Chapter 449 Intimidation

That's right, the Gu family has worked hard to cultivate the daughter of the Gu family for 18 years, not counting the energy spent by the Gu family, the money spent on Gu Lingsi over the years alone is not a small amount.

Gu Qi is a businessman, and a businessman who does not lose money. How could he give up Gu Lingsi so easily?

However, Gu Lingsi's status may plummet.

Based on Ming Dai's previous experience, Gu Qi's plan is very likely to marry Gu Lingsi to a powerful family in exchange for benefits.

The other party will not be a perfect man like Ning Shu, and there is a high possibility that there is a certain problem.

Either she is old, or divorced with children, or like the notorious playboy he tried to introduce to her in his previous life, the wife who likes domestic violence has a violent temper...

If he wasn't such a person, how could Gu Qi get the benefits he expected?
Ming Dai raised one corner of her mouth: "Really?"

Gu Qi nodded repeatedly, while observing Ming Dai's expression.

I always feel that Ming Dai's attitude is too calm, completely different from what he expected.

He thought that Ming Dai would be happy and excited when she heard such an arrangement, and she would be elated as if she had achieved success...Anyway, it shouldn't be the current peace.

The development of the current situation is clearly beyond Gu Qi's control, making it difficult for him to deal with Ming Dai.

This made Gu Qi feel insulted, he thought that if he came to see Ming Dai, he would be able to catch her easily.

and so.

While Gu Qi was secretly upset in his heart, he forced a smile on his face, and simply threw out benefits as an attraction——

He speaks earnestly, like a loving father who considers his children in everything:
"Son, maybe it's your living situation that makes you resist, but going back to Gu's family will be a good choice for you. You are in the entertainment circle, so you should know the importance of having a backer. It's just like your movie this time If you have the Gu family and your father as your backing, will you still face the dilemma of lack of funds?"

When Gu Qi learned that Ming Dai was his daughter, he felt very contemptuous in his heart.

A mere star?
But with the investigation and understanding of Ming Dai, he began to think differently.

Especially Ming Dai's return on investment in "Twin Lotus", even he felt envious when he saw it.

It's a pity that Gu Qi investigated their crew and got to the last mysterious investor. He didn't know the identity of the other party, and he didn't care. He just thought it was someone Ming Dai met through Xia Ling, or it was Xia Ling or Xia's family.

By the way, Xia Ling, and Xia Ling... Back then, Gu Qi wanted Gu Lingsi and Xia Ling to have a good relationship. The two had the natural advantage of being in the same class. Gu Qi thought that with Gu Lingsi's ability to deal with people, he could become friends with Xia Ling It will work out.

In the end, he was disappointed. Xia Ling was as cold and arrogant as ever, unmoved by Gu Lingsi's initiative to curry favor, and he failed repeatedly even when he wanted to establish a relationship with the Xia family.

But Ming Dai in front of her is the only friend Xia Ling has ever admitted to in public!

As the saying goes, when the enemy is an enemy, it is so hideous, but when the enemy becomes one of our own, all resentment will become joy.

Gu Qi saw that Ming Dai was like this.

So what he said was sincere and from the heart.

Of course, he felt that this was definitely not a use, but a mutual benefit.

How wonderful!
Ming Dai glanced at him, her silent gaze could see through all of Gu Qi's thoughts.

Even Gu Qi felt a little nervous.

"Just here."

Ming Dai said and got up.

She took out 100 yuan from her wallet and pressed it under the unmoving coffee cup.

"I'll pay for the coffee myself. As for what Mr. Gu said, I'll pretend I haven't heard it. It's best for everyone not to disturb each other in the future."

Seeing that Ming Dai was about to walk to the door of the private room, Gu Qi became anxious.

"You can inherit the property when you return to the Gu family! I'll give you 3% of the shares! This is more than your brother has!"

Ming Dai turned her back to Gu Qi and smiled.

In the current Fenggu Group, 3% of the shares are indeed worth some money.

Wait a few more years, Feng Gu's Gu family has plummeted all the way, and at the lowest point, it is no different from a blank sheet of paper. Is it interesting to take these shares?

But the price to be paid will definitely be much higher than this 3%!
"I'm not from the Gu family. Why do you want to share the shares with me? Mr. Gu should give the shares to his family."

After finishing speaking, Ming Dai turned the doorknob.

Behind him, Gu Qi was furious, and finally revealed his true colors!

"Ming Dai! Believe it or not, I sincerely hope that you will return to the Gu family! I will never allow the blood of the Gu family to flow out! If necessary, I will resort to some unconventional means, such as the media! As a public figure, you You shouldn't want your family background to become someone else's talking point!"

Gu Qi also knew how to take the environment into consideration, and didn't forget to lower his voice.

Ming Dai sneered.

She let go of the doorknob, finally turned around, and looked at Gu Qi with a smile.

"Yeah, that's great."

In retaliation, Ming Dai didn't even bark at Mr. Gu who pretended to be polite, and simply tore up all the gentleness.

When she raised her eyes, her gaze was as sharp as a knife:

"Gu Qi, that's the kind of person you are. Otherwise, how could your two children, Gu Changming and Gu Lingsi, be raised so much like you? So, since you're talking about this, I can't just do nothing Bar?"

The impatience on Gu Qi's body gradually faded away, and he began to re-examine Ming Dai.

"I underestimated you." Gu Qi dropped his fatherly face and returned to indifference, "Then tell me, how do you want to take revenge on me?"

Ming Dai laughed again: "Don't you think I'm bluffing? Gu Qi, you are such a person who is so devoted to profit, you want me to return to the Gu family so much, is it really because of something illusory like blood? Are you For the sake of the Ning family, what, Gu Lingsi wants to break off the engagement with Ning Shu?"

Gu Qi's pupils trembled, and he tried to pretend to be calm and calm: "What are you kidding? The engagement of two families is a big deal, how could it be possible to say nothing?"

Ming Dai: "Really? How did I hear that the Ning family didn't even go to the engagement scene? This is a foreshadowing. If the Ning family is more ruthless, no one will think it's wrong to announce the dissolution of the engagement now. Considering the sympathy, then postpone it a little bit." Time. That's why you are in a hurry, you want to take me back home and save this engagement, don't you?"

Thinking of Xia Ling, Gu Qi thought that Ming Dai got all the information from Xia Ling, so he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"You think so because you think Ning Shu likes me? But aren't you in a hurry to go to the doctor? A person like Ning Shu would give up all his benefits for all his likes? You don't want to give up 3% of the shares. In the end, it will be nothing. This is my friendly reminder!"

Ming Dai pursed her lips and smiled, it was clearly a bright smile, why did Gu Qi feel creepy when he looked at it?
Gu Qi quickly fell silent, his eyes rolled around.

Obviously listened to the words.

(End of this chapter)

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