Chapter 448

True and false daughters, secrets of life experience...

This kind of plot has been enduring in TV dramas and novels for a long time.

If it becomes a reality and becomes something for people to discuss about Ming Dai, then these trivial matters will accompany Ming Dai for the rest of her life, and as Ming Dai becomes more famous, she will be pulled out and talked about repeatedly.

On the other hand, Ming Dai also doesn't want to get involved with the Gu family.

After understanding Gu Qi's veiled threat, Ming Dai pursed her lips in displeasure.

After a few seconds, he said: "There is a coffee shop outside the community, and there are private rooms there, let's meet there."

No matter what, Ming Dai didn't want Gu Qi to step into her domain.

Gu Qi is as easy to talk as she guessed.

After a quick answer, Ming Dai put on a black body, a mask and a hat.

She looked awe-inspiring the whole time, as if she was always ready to go to war.

Assistant Xiao Ai was extremely nervous.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally said guiltily: "Dai Dai, shouldn't I say that you are at home? I'm sorry, it's all my problem, I didn't even think of this little thing..."

Xiao Ai keeps blaming herself for not doing a good job, which actually brings troubles to Ming Dai.

Ming Dai smiled at her when she had time: "Don't blame yourself, that person probably arranged for someone to watch outside the complex, and he will know when our car comes back, and it has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Ai was dumbfounded when he heard this: "This... who is this? Is this a stalker? Should I call the police?"

Ming Dai adjusted the angle of the hat in front of the mirror, and said casually, "No, he is someone who will never have anything to do with me now or in the future."

Ming Dai took Xiao Ai out and walked to a coffee shop not far from the community.

The location and environment of that coffee shop are good. Today is a weekday and there are not many customers.

Ming Dai's arrival didn't draw too many people's attention, Ming Dai led Xiao Ai to find the private room by herself, and knocked on the closed door of the private room.

"Please come in."

Gu Qi's voice sounded from inside the door.

Ming Dai lowered her eyes, raised her hand to hold the doorknob, turned it, pushed the door open and entered.

Their gazes followed Gu Qi's immediately, and each of them smelled an unusual aura.

Gu Qi's tense face soon became warm, and Chao Mingdai smiled kindly, like a loving father.

Ming Dai even saw the crystal tears welling up in his eye sockets?
Tsk, with this acting skill, I should go to acting.

Ming Dai saw that Gu Qi was alone in the private room, so she also left Xiao Ai in the lobby outside, went in alone, and closed the door behind her backhand.

After taking a seat, he did not forget to confirm the protective electric shock rod in the bag.

Gu Qi stared at Ming Dai closely for a long time.

"Like, really like."

He came up with such a nonsensical sentence.

Ming Dai answered casually: "Like what?"

There were tears in Gu Qi's smile, and he was particularly moved: "Like your grandma, she passed away very early. She was a famous beauty in Yanjing City and had countless suitors. It's a pity that she passed away so early that you haven't been able to meet her."

Ming Dai almost laughed out loud.

If Gu Qi's statement is true, then she had never heard him mention it in her previous life.

Because you don't care?

So why do you care now?
Also using this reason to try to shorten the relationship between them...

Ming Dai, who can only feel calculating from Gu Qi's attitude, is naturally always on guard.

She said, "What grandma? I'm an orphan. Mr. Gu must have admitted the wrong person."

Gu Qi was very calm.

Probably Ming Dai's continuous actions made him mentally prepared.

So, he sighed deeply, did not follow Ming Dai's words, but said apologetically:

"Last week, your brother...Changming's phone call and what he said should have made you very angry. But I can understand your current attitude. A person loses his position and is completely occupied by others." 18 years, it's impossible to have no temper at all!"

Ming Dai hugged her arms, not easily moved.

"I still say the same thing, Mr. Gu, I am an orphan and have nothing to do with the Gu family."

Her indifferent attitude made Gu Qi raise his eyebrows and look thoughtful.

But Gu Qi covered it up very well, and he continued: "Changming, he was deceived. He mistakenly thought that Gu Lingsi was you, and he loved her as his own sister, but he didn't expect you to be his own sister! Don't worry, Mingdai , I have taught your brother a lesson, and he has come to his senses and knows who is the real relative. As long as you nod, I will bring him to you and apologize to you!"

Ming Dai didn't speak.

Gu Qi: "If you don't believe me, you can do a paternity test!"

"That's not necessary."

Ming Dai didn't want to do it at all.

In the previous life, the paternity test was repeated three times, and they all came to the same conclusion.

The reason was simply that the Gu family felt that how could such a notorious starlet as Ming Dai be the daughter of the Gu family?
In this life, even if Ming Dai would not repeat such insults, she would never put herself in the same situation.

Seeing that Ming Dai's heart was as hard as iron, Gu Qi had no choice but to resort to the next trick:
"If you still haven't calmed down, as a father, I can apologize to you! I'm sorry, Mingdai!"

Ming Dai's indestructible attitude finally loosened a bit because of this "I'm sorry".

There was a slight change in her expression, which fell into Gu Qi's eyes, thinking that Ming Dai was persuaded.

He hurriedly pursued the victory: "Ming Dai, Dai Dai, I know that you haven't felt any family affection from that couple these years, so you are so wary of parents who suddenly come to your door. But not all parents in the world are like those couples You are so bad to children! Blood is thicker than water, I am your real father! I have lost you for 18 years, and now I think of it like a knife twists my heart! I really don’t know how you got here all these years. My father loves you so much. Now give Dad a chance to make up for you, okay?"

Gu Qi's voice is full of emotion, every muscle on his face is working hard, telling his father's love like a mountain.

But Ming Dai, who has experienced the encounters in the previous life, has a thorough appreciation of his acting skills.

Gu Qi misunderstood.

Mingdai's relaxation because of that "I'm sorry" is not a soft heart.

In the previous life, she didn't wait until she died to say "I'm sorry", it just came so easily... She felt absurd, ironic, and ridiculous, and had mixed feelings, most of which was contempt for Gu Qi.

It turns out that by grasping the benefits, Gu Qi, who was condescending in the previous life, could easily break his bones and bend down.

Ming Dai raised the corner of her mouth and asked deliberately: "You want to make it up to me? What about Gu Lingsi? What are you going to do to her?"

Gu Qi thought to himself, the little girl really cares about these problems that she has and I don't.

The face is still loving and tolerant, but the words he said are merciless:

"Of course let her leave the Gu family! She has been raised for 18 years in vain. Now that she has gone to college, she has done her best! Let her go back to where she should be!"

Ming Dai observed quietly, and could tell at a glance that what Gu Qi said was a lie.

(End of this chapter)

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