Chapter 459 Will see
That night, everyone was still called up for supper.

The conditions in the deep mountains are limited, and it is impossible to buy hot pot and barbecue, etc. Some colleagues in the program group spontaneously contributed food, such as self-heating hot pot, braised chicken feet, peanuts, potato chips... The table is full of snacks, with some soda Beer, in this quiet environment, is quite atmospheric.

All present are people from the entertainment industry, and they don't take the age limit that seriously. Including the three seniors, they are all smiling and amiable. They can pick up on any topic, and they can even chat with the youngest colleagues in the program group. Recently released games!

In such an atmosphere, everyone quickly became acquainted.

At first, everyone was a little unfamiliar with Ming Dai who arrived late, or they were in awe.

As the topic opened up, they saw that Ming Dai wasn't the kind of person who would look down upon others when she was in power, gradually relaxed, and occasionally made two small jokes with Ming Dai.

Ming Dai quickly integrated into the program group.

At night, Ming Dai and Su Fangyun lived in the same room.

Accommodation in the mountains is limited, and the conditions are even harsh. Some members of the program team slept in Datong bunks, while others lived in nearby villagers’ homes. It is said that even the toilets are dry toilets built in the open air.

For example, the village committee has electricity and running water, which are already very good conditions.

Mingdai was very satisfied, and got into bed early after washing.

The nights in the mountains are cool, you don’t even need an air conditioner, you can hear insects chirping in your ears, and the summer nights are quiet and long.

Su Fangyun, who came back from washing a little later, was covered with steam, and was taken aback when he saw Ming Dai who was already lying down comfortably.

"I thought you wouldn't get used to it." Su Fangyun teased with curled corners of his mouth, "Now it seems that I'm thinking too much."

"How can I be so delicate!" Ming Dai stared angrily on purpose.

Isn't this pretty?Her heart is about to melt!
Su Fangyun, who was glared at by Ming Dai, was poked to death instead.

Ming Dai didn't know yet, but suddenly thought of something.

"Sister Su." Ming Dai blinked her eyes, her voice was deliberately soft, "If tomorrow is the end of the world, will you have any regrets?"

Su Fangyun didn't even think about it: "Of course."

"What are you sorry about?"

"It's a pity that I couldn't witness you walking to the highest point of the mountain with my own eyes."

Su Fangyun said this with a smile, Mingdai thought she was joking.

"I was serious!"

"I'm serious too."

Su Fangyun couldn't help but reach out and touch Mingdai's hair, which spread out smoothly on the newly replaced pillow, like seaweed and like clouds, icy and cool, soft and slippery.

Ming Dai's eyes showed a rare confusion.

Su Fangyun's hands were very warm, like a sister taking care of her most beloved sister.

"Sister Su, is your regret only me?"

"My regret is you, and my dream is also you. Dai Dai, I am your manager!"

Su Fangyun deliberately emphasized the last sentence to remind Ming Dai.

Ming Dai's thoughts could not help but spread.

What he was thinking about was, at the moment when Sister Su's life ended in her previous life, what would be the regret?

"It feels like a heavy burden."

Ming Dai murmured.

I always feel that it is not only Sister Su in this life, but also Sister Su in the previous life, and the burden of both lives is on her shoulders.

Su Fangyun misunderstood, thinking that Ming Dai was talking about carrying the dreams of two people, so he laughed and said:
"It's not just yours, mine, there are more people, including your fans, Dai Dai, all of us want to see you go further!"

"Yes." Ming Dai replied solemnly, "I will let you see, Sister Su."

She will definitely change.

"Okay, okay." Su Fangyun patted Ming Dai's quilt like coaxing a child, "Go to sleep, we still have to shoot tomorrow."

Ming Dai pursed her smile, turned over, and quickly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Su Fangyun looked at Ming Dai's peaceful profile, but something was wrong in his heart.

I always feel that Dai Dai seems to be pressing on something, and she is in a bad mood.

Is it because of feelings?
At the school entrance banquet earlier, she could see that Ming Dai had an unusual relationship with Mr. He. The two kept their boundaries, but there were invisible emotions surging in the silent place, and there was an indescribable fit in the aura.

Others may not be able to see anything, but as a manager, Su Fangyun is good at reading people and knows how to read words and expressions.

In fact, she had been in contact with Mr. He twice before, and she had a vague premonition.

It can only be said that Mr. He's morality is too high, so that she can't see the slightest difference beyond her intuition, and finally believes in reason.

It wasn't until the school entrance banquet that I really noticed the clues.

I was full of worries and didn't know where to start.

I feel that Ming Dai is young, so she can try more feelings, but if she sees too much, she will be bearish;

I'm also worried that Mr. He has an unusual number of ranks, coaxing Ming Dai to break her heart.

Anxious so far, have not asked.

It seems that we must find a time to have a good chat with Dai Dai.

Su Fangyun sighed and fell asleep.

They said it was supper, but in fact it was only around eight o'clock at that time, and it was just after ten o'clock when Ming Dai and Su Fangyun fell asleep one after another.

In the city, the nightlife just starts at ten o'clock.

But in this quiet and deep mountain, the environment seems to have a special magic power, making everyone feel sleepy at ten o'clock.

Su Fangyun can be regarded as a player who stays up all year round, and has been working overtime every night since he started working.

When she came to the mountain, she went to bed early, she usually has insomnia, but this time she slept very deeply.

When the sun fell on her face, Su Fangyun woke up, opened his eyes to see the time, and found that it was already eight o'clock.

No, it's only eight o'clock, why did Ming Dai disappear?

Su Fangyun touched the icy cold bed next to him, and guessed that Ming Dai woke up earlier than her at 01:30.

This made her feel annoyed.

As a dedicated agent, he actually got up later than an artist?What is this called!

Su Fangyun turned over quickly, showed the efficiency of the time when he just went to work, brushed his teeth, washed his face and changed his clothes for 5 minutes, and walked out of the room at [-]:[-] past eight, looking around for Ming Dai.

Standing on the railing of the corridor on the second floor, Su Fangyun immediately saw Ming Dai, who was wearing a shirt, shorts, and flip-flops, squatting in front of the kennel to watch the dog eat.

It was a little milk dog, and the village committee was going to raise it to look at the nursing home, but it was still young, and it was very clumsy to eat, its head was buried in the bowl, and it rubbed all over its face.

The little milk dog didn't feel it, and raised his face from time to time to bark at Ming Dai.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, I won't fight with you."

Mingdai's earnest voice floated to the second floor with the wind, making Su Fangyun smile.

"It's really childish, talking to a dog..." Su Fangyun's eyes suddenly narrowed, and when he saw the photographer who was blocked by the shade of the tree, he raised his heart in his throat, "Why is there a photographer taking pictures? Did Dai Dai put on makeup? "

Su Yan Su Yan, many celebrities on the show claim to have no makeup, but there are not many who really dare to do so.

Celebrities rely on their image for food, even if they don't wear full makeup, the most basic care is still necessary!
(End of this chapter)

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