Chapter 454 Silence...

It is impossible to pinch off, Ming Dao will not easily fulfill Xiao Bai's wish.

In the end Xiao Bai had no choice but to pretend to be magnanimous.

"Okay, I don't care about you! Who made us good friends!"

Suddenly, his eyeballs rolled.

Xiao Bai asked with a smile: "Dai Dai, you only invited so many people in the circle. If you say that, am I your best friend?"

As he said that, he took a special look at Xu Ji, which seemed to be a bit competitive.

Ming Dai: "Of course."

Xiao Bai laughed loudly: "Look at Xu Ji, I'll just say..."

"We are all best friends." Ming Dai added.

Grabbed Xiao Bai's snarky words directly in his throat.

"Dai Dai!" Xiao Bai felt aggrieved.

Ming Dai laughed heartily.

Xu Ji laughed along, keeping his gaze fixed on Ming Dai.

At this time, Chu Yunping quietly appeared, holding a bouquet of flowers in his arms: "What are you talking about?"

Ming Dai's eyes lit up: "Sister Chu!"

Chu Yunping hugged Ming Dai with a smile, and stuffed the flowers into Ming Dai's arms by the way.

Ming Dai was very happy: "Thank you, Sister Chu!"

Both Xiao Bai and Xu Ji greeted Chu Yunping politely.

Even though Xu Ji has already filmed with Chu Yunping, Chu Yunping is still the senior of the two of them, so it's not good to be rude.

Chu Yunping greeted politely.

The three of them are very familiar with Ming Dai, but they are not very familiar with each other.

Seeing this, Ming Dai took the initiative to lead them to their positions.

Along the way, I saw many excited looking eyes, all of them were classmates from No. [-] Middle School.

Usually they are used to watching Ming Dai at school, and they rarely feel like seeing big stars on TV.

But now Chu Yunping, Xiao Bai and Xu Ji who were walking beside Ming Dai were different, there were really some fans of them, and there were teachers who were staring at Chu Yunping intently.

However, no matter how excited they were, no one rushed over to ask for autographs and group photos.

They were trying their best to suppress their excitement, not wanting to spoil the atmosphere of this school entrance feast.

The three of Chu Yunping also felt that the atmosphere was comfortable, and the situation was obviously much more relaxed.

Ming Dai arranged for them to be next to Yan Jiaxue, next to Su Fangyun.

With Su Fangyun as an active person, there is no need to worry that they will be left out. Maybe they can negotiate a few cooperation deals?

Seeing the guests arriving one after another, Mingdai's camera followed her gaze, looking for something.

Still unable to find it, Ming Dai walked through the balcony door and took two steps towards the carpeted corridor of the hotel.

There was no one around, and it was quiet.


The camera freezes and the line of sight freezes.

Ming Dai looked at He Mu who was walking towards the corner.

His long legs are straight, and he walks calmly like the wind of a pine tree. His jade-like face originally doesn't have much expression, which makes people want to stay away from him, but after seeing Ming Dai, the thin ice melts, and the cold spring warms up.


His eyes are a pool of spring water, softly rippling, full of affection.

Since returning from the island vacation, Ming Dai felt that something was different between the two of them.

Seeing this, he pursed his lips and smiled, held back his jumping steps, and walked over as calmly as possible in front of the public.

Waiting to stand still in front of He Mu, she raised her face and smiled, her snowy cheeks were dyed with powder:
"He Mu, you are here."

Because he was happy, even his tone of voice was leisurely and upward.

He Mu hummed softly, and his eyes fell on Ming Dai's hand again.

"Ah." Suddenly remembering Ming Dai, she quickly explained, "This is shooting a vlog, don't worry, it will be edited later, and your face will never appear!"

Ming Dai swears and pats her chest to promise.

He Mu hesitated to speak: "Actually..."

at this time.

"Hey, Dede."

Someone is calling her again.

He Mu's broad shoulders completely covered Ming Dai's whole body, and her sight was blocked, forcing her to stick her head sideways.

Seeing this, Ming Dai was astonished.

The person calling her was Xia Ling.

And the old lady in cheongsam supported by Xia Ling looked very familiar, Ming Dai had seen it before.

It was He Mu's mother, Ms. Guo Xiling.

Mingdai couldn't help being startled when she received Xia Ling's winking hint.

The first reaction was to look at the distance between her and He Mu's was too close, obviously breaking the social distance, and Ming Dai subconsciously wanted to back away.

I don't know if she was too flustered, but Ming Dai accidentally tripped her foot, tilted her body, and fell to the side with a little exclamation.

Xia Ling and Guo Xiling, who were watching helplessly, were so frightened that they exclaimed.

But no one could compare with He Mu for the quickest response.

Before Ming Dai could react, He Mu had already stretched out his arms quickly, picked up Ming Dai's waist, and brought her into his arms to lean on, his chin just brushed against her fragrant hair , the broad embrace almost wrapped her whole body.

His voice came from above Ming Dai's head, it was very low, with an imperceptible tension:

"It's okay, Dede."

Ming Dai didn't answer.

She maintained the posture of raising the platform, and stood in He Mu's arms foolishly, letting her small wrist bones be encircled by his palm... Then, she looked at Xia Ling and Guo Xiling who were a few steps away.

Xia Ling's expression was blank for a moment, he didn't know whether to be embarrassed or sympathetic.

Guo Xiling's expression was very meaningful, she raised her eyes, and happened to be looking at her son and Mu...

"Why doesn't Lingling go in?"

The two walked side by side again along the corridor.

This time it was Xia Ling's parents, Xia Bowen and Ling Xiu.

The two of them were caught off guard by this strange scene, and fell silent at the same time...Silence is everyone's state of mind at this moment.

Ming Dai's mind has been messed up, like a cat with fried fur, it bounces away from He Mu's arms.

"Ah, accident! It's all accidents... Heh, heh."

She smiled dryly.

At this moment, Ming Dai could only ask Xia Ling for help with her eyes.

And Xia Ling silently looked away, and finally gave Ming Dai a helpless expression.

I'm sorry, my friend, I wish you luck...

Xia Bowen and Lingxiu's couple were also stunned, speechless for a long time.

In fact, both Ling Xiuxia and Bowen guessed roughly what happened based on this scene.

But they know better that He Mu is definitely not so friendly to people, stretching out his arms to save them, and still holding on to them.

Ming Dai and He Mu... are inexplicably weird, and also inexplicably a bit of a strange combination.

However, regardless of the tens of thousands of questions that popped up in the minds of the two of them, they must first blur the embarrassing silence in front of them.

So Xia Bowen reacted the fastest, and quietly reached out to pat his wife Ling Xiu's arm.

Ling Xiu immediately reacted and tried to smooth things over: "Did Dai almost fall? Is there something wrong?"

I want to divert the topic along the way.

Ming Dai nodded in response: "Mmmm, it's fine."

Then look at Ms. Guo's expression.

Huh?Doesn't seem to be as angry and furious as she imagined?
When Mingdai's heart clenched tightly into a ball, He Mu was the calmest of them all.

He Mu nodded to Guo Xiling: "Mom, you are here."

(End of this chapter)

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