Chapter 457
This variety show is called "Life in the Mountains", produced by National TV Station, and the director is Ming Dai's old acquaintance Qian Chuan.

That's right, it is the director of "The Pastoral" that Ming Dai recorded before.

From "Pastoral" to "Life in the Mountain", Director Qian Chuan is considered a professional counterpart.

However, since this variety show is dominated by the national TV station, behind it is the local department, and the partner has the Poverty Alleviation Office, which means that the entertainment nature will not be very high, and it is more inclined to a documentary with a variety show nature.

There were six main guests, besides the two company newcomers who were stuffed by Su Fangyun, there was also an artist from a small entertainment company, two veteran actors and a singer.

The first three are all young people, and the last three are all elderly, and what they have in common is that they have no traffic and too much popularity.

In fact, those two veteran actors and singers have nationalities, the kind that can be recognized by uncles and aunts when they walk on the street, but they don't have much traffic among young people.

This means that this program did not receive any attention before filming started.

Even the news is symbolic. Two media outlets have written drafts, and there are very few readings, comments and likes.

In a brick house in a small mountain village, the man who was brushing these media drafts read it, sighed, and looked at the handsome boy squatting on the ground to pack his luggage.

The boy just dug out the gift from the suitcase, muttering something in his mouth.

The man saw him: "Xiao Luo, are you still in the mood to give gifts?"

The boy didn't even look up: "Of course I will. This is the first step in building a good relationship."

The man, that is, the boy's manager, sighed: "So what if we have a good relationship? Can this show become popular? I really don't know how you accepted this invitation in the first place. Look at the comments on this news, It's just that no one knows..."

The boy Xiao Luo finally raised his head: "Otherwise? Brother Zhao, can I reject this proposal? In the company, Brother Zhao, you and I are both fringe people, and taking this variety show is the only chance, otherwise a single announcement will be all over the place." No, idle all day long."

After saying this, Brother Zhao, the manager, finally figured it out: "That's right, Xiao Luo, you are right. I'm ten years older than you, but I'm not as clear as you!"

The boy smiled: "Brother Zhao, do you think these gifts are suitable?"

Brother Zhao squatted next to the boy to choose.

After finally deciding on the gift to give, Brother Zhao sighed.

"Oh my god, can a pie fall from the sky and make our show a hit!"

Brother Zhao's calling made Xiao Luo overjoyed.

At this moment, the sound of vehicles driving into the yard came from outside the door.

The place where these guests live is the house of the village committee. Basically, the entire yard of the village committee has been vacated for the program team. Only the program team can drive into the yard at this point.

Brother Zhao was very curious: "Huh? Didn't everyone set off from Yanjing together? Who is this point?"

Xiao Luo wasn't curious at all: "Maybe it's the staff who arrived late."

Brother Zhao didn't believe it, so he leaned on the window and looked out: "The director and producer...why are they all out? What kind of big shots are here?"

He craned his neck and tried to look out.

Behind Xiao Luo: "Brother Zhao, don't look, come and help me move things!"

Brother Zhao didn't respond.

Xiao Luo was surprised, and called "Brother Zhao" again.

Brother Zhao still didn't respond, his eyes stared straight out of the window, as if seeing something strange.

Xiao Luo finally became interested: "Could it be that someone really came?"

Xiao Luo wanted to see it too, but the entire window was blocked by Brother Zhao's chubby body, so Xiao Luo had nowhere to look, so he could only guess at the side.

After being stunned for a full 2 ​​minutes, Brother Zhao finally came back to his senses, and murmured, "Xiao Luo, I'm a little too clever, why don't I go buy a lottery ticket..."

Xiao Luo was amused: "Could it be that the sky has really fallen?"

"Almost." Brother Zhao slowly withdrew his sore neck, "This person's participation in the show is no different from the pie in the sky for us. Well, I still have to buy a lottery ticket, just in case gone?"

Xiao Luo was dubious: "Is there really a big shot here?"

He walked to the window that Brother Zhao stepped aside, looked out, and then froze.

Under the night, the people who were enthusiastically surrounded by the director, producer and other important figures in the program group looked very familiar.

It was Ming Dai, the protagonist of "Twin Lotus", who had been swiped five times by Xiao Luo and even set the photos as the phone screen saver!
Xiao Luo's head buzzed for a moment, overwhelmed by the ecstasy of meeting idols unexpectedly.

Brother Zhao was still whispering in his ear: "It's really hot now! Mingdai actually came to this show, God, why did she come? I heard that she went on vacation after finishing her college entrance examination. Knock her to go, she didn't even go, the price was already mentioned in eight figures! Our little program group, can actually attract her this golden phoenix...Xiao Luo? Xiao Luo? Are you stupid?"

Xiao Luo belatedly said "Ah", looking in a trance.

Brother Zhao just remembered: "By the way, you are Ming Dai's fan, aren't you?"

The boy's face slowly turned red, but he emphasized solemnly: "A movie fan, a movie fan."

It has a long history and will be loved by fans for a long time.

Brother Zhao patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "That's all right, aren't you very happy to meet your idol?"

Xiao Luo blushed for a long time before humming.

But his face quickly turned from red to white, and he suffered a huge blow.

Brother Zhao was terrified when he saw it: "What's the matter?"

"I..." Xiao Luo was extremely desperate, "I didn't prepare a gift for her! It's over! It's over!"

Brother Zhao: "..."

After being speechless, thinking of Xiao Luo, who is always smart and sensible, showing such a childish side of a boy, he felt that it was rare, so he couldn't help laughing.

at this time.

In the small courtyard, Su Fangyun was playing the social role.

Taking advantage of their pleasantries, Ming Dai, who had nothing to do, clasped her arms tightly and looked up at the stars in the sky. The irritability she had been feeling all the way was slowly being healed.

Holding your arms tightly was just a small subconscious movement, but Ming Dai's needs were seen immediately, and the young producer quickly said:

"Is our Mingdai a bit cold? That's right, the mountains are dewy late at night, it's always cooler than the city, even this summer is no exception. Do you want a coat? Or should I ask my assistant to bring a thin blanket?"

Ming Dai was pulled back to her senses, and she refused with a smile: "Thank you, but no need, there is a coat in the car."

Just as he was talking, the assistant Xiao Ai handed over the shirt jacket in the car.

Ming Dai took it and put it on her shoulders instead of wearing it directly.

The producer didn't think there was anything wrong with being rejected, and even smiled and praised Ming Dai for her good taste.

 At the end of the last chapter, it was changed so that Dai Dai arrived later than the program crew.

  By the way, my aunt visited yesterday, the perennial dysmenorrhea players can only rest for one day, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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