Chapter 462 Concerns
"Sister, does the water rise every year?"

Ming Dai asked casually.

The elder sister shook her head and said, "It's not every year, maybe occasionally, but this year the water always feels weird."

Ming Dai: "Is it particularly cloudy?"

"That's right! It looks so muddy! Hey, Lao Pan, is the river so muddy at this time of year?"

The eldest sister then asked about her husband.

This suits Ming Dai's wishes.

She came to this mountain on purpose, and she was interested in picking matsutake for one thing, but mainly because she wanted to look for signs before the disaster and remind the villagers and the big guys.

At least to lay the groundwork for her future actions, and it would be best if someone stood up and joined her.

Ming Dai looked at the elder brother expectantly, hoping that he would pay attention to this issue.

It's a pity that this big brother is only thinking about eating fish.

He took out the knife he was carrying with him, quickly cut open the belly of several fish, washed them clean with the water of the small river, and said indifferently:
"It doesn't seem to be. I guess it's because it's raining too much upstream, so the water looks strange...Hey, Xiaohua, did you bring any seasoning?"

"Bring it."

Seeing that Ming Dai and the others were puzzled, the couple took the initiative to explain.

It is said that they go to the mountains to collect pine mushrooms, and they often stay for a day or two, so they will bring something to eat overnight in the mountains, such as condiments, which are indispensable. Fishing and making tooth sacrifices in the streams and rivers are comparable to eating dry The pancakes and steamed buns are much better.

Thanks to the habit of the couple, Ming Dai was lucky enough to taste the extremely delicious grilled fish.

Its seasoning is very rough, and the taste is not as refined as those made in high-end restaurants in the city, but it has a different kind of wildness, and it has a different flavor with the beauty of the mountains and forests.

Not only Ming Dai, but also Li Luo and other people were full of praise.

The couple were delighted to be praised, and the happiest food cook is to see their craftsmanship being praised.

The only regret is that there are too few fish, and each of the six people will be gone after a few mouthfuls. Everyone is a little bit disappointed.

But it was getting late, and the material was about the same, so everyone had to go home.

Before leaving, Ming Dai looked at the green mountains and asked the elder sister casually:

"I look at the beautiful mountains and clear waters here, so there shouldn't be any disasters?"

"Isn't that right? People say that our place is a blessed place. The villages next to us were hit by mudslides, and we have nothing to do here! So I said you guys know how to choose a place!"

The eldest sister has no doubts about him, and at the same time, she does not forget to express her strong approval for Ming Dai and her program crew's vision of picking places.

Ming Dai smiled.

No wonder.

When the couple talked about going into the mountains, they were well-informed, but they didn't care much about the muddy river.

I'm afraid it's because this village has basically never encountered such a catastrophe and has no experience at all.

Ming Dai sighed silently, already foreseeing that her actions might be more difficult than imagined.

The group returned to the village the same way.

Even though Ming Dai specially wore a pair of light and breathable hiking shoes, her feet were also worn down badly at the moment.

I didn't feel it when I was walking on the mountain, but when I returned to the village, I felt a little relaxed, and the pain came from the heel continuously.

Based on Ming Dai's experience, the heel is probably broken.

But the filming was not completely completed, so Ming Dai insisted on not saying anything, but met with other guests, and everyone recorded the task summary and dinner session together.

Ming Dai's face remained unchanged the whole time.

She didn't take off her shoes carefully until she returned to her room.

The back heel of the snow-white socks had already been stained with blood.

Mingdai hissed lightly, and was about to find a bandage, alcohol pad or something in her bag.

"You are hurt?"

Su Fangyun didn't know when he would come back.

She was supposed to use the network set up by the program group to handle business in a meeting, which is why Ming Dai chose to handle it alone at this time.

Ming Dai: "I'm fine..."

"You wait! I'll go find the first aid kit!"

Su Fangyun didn't wait for Ming Dai to finish speaking, and ran away in a hurry.

Ming Dai had no choice but to swallow the last half of the sentence.

He lowered his head, glanced at the bright red socks, hesitating whether to take off the socks first... The phone rang.

Mingdai's mind was on her feet, she hurriedly glanced at the caller ID, but she couldn't see it clearly, so she put it to her ear and whispered.


"And... Mu?"

Ming Dai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the call was from He Mu.

He Mu's deep voice conveyed a trace of helplessness: "Did you go to the mountains to record a variety show?"

"Yes." After subconsciously answering, Ming Dai remembered an important matter, and said cautiously, "Did I...didn't tell you?"

He Mu comforted her in turn: "I just remembered that last week we made an appointment to go to Mrs. Sun's for dinner, but we didn't set a specific time, so it doesn't matter."

The more Ming Dai listened, the more guilty she felt: "It's my fault, Mr. Sun called me specifically to ask me to taste new dishes, but I forgot about it, I'm really sorry."

It is also Ming Dai who has been overwhelmed by things that will change Su Fangyun's fate in the past few days.

Too anxious and panicked, I simply left other things behind.

"Old Sun is not in a hurry, you can try new dishes at any time. I am just worried that you will not get used to it in the mountains these few days. So after hearing what Ling Ling mentioned, I want to ask you."

He Mu's gentle and deep voice is like a bamboo forest blown by the mountain wind.

Ming Dai's heart skipped a beat.

"It's my second day here..."

"Dedai! The first aid kit is here!"

Su Fangyun rushed in the door hastily.

It was already too late for Ming Dai to stop her.

He Mu's voice suddenly became tense: "First aid kit? Are you injured?"

Ming Dai explained: "It's not serious, it's just..."

This is the first time that He Mu didn't listen carefully to what Ming Dai had to say.

He spoke faster, vaguely anxious: "Where is your shooting location?"

Accompanied by this sound was the sound of chairs sliding on the floor and hurried footsteps.

Could it be that he... is coming to find her?

Ming Dai was stunned at first.

But soon, the heart was densely wrapped again, and the warmth flowed.

"I'm really fine!" Ming Dai raised her voice, stopping He Mu's impulsiveness, "It's just that I walked too much on the mountain road today, and my heels are worn out!"

He Mu actually asked back: "Really?"

He is really less and less like the him who never changed color before the mountain collapsed.

Ming Dai was amused, her eyes were softly shining: "Really."

Raising his eyes inadvertently, he saw Su Fangyun standing in front of him with arms folded...

Ming Dai's words suddenly stuck in her throat, a little annoyed.

And the guilty conscience of being caught in a puppy love by the parents.

'I'll go out and wait for you. '

Su Fangyun gave Ming Dai a mouth shape.

When Su Fangyun turned and left the room, Ming Dai really didn't know whether she should breathe a sigh of relief.

He Mu noticed Ming Dai's changes carefully: "What's wrong?"

Ming Dai didn't answer.

She heard the patter of rain.

Outside the window, the twilight sky has been shrouded in clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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