Chapter 460
Look at Ming Dai, not to mention wearing a crumpled shirt and shorts. The linen texture can barely be called lazy and casual.

What happened to those flip flops?Even in the village, you can't relax your self-consciousness as a female star!
And that hair, I just clipped it casually with shark clips, with so much volume, it was loose like a feather duster at the back of my head...

Su Fangyun's upper body leaned out of the guardrail, his lips were tightly pursed, and he wished he could rush down and become a makeup artist!

"So beautiful!"

There was an exclamation in my ear suddenly.

Su Fangyun turned his head, and found that standing on the railing and looking down was Liu Liu, an artist newly signed by his company.

Liu Liu has a baby face and big eyes. She is not considered beautiful, but because of her round face, she is friendly and energetic. Currently, there is a shortage of such female stars in the entertainment industry. This is why Su Fangyun decided to sign Liu Liu s reason.

Liu Liu is the same on the inside and outside, she is a simple-minded person, and now she is holding her face in admiration, completely admiring in the attitude of a qualified star chasing girl:
"Why is Mingdai so beautiful! The shirt is pretty, the hair is pretty, and even the toes are pretty! Woohoo, I'm really envious of being a fellow... Ah! Sister Su! You're here too!"

Liu Liu, who had a nympho drooling face, quickly stood up straight and restrained her expression.

Su Fangyun looked serious.

Liu Liu thought that she had made a mistake, and looked at Su Fangyun more carefully.

And Su Fangyun took a deep breath: "Liu Liu."

The back of Liuliu's head tightened: "Well, I'm listening."

"Is it really beautiful?" Su Fangyun asked hesitantly, "I'm explaining Dai, is she beautiful even so?"

Liu Liu found out that Sister Su didn't want to reprimand herself, and quickly breathed a sigh of relief: "Of course she is beautiful! By the way, Sister Su, how did Sister Ming comb her hair? It's so casual and good-looking! Is there a secret? Teach me..."

Yes, although Ming Dai is currently the youngest in the company, she has become Sister Ming by virtue of her transcendent status.

As for Sister Su, Su Fangyun, after hearing Liu Liu's question, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She can guarantee that Ming Dai's hair was definitely pulled up in the morning!
But in Liu Liu's eyes, the raised hair is a part of careful grooming.

It can only be said that the Ming Dai filter is so terrifying!
"Why is Miss Su sighing?"

"No, I just feel that I have underestimated my family."

After relaxing, Su Fangyun stepped on his slippers and went downstairs.

As soon as I walked to the courtyard on the first floor, I heard Ming Dai asking the photographer in confusion: "Is this considered material? Is there really no need to shoot anything else?"

The photographer shook his head in satisfaction: "No, no, no."

Mingdai didn't know why, when she heard footsteps, she turned around and said, "Sister Su, you're awake!"

Su Fangyun originally wanted to stand outside the camera and watch Ming Dai take pictures, but when she saw Ming Dai turn her head back, "Finished the filming?"

The camera follows Ming Dai who got up.

Ming Dai: "No, director Qian said to shoot casually, if it is not suitable, it will be edited later."

Su Fangyun was speechless, and immediately began to doubt whether it was the right choice for him to agree to Ming Dai's flight as a guest.

Mingdai shared enthusiastically over there: "Just now I went for a walk around the village and saw chickens laying eggs, and my mother-in-law gave me two too!"

Su Fangyun was surprised: "So early?"

Ming Dai: "Well, I got up at seven o'clock. I was really bored in the room, so I went out for a walk. I didn't expect those old people in the village to get up much earlier than me! Here, go out to the gate of this courtyard and turn right. Those villagers wake up in the morning. After eating, they all sat under the big banyan tree and chatted!"

Su Fangyun gave Mingdai a thumbs up, admiring her dedication as a guest, and never let any material go!
Ming Dai was taken aback by the compliment, and soon understood what Su Fangyun meant, and helplessness flashed across her smiling eyes.

In fact, it wasn't for looking for material, Mingdai just wanted to ask the old people in the village about the disasters the village suffered in the past years.

The experience of the old people is sometimes more accurate than the weather forecast. Mingdai found out that this is true today. She chatted with those old people, and heard two or three people say that the weather is a bit abnormal, like a heavy rainstorm look.

But this remark was quickly rejected by several other younger people, who said that the sun is bright, so where is there going to be any heavy rain?Let Mingdai take pictures with peace of mind.

Ming Dai understood that those people who denied it did not necessarily think that there would be no heavy rain, but they were worried that the program crew would be affected by the weather and leave without filming.

They live in the mountains but are not fools. They know that the arrival of the program group has brought many benefits to the village. It is said that they will donate money to help the old people repair their houses and build a school nearby!

So they were also worried that if the program team left early, all the donated houses would be ruined.

Ming Dai quietly watched it, and became more vigilant in her heart.

It's just that at the moment, she really can't find anyone to talk about it, so she can only observe secretly, and chat to learn about the nearby terrain and safe places, hoping to lead everyone to avoid this disaster at a critical moment.

Pulling back her thoughts, Ming Dai looked at Su Fangyun who was smiling happily, not wanting to affect Sister Su's mood, she smiled at her without saying anything.

Soon, other members of the program group got up one after another, and everyone sat down to eat together, and soon the director arranged today's tasks.

As the director of "Pastoral", Qian Chuan arranged tasks this time, very much in the style of "Pastoral". A total of seven people arranged three tasks. In addition to helping the elderly and giving multimedia lessons to children, there is another task. Follow the villagers into the mountains to pick matsutake.

Right now, July is the season of matsutake. Province Y here is the largest origin of wild matsutake in the country. The villagers living in this big mountain rely on picking wild matsutake in the mountains from July to September every year for a large part of their income. Fresh matsutake is sold outside the mountain.

The fresh matsutake, which has absorbed the essence of the mountains and forests, has come to the tables of countless people after walking out of the mountains and has become the most expensive ingredient.

Mingdai has eaten matsutake many times, but this is the first time she has personally experienced digging matsutake.

She was very interested, and happened to get the task of digging matsutake.

The person walking with Ming Dai was the fan she met last night, future singer Li Luo.

Ming Dai looked at Li Luo curiously.

Li Luo seemed to be hit by a big pie, he was so happy that he didn't even dare to look at Ming Dai, he was so shy that his manager Zhao Wu kept poking him in the waist, making him stand up stand up.

Li Luo didn't speak, and quickly glanced at Ming Dai, then lowered his head again.

The ones who were arranged to bring Mingdai and Li Luo were a young couple in the village. Both of them were a bit introverted. Walk.

Li Luo is also a gourd with a saw mouth, so he was very quiet the whole time.

It was Ming Dai who felt that this was not going to work, so she stood up and pointed to the side of the road: "What is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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