Chapter 455
Guo Xiling smiled coldly and looked at her son with raised eyebrows.

"I called you twice at the door just now."

The tone was flat, but the words "unfilial son" were written all over his face.

"Really?" He Mu explained calmly, "Sorry, I didn't hear that."

Guo Xiling smiled bluntly, how could she easily believe this explanation.

Ming Dai on the side felt the secret confrontation between the mother and son, and clutched her hands in embarrassment.

Guo Xiling's gaze immediately fell over, lightly.

But it made Ming Dai feel a lot of pressure.

Seeing this, Xia Ling reflexively tried to stand up and block Ming Dai.

Ling Xiu gave her a hand in time, and shook her head silently when Xia Ling looked over.

Xia Ling was stunned, her eyes were full of great disappointment with her mother.


What Xia Ling was worried about did not happen.

Guo Xiling did not put on an arrogant and unapproachable posture, on the contrary, she smiled kindly at Ming Dai, even the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were extraordinarily gentle, ten times better than being eccentric towards her youngest son!
Guo Xiling: "Do you still remember me?"

Ming Dai was also taken aback: "Of course."

Guo Xiling grinned, revealing the quiet years on her body: "Thank you for chatting with me at the last banquet, so that I won't be bored."

Sensing the sincere and unfailing friendship, Ming Dai was a little surprised to be honest, she couldn't help drifting towards He Mu from the corner of her eyes, and quickly retracted: "Where, thanks to Ms. Guo, I also spent my time very happily."

"Don't refuse the gift from you next time!" Guo Xiling did not forget to say, "By the way, I forgot to say, I wish you a happy college entrance, Xiao Dai."

"Thank you... thank you."

At this moment, the guests are almost here.

Accompanied by He Mu, Guo Xiling is going to take a seat first.

Ming Dai naturally stood beside Xia Ling, not intending to follow.

Guo Xiling, who took two steps, found that the other side was empty, and immediately turned around: "Xiao Dai, aren't we together?"

"Ah?" Ming Dai was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and trotted up, "Come on!"

Follow quickly and stand on the other side of Guo Xiling.

Then he and He Mu stood on both sides of Guo Xiling, and even Guo Xiling's body got closer to Ming Dai.

Looking at it from afar, it looks like a harmonious family of three.

Looking at this scene, Xia Ling was filled with emotion, feeling that it was much better than she expected.

Suddenly remembered: "By the way, Mom, why didn't you let me talk just now?"

Ling Xiu smiled: "Why, do you think your mother is helping your aunt instead of protecting Dai Dai?"

Xia Ling actually thought so, but just looking at Ling Xiu's expression, it was impossible for her to nod and admit it.

"Of course not!" He denied it quickly.

It's a pity how could such a lame lie hide from Ling Xiu, who knew her daughter well?

Ling Xiu knocked a chestnut on Xia Ling's forehead, and put her hands on her hips in anger: "Who do you think your mother is?"

Xia Ling clutched his aching forehead: "It's just a misunderstanding."

"It's you!" Ling Xiu poked her daughter's forehead again with her fingertips, "Just now...what happened? Are you even trying to hide it from your mother?"

Although Ling Xiu didn't say a single word, the family of three present all understood what Ling Xiu wanted to ask.

After all, the scene of Mingdai and Mu standing together, the atmosphere is obviously not right, anyone can see it, and this is definitely beyond Lingxiu's expectation.

What Ling Xiu is most worried about is: "This matter...has nothing to do with you, does it?"

It was only then that Ling Xiu remembered that Xia Ling, Ming Dai and Mu went to the island for vacation not long ago.

I told her at the time that she didn't think too much about it, she just felt that Xia Ling had the cheek to go with Mu to the island, and bringing Ming Dai with her was something Xia Ling could do, and she didn't go to a deeper level at all. think.

Now... don't think too much, it's impossible.

"What doesn't matter to me?"

Seeing her mother worried, Xia Ling was a little dazed.

Ling Xiu opened her mouth, but couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

Finally, Xia Bowen came out: "Your mother is asking you, did Daidai know your little uncle because of you?"

"It doesn't count..." The dull Xia Ling finally realized when he saw the speechless eyes of his parents, "Wait, are you asking, did I match them up? God, how is it possible! You two think your daughter Am I capable of that?"

It was clearly her little uncle who was ambitious and secretly coveted her best friend!

She even wanted to stop it in the early stage, how could she go to matchmaking?
And Xia Ling understands that the "matchmaking" that makes it difficult for parents to talk about it is not a simple "matchmaking".

For example, some time ago, there was a scandal in the circle. It was the Sun family, a daughter of the third generation, who was in the headlines of the media for fighting for family property. The school belle friend introduced her to her married little uncle. In order to match up, she spent a lot of effort to create a coincidence scene for them to meet by chance. As a result, her married little uncle really fell in love with her school belle friend, and the two cheated during marriage. , the woman was even pregnant, and the two families behind the man knew about the trouble, and lost all face. The young lady of the Sun family did not hide what she did, and she was hated by the aunt's family from then on.

Of course, Xia Bowen and Lingxiu understood that it was impossible for her daughter to do such an outrageous thing as Miss Sun's.

But they were worried that if the news spread, people's comments would divert the facts and affect Xia Ling himself.

Xia Ling quickly explained.

Not much to say, mainly to explain her attitude and position.

"...Besides, is little uncle someone who will be led by the nose?"

Xia Bowen Lingxiu's expression instantly returned to tranquility.


"..." Xia Ling said speechlessly, "No, it's useless for me to explain so much before. If I say a little uncle, you will believe me?"

Xia Bowen and Ling Xiu nodded at the same time: "Well, your little uncle is more reliable than you."

Xia Ling didn't want to talk.

"However." Xia Bowen's elegant face rarely showed a trace of worry, "I'm afraid this matter will not be easy, especially for Dai Dai."

In this kind of world, girls are always more likely to suffer, especially Ming Dai who is still a popular celebrity.

Ling Xiu's thinking is different from her husband's: "Don't underestimate He Mu."

Xia Bowen looked relieved: "That's true."

Xia Ling: "... My heart is blocked."

The family of three did not dare to delay too much. After welcoming the last guest, they followed into the banquet.

You don't need to look for it, you can see the brightest corner among the four tables at a glance.

Guo Xiling sat in the middle, with Ming Dai and Mu sitting on both sides.

But Guo Xiling was mainly talking with Ming Dai, and the two of them were very close, so the conversation never stopped.

And sitting with Mu Zhengzheng, did not easily get involved in the topic of the two of them, on the contrary, it felt a little excluded.

This picture is unusually seductive and harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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