Chapter 446

One word hits the mark.

Ming Dai hesitated but didn't answer.

Xia Ling lowered his voice: "Okay, there is no one else here, do you want to hide it from me?"

Ming Dai thought about it carefully, then shook her head at Xia Ling.

Of course, it was impossible to hide it from Xia Ling.

After hesitating, he hummed.

"No wonder!"

Xia Ling raised her eyebrows high and smiled narrowly.

"Then you just now..."

As she spoke, she winked at Mingdai for a while.

Ming Dai blushed and interrupted her: "Don't talk nonsense! He just told me to go and see the scenery."

Xia Ling elongated his voice meaningfully: "Ah—look at the scenery!"

Ming Dai nodded confidently: "Of course!"

"Then why are you blushing!"

Xia Ling deserved to be Xia Ling, he ordered Hongxin directly!

Ming Dai hesitated.

"Didn't you agree not to hide it?"

"...He let me call his name directly."

Xia Ling waited excitedly for the follow-up.

Ming Dai glanced at her: "What's wrong?"

Xia Ling: "And then what? After he asked you to call him by his name directly?"

Ming Dai was surprised instead: "After what? There is no future. Oh, I heard your voice, so I came to look for you."

Xia Ling felt like being struck by lightning. She never expected that the one who broke the show would be herself!
This kind of feeling is like seeing the hero and heroine in a dog-blood love drama about to confess their love...but the plot is suddenly cut off!And tell the audience to stay tuned for the following content!

"That's it? That's it?" Xia Ling really didn't know how to evaluate Ming Dai, "Does this also require you to blush? Isn't it a trivial matter? I thought it was q... well. It's just a name, I dare to call it !"

Ming Dai: "Really?"

Xia Ling's mouth was opened, and the word "he" swirled in his throat.

But up and down, just can't spit out.

Finally resigned to fate and sighed: "Well, as a junior, I can't pass this hurdle, but you are different, and you are not like me. You grew up oppressed by all kinds of rumors about your uncle's reputation!"

"You don't understand." Ming Dai smiled slightly, "This feeling is very different, like some conventions have been broken..."

Ming Dai's subsequent emotions are difficult to describe in words, it is a kind of intricate thoughts.

Just like the freshly borne fruit on the tree, it is so young that it is slightly bitter, and when it matures, it will brew a sweet taste.

Xia Ling said in a very unsightly way: "Isn't it just that the window paper was punctured during the ambiguous period, and it is about to enter the next stage!"

Ming Dai glanced at her again and sighed softly.

It is difficult for people who are not in it to understand, so Mingdai doesn't know how to tell Xia Ling.

Xia Ling rubbed Ming Dai's hair: "You, you, why do you look like a little girl at the beginning of love! First time in love? Look at your sour first love!"

Ming Dai laughed: "What first love..." The words stopped abruptly.

Memories of previous lives emerged, and those pasts flashed before my eyes.

But I always feel that compared with the current mood, the previous emotions have become bleak.

In that case, was it true love that she had experienced before?Or……

"What are you thinking!"

Xia Ling interrupted Ming Dai's thoughts.

Ming Dai shook her head and said it was nothing, Xia Ling didn't ask any further questions, thinking it was Ming Dai's unspeakable girl Qisi again.

"Okay, okay, I know that your relationship with my little uncle has improved, and the day you become my little aunt is just around the corner! Is that all right?" Xia Ling put his arm around Mingdai's shoulders, and said in a serious manner, "But let's talk about it in advance. It’s fine if there are elders, but at other times I will never call you little aunt! I can’t lose my seniority for nothing!”

Ming Dai's cheeks that had just cooled down turned red again: "This is where it is!"

Xia Ling giggled, and dragged Ming Dai to the front deck.

The two leaned against the railing of the deck, and after talking for a while, Uncle Liu came over to call them, saying that dinner was ready.

At this time, the yacht also arrived at the expected location, floating steadily on the calm sea, bathed in the sky full of stars.

As the yacht stopped, the folding terrace at the stern unfolded silently and turned into an open platform, connecting with the sea surface, and there is an escalator on the right side that can directly enter the sea.

Of course it is not safe to go into the sea at night, but eating here has a special taste, just like eating on the beach.

Uncle Liu arranged for people to set up the table, and the high-quality ingredients brought by the chefs had been made into exquisite meals and placed on the table covered with white tablecloths.

The dining table is square and not too big, it can seat four people, Ming Dai and Mu Xia Ling are more than enough for three people.

There is a candlestick in the middle of the dining table, surrounded by wreaths under the candlestick, with fresh Juliet roses paired with chrysanthemums and fountain grass, full of vitality, pink and spring, the atmosphere is simply awesome!
Xia Ling walked over, and the corners of her eyes twitched: Why do you feel that she is redundant?

Ming Dai didn't feel it at all, she smiled and pulled Xia Ling closer, and picked up her phone to take pictures——

In the past, Ming Dai was not a person who liked to take pictures. When young people were enthusiastic about taking pictures to record their lives, she was not interested at all, which was in stark contrast to most young people.

But during this trip, Mingdai took out her mobile phone to take pictures more and more times, because she always wanted to use technology to freeze this beautiful moment that made people cry.

Maybe Mingdai herself didn't notice the change.

She even forgot that Gu Changming's bad mood brought about by that phone call not long ago, now there is only joy left!
"Why don't you sit down?"

He Mu also came, and the look in his eyes seemed to have regained his composure.

After getting used to it for a while, Ming Dai looked calmer, now she can smile at He Mu as if nothing had happened.

The three sat down one after another, listening to the sea breeze and admiring the scenery at night.

The bright lights on the deck dispel the heavy darkness on the sea, making this corner of the yacht warm and beautiful.

Even the time can't bear to go too fast, Mingdai feels that every second is precious and happy.

...It's a pity that there are always people who want to make trouble.

For example, Xia Ling.

With candlesticks and flowers in the middle, Xia Ling didn't have to look directly at He Mu's face, but turned to Ming Dai, who was sitting between her and her uncle on the right:

"Dede, I want some lemon."

The lemon served in a small bowl is next to He Mushou.

Speaking of which, Xia Ling extended his left hand slightly.

But Xia Ling asked Ming Dai to help get it.

Ming Dai didn't even consider Xia Ling's "bad thoughts" inside, and opened her mouth to shout:

"He Mu..."

Suddenly stopped, feeling awkward, quickly raised his eyes...

Colliding with and Mu's eyes, the fingertips seemed to be clicked by static electricity, numb.

He Mu handed out the small bowl of lemons.

Mingdai breathed a sigh of relief, and gave the lemon to Xia Ling.

Xia Ling lowered his head and secretly laughed.

Looking up again, he accidentally received He Mu's warning eyes.

...and stopped immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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