Chapter 456 Is It Advance?
After the school entrance banquet.

A story about Ms. Guo's recent fascination with a starlet has quietly circulated in the circle——

"It's fake, isn't it? A star in the entertainment industry has the ability to get in touch with Ms. Guo?"

"It's not an ordinary starlet, it's Xia Ling's high school classmate, and it's said to be Xia Ling's best friend."

"Xia Ling recommended it? That's possible."

"But is it that easy to win Ms. Guo's favor?"

"Speaking of it, it has something to do with the rumors about Mr. and Mrs., the legendary little star who was raised by Mr. and Mr., oh no, it was not raised by Mr. and Mrs. It was spread by rumors and rumors. You must not misunderstand this point!"

"It seems that Ms. Guo is guilty of that girl because of this incident, and she will take special care of it."

"Probably she is quite good herself. Ms. Guo has such a high vision, it is impossible to favor anyone just out of guilt."

"That's true."

"Hey, tell me, will Ms. Guo really fall in love with this girl, and make a connection with Mr...."

"Shhh! Don't talk nonsense! Ms. Guo said some time ago that she would not interfere with her husband's marriage!"

"Who can tell the truth about people and people?"

"But this entertainment star, can He Jia take a fancy to it?"

"Whether Ms. Guo likes is a celebrity, does it matter?"


He Mu's marriage is a major event that attracts the attention of everyone in the circle, and the slightest sign of trouble can cause a lot of discussion.

But this time, because of Guo Xiling's writing, the overall speech is friendly.

With a little bit of hostility, you can immediately throw out a universal sentence——

Ms. Guo's favorite person, will it be bad?

Many of these discussions fell into Xia Ling's ears, and some people even asked Xia Ling in person.

Xia Ling, who didn't like to deal with those people very much, went out of his way to satisfy their gossip when asked:
"This matter? Of course, Dai Dai is very good, otherwise how could my aunt and I like her?"

Xia Ling's final decision can be regarded as adding room for the rumors to ferment.

Xia Ling turned around and talked about this with Ling Xiu, both mother and daughter couldn't help feeling that Jiang was still hot.

If people see Ming Dai walking with He Mu and spread about Ming Dai's identity, then scrutiny, contempt, contempt, and disdain will follow... All kinds of negative emotions will affect Ming Dai's first impression in this circle. .

But it is different if Mingdai and Guo Xiling's names appear first, Guo Xiling's favor is the respect that the elders place on the younger generation, and everyone's admiration for Guo Xiling, in turn, becomes the recognition of Mingdai.

If things go a step further, Ming Dai and He Mu develop something, then everyone will feel that this relationship has already passed the light of day with Ms. Guo, and there is no room for them to criticize it.

Even if the two of them stop here, such a small rumor will not have any impact.

To advance can be attacked, and retreat can be defended.

Guo Xiling's random act of pulling Ming Dai over to talk on the day of the school entrance banquet can bring about this series of influences, how can Ling Xiu and Xia Ling's mother and daughter not be surprised?

But Xia Ling couldn't speak too bluntly in front of Ming Dai, for fear of putting pressure on Ming Dai.

He just mentioned a sentence in passing, explaining that Dai is not in that circle, but the circle already has her name.

"Excellent, Dai Dai!"

"What's this?"

Ming Dai was funny, but she really didn't think much about it.

"Ah, what did you just say, you are going to record a variety show in the mountains?"

"Well, it's a public welfare variety show, and it will probably be recorded for three days and two nights."

"That's a good thing, the shooting went well!"

"Of course it will!"

The light smile on Ming Dai's face gradually became serious after she hung up Xia Ling's call.

She glanced at the time on her phone: "Probably... no."

There should be more than a year before that time——

Two days ago, when Ming Dai went to the company, she overheard Su Fangyun mentioning that a public welfare variety show was arranged for the newcomers signed by the company, mainly to go to the mountains to experience life, help the elderly and support education for left-behind children, etc.

'Recording this variety show is of course a good thing, but I am really worried about the two young children. I am going to watch it with me. I will stay at least three days until their condition stabilizes.They have to record for a month! '

These are the original words of Su Fangyun.

Ming Dai didn't think much of it at first, and praised Su Fangyun as a responsible boss.

But when he turned his head, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered the rumors about Su Fangyun in his previous life.

According to legend, shortly after the establishment of the new company, Su Fangyun encountered a mudslide on the mountain road in order to visit the artists who were filming in the mountains...and died.

That originally happened when Ming Dai was 20 years old. Rumor has it that Su Fangyun's artists were filming movies in the mountains instead of recording variety shows...

Logically speaking, what happened this time should not match the rumors, but Mingdai was inexplicably anxious.

There is a sense of panic that something big is about to happen.

Therefore, Mingdai tentatively asked Su Fangyun if he could cancel the trip, as the mountains were too dangerous.

Su Fangyun half-smiled and half-seriously: "Since it's dangerous, I should go all the more!" '

Seeing that it doesn't make sense, it's impossible for Ming Dai to tell Su Fangyun directly that if you go to the mountains, you will encounter mudslides. Others may survive, but you may die?

Even Su Fangyun's first reaction when he heard these words was probably worrying about Ming Dai's mental state.

Furthermore, when Ming Dai remembered this, it was already the day before departure, and there was no extra time to do anything.

After deliberating over it, Ming Dai simply asked Su Fangyun, could she be added?
The reason is very good: the fame she participated in is conducive to attracting people to this variety show, and helping public welfare is also beneficial to her own reputation, and she likes the environment in the mountains, and by the way, she helps newcomers to the company...

Su Fangyun really couldn't give a reason to refute, so he simply agreed.

Turning around and telling the TV station, they were overjoyed to learn that Ming Dai was willing to be a flying guest in the first episode.

After all, for their new variety show, due to the difficult conditions and limited funds, the guests invited are not well-known, and there is not much attention from the outside world.

Ming Dai's initiative to join, to them, is undoubtedly the pie in the sky!

The contract was quickly finalized within one day. For this reason, the program team deliberately postponed the start of filming for three days.

Ming Dai thought to herself, it would be the best if she could avoid the danger because of this.

Looking at the local weather forecast, it was sunny or cloudy for several days in a row, and there was no rainstorm warning at all.

"...It's best if I make a false alarm."

Ming Dai muttered to herself.

Three days later, Ming Dai, Su Fangyun, Zhou Hui, Xiao Ai and others took a flight to Province Y.

After arriving at the airport in the provincial capital of Province Y, they transferred to a car, spent seven hours on the road, and finally arrived at the small mountain village at their destination one night.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, the air is fresh, and the night scene in the mountains is completely different from that in the city. It is quiet and remote, and it doesn't look like there will be a disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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