Chapter 463 Worry
The rainstorm came suddenly.

Mingdai was sitting in front of the half-open window, the tip of her nose was lingering with the smell of damp water vapor and earth.

The scent that was supposed to make people feel peaceful, now made Ming Dai inexplicably agitated.

She looked at the gloomy sky through the dense rain curtain, and the dark clouds were as hideous as giant beasts, covering the sky and covering the earth.

In an instant, the faint light of the sky was completely extinguished, and the world became dark.

It's like a doomsday blockbuster.

Even He Mu heard the sound of the storm through his mobile phone.

"Is it raining over there?"


Ming Dai's voice was slightly astringent.

It was a change so subtle that even she didn't notice it, and Kazuki caught it.

He seemed to sense her vague uneasiness through the phone.

"Is the rain scary enough that it scares you a little?"

Ming Dai was surprised.

Soon, she simply used these words to express the worry in her heart:
"I'm a little scared. The rain came too suddenly, and the big trees on the mountain outside were crunched and shaken by the wind."

He Mu didn't make fun of Ming Dai's unfounded worry at all.

"The road in the deep mountain is dangerous. Since it is raining heavily, try not to go out and stay indoors."

"I know."

"Will filming be temporarily suspended?"


Ming Dai really doesn't know about this.

He Mu was still worried, so he gave Ming Dai a serious admonition.

Finally came a sentence: "In short, the mobile phone signal remains unblocked, and if there is anything, please let me know."

His worry wrapped her tightly like a warm current, and Ming Dai responded happily.

That heavy mood improved a lot.

Tuk Tuk.

Su Fangyun knocked on the door twice, looking like something was up.

Ming Dai turned to the phone and said, "It should be the program team looking for me, so hang up first."

He Mu hummed: "Dai Dai, be careful."


Because of this support, Ming Dai seemed to have infinite courage in her heart, and the corners of her mouth rose sharply.

When he raised his eyes and saw Su Fangyun, he woke up with a buzzing in his head, and tried his best to suppress the upward curve of his mouth.

"Don't pretend, I heard it all."

Su Fangyun was helpless.

I really don't know whether to praise Ming Dai for being smart, or to be speechless about her confusion at the moment.

I have seen the small appearance of the phone answering the phone very clearly, do you think I can hide it?

At this time, Su Fangyun was really full of questions that he wanted to ask Mingdai, such as how the two of them were doing, and how was that man... In short, his heart was full of worries about his own children, and he was afraid that the big bad wolf from outside would abduct him. He left his little white rabbit.

Yes, because she is her own child, even if Mingdai's one-handed buying and selling in the stock market shocked her cognition, in Su Fangyun's eyes, Mingdai is still a fragile baby and a little white rabbit who is easy to get hurt.

It's just that the timing is special now, and Su Fangyun doesn't know where to start asking.

No way, temporarily suppress the doubt.

Su Fangyun said: "The torrential rain is a bit severe. The program team said that there is a short meeting. We should go downstairs now."

Ming Dai wished that everyone would pay attention to this heavy rain, so she got up immediately: "Okay, shall we go now?"

Just want to wear shoes.

"and many more!"

Su Fangyun grabbed Ming Dai in time.

"Why are you still wearing these shoes? Forgot that your heels are all broken?"

Ming Dai lowered her head and realized that she subconsciously put on those hiking shoes.

Though it's the long trek that's really causing the heels to wear out, not this innocent pair of shoes...

Ming Dai still said: "Then I change a pair?"

Su Fangyun glanced at her: "I mean, deal with the wound first!"

Before Ming Dai had time to react, Su Fangyun pinched her shoulders forcefully and pressed her on the chair.

Afterwards, Su Fangyun squatted down and helped Ming Dai roll up her trouser legs.


Ming Dai who exclaimed loudly wanted to stop it.

Su Fangyun slapped her hand away lightly, the loving elder also has a strict side.

"It's okay to be afraid of pain! The wound must be treated before going to work!"

"I'm not..." Ming Dai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I mean I'll do it myself, I've been walking for a day."

Ming Dai also wants to save face.

Su Fangyun's face showed no signs of change: "That's right, I've been walking for a day, so what can I do if I'm so tired? Don't want to heal the wound quickly, why don't you go to the meeting?"

These words made Ming Dai unable to refute, so she could only let Su Fangyun go.

Su Fangyun's movements were unexpectedly proficient. Seeing that Mingdai's heel was so bloody that it was sticking to the sock, tearing it apart would probably hurt the wound, so he decisively found scissors to cut the sock open, while using hydrogen peroxide on the sock. While washing the wound, he carefully peeled off the sock fragments.

Ming Dai grimaced in pain, and the corners of her eyes even leaked physiological tears because of the pain.

Su Fangyun glanced up: "Look, you still say you don't need help?"

Ming Dai conceded: "Yes, Sister Su is the best."

Su Fangyun raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

In a blink of an eye, Ming Dai became angry again: "Sister Su, why are you so familiar with wound treatment? Have you ever learned it?"

Su Fangyun said casually: "The day I ran away from home, I knew it was better to ask for help than to ask for myself. The first thing I did when I had spare money and time was to take a [-]-hour first aid course."

Su Fangyun is a manager with a sense of crisis.

Ming Dai was stunned by her understatement.

Looking down, what I saw was a strong, self-reliant, shining female soul.

"Sister Su..."

"Look." Su Fangyun clapped his hands, "It turns out that my study is very useful."

During the short time of the conversation between the two, Su Fangyun has already taken care of Ming Dai's wound with quick hands and feet.

The bandage was light and well wrapped, and Mingdai hardly felt any pain in the second half.

"Stand up and try to see if you can walk."

Ming Dai was reminded by Su Fangyun's words that it is important to think about walking.

He hurriedly got up as he said, and walked around twice in his slippers.

"Muscles a little sore, but overall fine."

"I sprayed you with some white medicine for pain relief, you must pay attention to the next filming, you know?"

After Su Fangyun gave his instructions, he looked through the window at the world that had completely darkened.

Blocked by the torrential rain, the line of sight did not exceed one meter.

Su Fangyun couldn't help muttering: "Such heavy rain may affect the shooting..."

Ming Dai followed suit: "It seems so."

The two guessed right.

Even the hasty meeting of the program team was to discuss the sudden heavy rain.

Ming Dai was the last one to arrive. When she stepped into the meeting room of the village committee on the first floor, all members of the program team, big and small, were present, and they had even been discussing for a while.

Ming Dai and Su Fangyun came in one after another, and many eyes immediately cast their gazes, with inquiries.

Ming Dai came to film a variety show, everyone had a good impression as soon as they saw each other.

At the end of the first day of shooting, this good impression still remains.

But that's not all.

(End of this chapter)

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