclaimed on the spot: "Are you feeling unwell? Could it be that you haven't recovered from the heat stroke in the afternoon?"

Ming Dai asked a little bluntly, "What heat stroke?"

"Because your face is very red right now! Do you have a fever... Uhhhh!"

Xia Ling innocently opened her eyes wide, not understanding why Ming Dai had to cover her mouth.

Ming Dai: "Stop talking!"

Xia Ling, who was half a beat behind, finally noticed something, and raised his hand to express that he wanted to say something.

"Stop yelling."

After Ming Dai gave her instructions, she looked around and then slowly put down her hands.

But still vigilant at all times, ready to cover Xia Ling's mouth at any time.

Fortunately, Xia Ling is a caring friend.

"Did you go to see your little uncle just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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