Chapter 458 fluke
Seeing that the polite greetings of the face-to-face are progressing almost.

Director Qian Chuan glanced at his watch and suggested: "It's still early, why don't you invite other members of the program team out to meet? Let's have a supper and talk about the next shooting and so on."

The producer's eyes lit up: "That's right! I've completely forgotten about this! Not many people in the show crew know that Ming Dai is going to be a flying guest. They will definitely be happier when they see you!"

Su Fangyun: "Is it not too good? Although it is still early in the city, but in the mountains, everyone is used to going to bed early. Maybe everyone has already rested at this point..."

Without saying a word, I heard a door creaking in the silent night.

The group of people standing in the yard talking turned their heads almost in unison.

A room on the second floor opened, and a fat man stood with his hands on the door frame, looking at them in embarrassment.

Standing behind the man was a young boy, poking his head out in bewilderment... Accidentally staring at Ming Dai, he retracted his head like a snail.

Ming Dai touched her nose in puzzlement.

After a short period of embarrassment, the man regained his exquisiteness as a manager, rushed to the railing, and whispered to the downstairs: "We heard the movement just now, and we are going to come out to have a look... Hello, Teacher Ming, I am Zhao Wu, he is Li Luo, a singer, and a guest of our program group, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice!"

Ming Dai was stunned for a moment: "Ah, hello, hello."

The producer greeted repeatedly: "It's just right, Xiao Luo, you come down together."

Qian Chuan also meant the same thing.

Zhao Wuxing was ready to go downstairs, but he turned his head to look at Xiao Luo, and huddled at the door of the room, blushing.

Speechlessly pouted, he dragged Li Luo to the first floor without saying a word.

When Ming Dai stood still in front of them, she pushed Li Luo forward.

Li Luo's face was almost on fire, but it was hard to see it under the cover of night.

On the contrary, it made his face tense, as if he was in a bad mood, cold and indifferent.

Ming Dai was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Wu quickly checked his words, turned his head to see Li Luo's expression, and secretly thought it was not good.

Quickly pushed Li Luo: "Xiao Luo, hurry up, weren't you happy just now? I'm sorry, Xiao Luo is a fan of Teacher Ming's movie, probably because she was too excited to meet her idol for the first time, so she couldn't speak gone."

Li Luo felt embarrassed at first, but soon realized that his reaction might have been misunderstood, and nodded hurriedly: "Yes! I, I really like, I like "Twin Flowers"..."

Speech is stuttering.

The producer and director were all relieved.

A smile reappeared on Su Fangyun's indifferent face.

At this moment, Ming Dai took the initiative to reach out her hand: "Hello, Li Luo."

Li Luo was so excited that he couldn't control himself, he pursed his dry lips, shook hands with Ming Dai, and couldn't hide the joy on his face.

He suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I prepared a meeting gift for you."

As he spoke, he handed out a piece of drawing paper rolled into a cylinder.

"I draw casually, so don't mind if I don't draw well." Speaking of this, Li Luo did not forget to explain, "Every guest has a gift for the meeting, but Mingdai's one is in a hurry..."

Ming Dai unfolded the drawing paper and was a little surprised.

It is a watercolor painting, probably drawn with portable watercolor brushes, it is not so detailed, but the overall structure, color, layout, etc. are very good.

In the painting is a classic still photo of Ming Dai in the movie, but the background is changed to a forest, but the essence of Ming Dai's temperament is accurately captured.

Su Fangyun came over to take a look, and was surprised: "It's very beautiful, has Xiao Luo studied professionally?"

"No, it's just a hobby." Li Luo said, looking at Ming Dai's expression.

Who knew that Ming Dai was not as pleasant as he had expected, but instead had a... dignified expression on her brows and eyes?
But the solemnity quickly faded away, and a faint smile resumed: "Thank you, I like it very much."

This thank you was very sincere, and Li Luo couldn't help feeling uneasy.

"nice! You love it."

Just a little bit concerned about Ming Dai's abnormality at that moment, guessing what's wrong with the painting.

However, his worry was unnecessary. The reason why Ming Dai felt solemn for a moment was not because of this painting, but because she remembered something.

The boy in front of him, named Li Luo, is only one year older than her. He is currently studying at the Conservatory of Music, but his debut year is not short. I went to be a trainee, and I have been there for three full years. After returning to China, I formed an idol group with several other boys, but I was repeatedly frustrated in the market.

Now Li Luo is 19 years old, but this is not the lowest point of his life. His low point will continue for several years until he participated in a singer competition at the age of 24, and his buried creative talent finally came to light. , The neglected jade in the rough can also show its brilliance.

When Ming Dai died in her previous life, Li Luo was already a popular singer and one of the leading figures in the music scene. Even the music software in Ming Dai's mobile phone had a lot of Li Luo's songs.

Therefore, Ming Dai recognized Li Luo the first time she saw him, and then froze.

And just now, Li Luo gave her a painting, which reminded Ming Dai that another skill that singer Li Luo loves to talk about is painting. He is one of the few amateurs who is good enough to hold a painting exhibition .

Although the opening of the art exhibition was supported by Li Luo's own fame, his painting skills are also really good.

Ming Dai once read an interview with Li Luo, and mentioned that one of his paintings was a natural disaster that he actually experienced——

'At that time, I was constrained by the agency contract of the former company. Because the career of a singer did not improve, the company wanted to arrange me to be an actor.As you all know, the result was scolded to death by the audience.However, what really changed my mind was an accident I encountered in the crew, or a natural disaster, yes, it was the mudslide in this painting.At that time, I and the entire crew were filming in the mountains, and suddenly there was a heavy rainstorm for two days and two nights. The mudslide happened at that time, and the earth shook and the mountains shook, which was very scary.The most regrettable thing is that many people unfortunately lost their lives that time... This incident has a deep impact on me, because I found that in the face of real life and death, other things are empty, only what I really want Things will belong to me, which strengthens my idea of ​​being a singer...'



Unfortunately lost his life.


It's all right.

The last bit of luck in Ming Dai's heart completely disappeared.

She looked at this quiet and deep mountain like a paradise, imagining how it would crumble in a natural disaster.

And Su Fangyun beside him was chatting and laughing with others, so fresh and healthy.

(End of this chapter)

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