Chapter 447 Returning
After experiencing the fun of overnight fishing in the sea on a yacht, Ming Dai really became interested in it.

When looking at the fishing rod, the heart will be peaceful;

When competing with the fish you catch, you will feel hearty;

When I see the rich harvest and taste the delicious food with my own eyes, I feel that all the waiting time is worth it.

On the second day, the weather was sunny and calm all day, and there was no sign of rain at all.

Mingdai was a little confused, but was soon filled with good mood, and excitedly went out to sea again to see the sunset that she missed yesterday.

...Happy time flies, and half a month of carefree on the island seems to pass in the blink of an eye.

Now, they are about to leave for home.

Before boarding the plane, Xia Ling murmured: "This vacation time is really too short! We should go directly to Europe and continue playing!"

Ming Dai felt guilty and suggested: "Why don't you go after we get the results?"

After the college entrance examination, they went on vacation for half a month, and the time coincided with the announcement of the college entrance examination results, which was the second day after their plane arrived in China.

When Xia Ling heard it, his face was full of excitement: "Really? Are we together?"

Ming Dai: "Of course I can't, I've piled up too much work."

"That's so boring."

Xia Ling fell into the sofa chair.

Ming Dai followed and glanced at He Mu who was separated by a corridor.

The desk in front of him was covered with various documents, and the person sitting face to face with him was his chief secretary, who flew to the island two days ago due to work problems, and spent the last two days of his vacation trip with Mu at work, Various video conferencing.

Now the two of them are having a small meeting, their voices are kept very low, and those small and unfamiliar professional words float into Ming Dai's ears through the air.

Ming Dai thought, when he returned to China, He Mu would be too busy to have time.

She was distracted, and her eyes were a little erratic.

He Mu tilted his head as if feeling something, and smiled slightly.

The chief secretary, who was across the table from him, was able to calmly hide his surprise and lowered his head.

He Mu took time out from his busy schedule: "When your grades come out, do you want to hold a graduation banquet to celebrate?"

Ming Dai was stunned: "The grades haven't come down yet?"

"Are you worried?"

"That's not it."

After subconsciously answering, Ming Dai herself laughed.

"Since it's already decided, remember to invite me to the school entrance banquet."

All the guests took the initiative to speak up, how could Mingdai refuse as the host?

Xia Ling was listening by the side, and had a sudden thought: "I want to study at Yanda University. It seems that it is not a big problem now. How about we hold the school entrance banquet together? How about Dai Dai?"

Ming Dai was elated: "Of course!"

He Muyan and Ming Dai's attention were dragged away by Xia Ling, and the conversation between the two was interrupted.

He Mu glanced at Xia Ling lightly.

Xia Ling suddenly felt a chill go down the back of his head.

"Could it be that it's too cold?" Xia Ling said to himself.

Ming Dai is concerned: "What's wrong?"

Xia Ling shook her head.

But Ming Dai did not ignore He Mu, and immediately turned her head: "Then He Mu, you will be together!"

The secretary who thought she had adapted and was drinking water calmly said, "Pfft...cough cough cough!"

Choking on the water, he coughed violently, his eyes were red.

He Mu handed out a tissue: "Be careful with the documents."

He didn't even look at the secretary's pupils shaking wildly, and continued to smile at Mingdai.

"of course."

The school entrance banquet was finalized.

Although the notice has not yet come down, the atmosphere here is already celebrating.

During the long flight, Ming Dai went to the back room to sleep in the middle, and woke up at night.

The stratosphere outside the porthole is quiet and leisurely, and the cold moonlight shines in, reflecting the silhouette of He Mu.

Before going to the guest room, he was working;
Back from the guest room, he was still working.

Mingdai thought about it, asked the stewardess for a glass of warm water, and approached He Mu lightly.

He Mu didn't look up, but heard Ming Dai's footsteps.

"Aren't you sleeping?"

He and Mu looked up, and fixed on the glass in Ming Dai's hand.

Mingdai gently placed the water glass on his table, and put it together with the coffee cup that was about to bottom out.

Ming Dai warned softly: "I've already drank two cups of coffee, drink some warm water."

He Mu stretched his brows and eyes, and responded: "Okay."

His smile surged, and the breath around him was like a spring breeze blowing on his face, warm and easy-going.

Ming Dai stared blankly for a while, then worried about disturbing his work, she took the initiative to walk away, came to the seat across the aisle from He Mu, and read a book.

At this time, Xia Ling and the secretary went to rest separately, and only Ming Dai and Mu were left here.

They are in the same space, but they do not interfere with each other. There are only the sound of flipping pages of documents, tapping of keyboards, and the clattering of pages, which is quiet and harmonious.

Unknowingly, time passed, and as the morning sun illuminated the clouds, coating the snow-white cotton candy-like clouds with a layer of golden light, the huge Yanjing had already arrived at the foot.

When she landed at the airport, Mingdai's assistant Xiao Ai and the car were waiting.

He Mu is going to the company now.

And Xia Ling, who didn't sleep well, yawned continuously, and was going home to catch up on sleep.

Ming Dai also needs to go home to rest for a while, to shoot new business materials.

So she bid farewell to Mu Xialing and returned home in a nanny car—it was still the familiar home near No. [-] Middle School. When Mingdai was free for a while, she wanted to look at a new house, and she probably moved out of here before going to university. .

Familiar aromatherapy smells include, in order to welcome Ming Dai back from vacation, Huang Yuanyuan specially arranged flowers in every corner of the room. The bright and beautiful roses of different varieties brought the whole house back to spring.

While assistant Xiao Ai was tidying up the cloakroom, Ming Dai went back to her room to take a shower to wash away the exhaustion from the journey.

It took about an hour for the female star to complete a set of maintenance procedures.

Waiting for Mingdai to sit in a chair and close her eyes for a short rest, she suddenly heard her assistant Xiao Ai knocking on the door.

"Dai Dai, the security guard at the gate said that there are visitors who claim to be your relatives."


Mingdai thought to herself, where did her relatives come from?

People who thought they were boring and irrelevant had to be dismissed casually, but at the end of the day, their movements stopped.

Get up and go to the living room, answer the phone: "Who is there?"

A friendly voice with a smile sounded over there: "Hi Dai Dai, I'm Gu Qi."

Ming Dai's mood instantly fell to the bottom.

Gu Qi actually came to the door?

Could it be because she made an excuse to make a wrong call a few days ago and hung up on him, and by the way directly pulled the blacklist?
After holding back and not moving for these days, Ming Dai thought that Gu Qi had changed his temper, but unexpectedly, she waited here.

Ming Dai did not speak for a long time.

Gu Qi reminded with a smile: "I see that there are many people taking pictures downstairs."

He is threatening.

Besides the paparazzi, who else is taking pictures downstairs?

If Gu Qi said that he was Ming Dai's father in front of people at the gate of the community, then tomorrow's major entertainment news headlines would be full of stories about Ming Dai's life experience!

(End of this chapter)

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