Chapter 461 This Water
The question broke the silence.

The photographer and the accompanying director all looked at Ming Dai gratefully, glad that the material along the way was finally saved.

They looked at the villager couple anxiously, expecting them to talk more.

Fortunately, this couple is just reserved and introverted, and their nature is still enthusiastic.

The two of them had no intention of making a show, they just treated guests as usual, with a bright smile on their dark faces, and their white teeth gleaming brightly against the backdrop.

The two told each other one sentence at a time, telling Mingdai about the snow-white fungus that was almost transparent on the roadside, saying that it was a kind of fungus that loves to grow in animal bones and rotten soil, it looked beautiful and immortal, but it was actually not edible .

The husband and wife were stumbling at the beginning of their conversation, but as they asked and answered questions with Ming Dai, the speed of their speech became faster and more fluent.

With this beginning, they stopped walking with their heads slumped, but deliberately slowed down, telling Mingdai the secrets of the mountain from time to time.

During this process, Ming Dai brought Li Luo into the topic by the way, and occasionally threw questions on him, lest he become the one who was isolated.

Li Luo suddenly seemed to have opened a floodgate, realizing that his silence was really boring, so he thought about showing it in front of Ming Dai, racking his brains to think of something to say, clumsy but funny.

The boring shots finally became rich and interesting. The humble villager couple talked about the mountain in a clear way, as knowledgeable as a botanical expert.

There are also some experiences that people who haven't lived in Dashan for decades don't know at all, but the couple seem to be ignorant of the value of these experiences, so they enthusiastically tell Ming Dai and the others.

The accompanying director kindly reminded: "Sister, these words will be broadcast on TV, and many viewers will see them at that time, is it okay with you?"

The eldest sister was taken aback: "Want to be on TV?"


The accompanying director was glad that he had reminded him, lest the eldest sister's exclusive experience be learned by others without knowing it.

Unexpectedly, the eldest sister showed joy: "It turns out that I said these words to be broadcast on TV! Is it like news? Can people all over the country see it? That's great! I have to tell my family about this Baby, let her study hard and go on TV in the future!"

The elder brother also echoed: "That's right! Let the doll study hard in the future, just like us, go on TV and talk to the people all over the country! By the way, do we count as teachers?"

"Great thing!"

Both husband and wife are full of joy, how can they be half worried?

The accompanying director was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly apologized for his narrow-mindedness.

Ming Dai, who was watching all of this, laughed and affirmed the husband and wife, saying: "That's right, big brother and big sister, the one who learns first is the teacher, and the two of you are experts and teachers when you are on the show!"

Who said that you have to read a lot to be qualified as a teacher?

Ming Dai sees that the knowledge and insight of these two people is much better than many people living in the city!

She could even imagine the happy family behind them through those two pure smiling faces, maybe not rich, but warm and happy, just like many families in this small mountain village.

Each of them is a real person.

Therefore, Ming Dai insisted on the idea in her heart.

The group didn't go too deep in the mountains. Although the matsutake picking couple had rich experience, they couldn't stand up to too many people traveling with them, and their abilities were limited.

Coupled with the consideration of the safety of the guests by the program group, it is basically only around the periphery.

On the road, they dug up two small matsutake mushrooms, which were covered with pine needles. If it wasn't for the sharp eyes of the couple, Ming Dai and the others would never have noticed.

Ming Dai successfully dug out one under command.

Li Luo's end didn't go well, his movements were a little clumsy, maybe because he was too nervous, anyway, he almost chopped off the matsutake.

Thanks to the elder brother calling out in time, he stopped his movement, but it also damaged the intact matsutake.

The eldest sister felt distressed: "This broken matsutake can't be sold for a price."

The eldest brother quickly bumped her with his arm: "What are you talking about?"

Annoyed, Li Luo kept apologizing, and glanced at Ming Dai from time to time, with a look on my face that I was such a waste.

Seeing that the elder sister was a little embarrassed, she didn't even tell him that it didn't matter.

Ming Dai couldn't help laughing.

The heavy heart has also eased in recent days.

Seeing this, Li Luo's heavy mood became lighter...

Now the wild matsutake is expensive, and there are many people picking it. There is basically not much harvest in the periphery. Only a few trees dug up are considered precious. Even the couple who know the deep mountains like the back of their hands keep nodding and saying that they are lucky today.

But it was still early, and the accompanying director and photographer said there was not enough material.

When the couple heard that there was not enough material, their expressions were a little confused.

Ming Dai then explained: "If we go back now, it's too early, big brother and big sister, do you see any small rivers and streams nearby? Shall we play nearby?"

The couple understood now, and even though they didn't know what was interesting about Xiaohegou, out of hospitality, they decided to take them there.

Ming Dai heaved a sigh of relief.

She checked the information, and one of the precursors of a mudslide is that the water in the nearby river will become cloudy.

So, she made such a proposal because she wanted to go and have a look.

According to the couple, the small river is not far away.

Sure enough, after walking for about ten minutes, they saw a small river meandering through the woods from a distance.

Although the river surface is narrow and shallow, it seems that you can walk on the water without taking off your shoes, but the water is not smooth, but a little impatient, slapping on the pebbles in the shoal, blasting snow-white waves.

Mingdai also saw fish swimming through the muddy river.

"This water..."

Without saying a word, the elder brother of the villager beside him picked up a sharp branch on the ground, rushed out in two or three steps, and slammed the branch into the water—the branch passed through the fish!

The alive and kicking fish immediately struggled harder, and after a while, it slowly stopped wagging its tail.

Ming Dai's words were choked in her throat.

Li Luo opened his mouth wide in bewilderment.

The accompanying director and cameraman all stared straight at him.

Ming Dai: "...a master."

But the elder sister next to her has long been accustomed to this picture, curled her lips, and said: "The fish are a bit small, not enough to fit between the teeth, Lao Pan, catch a few more!"

"Good!" The eldest brother threw the fish back to the shore without saying a word, rolled up his trouser legs and continued to catch fish.

But later the branches were not used very much, so the eldest brother made a fishing net and caught three more.

The eldest sister is still dissatisfied: "It's still missing, there are six of us!"

The eldest brother put down his trouser legs and walked back to the shore, frowning: "It probably rained upstream and the water swelled, even the fish ran away in a hurry."

Ming Dai, who was shocked the whole time, finally came to her senses and remembered the key point.

By the way, this water!
(End of this chapter)

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