Chapter 464 Be Careful

The entertainment industry has a good temper on the surface, but there are many people with double-faced personalities.

Ming Dai arrived late this time, and some people couldn't help but wonder if the initial period of politeness had passed, and Ming Dai was about to reveal her true colors and play big names.

That's right, it would be strange if Xiao Hua, who has reached the sky in one step and has basically never encountered setbacks, has no big-name temper, and she is not a saint!
Those who think they have "seeed everything" can spend all their time preparing to see how Ming Dai will perform.

Who knows, Ming Dai has no connection with these people's brain circuits at all.

As the manager, Su Fangyun stood up and apologized first: "I'm sorry, Director Qian, Ming Dai's foot hurts a bit, we came late to help her deal with the wound."

It's not the first time Qian Chuan has recorded a variety show with Ming Dai, and he knows her personality well, and he didn't turn his back on Ming Dai like those people who thought Ming Dai was popular.

Hearing what Su Fangyun said, Qian Chuan immediately believed it, and stood up abruptly: "Is your foot injured? Where is it? Is it serious? Let the doctor come and take a look!"

The program group is poor, but it is very formal, and there are a lot of medical personnel and first aid equipment that should be there.

Especially in this kind of deep mountain, there are more emergencies, and Qian Chuan dare not take chances at all.

Now hearing that Ming Dai was injured, he was even more anxious, he insisted on calling a doctor.

"No, I've already taken care of it."

Su Fangyun pointed at Ming Dai's ankle.

The slippers Ming Dai wore had injuries on her feet and she didn't care about her appearance, but the gauze protruding from her heels was exposed in front of everyone's eyes, which was undoubtedly the best proof.

Those guys who were hiding in dark corners and speculating maliciously, seeing the appearance of Ming Dai's heels, couldn't speak out against their conscience.

After all, it is not enough to put on a show to such an extent.

In the blink of an eye, Ming Dai was surrounded by a group of people, all concerned about her injury.

Qian Chuan had a friendship in the past, and the producer valued Ming Dai's own value. He treated Ming Dai like a giant panda, every word of concern, every word of concern, all from the bottom of his heart, without any falsehood.

Even Li Luo, who couldn't make it to the front line of caring crowd, cast concerned eyes on Mingdai from the gap between people.

The dizzy Ming Dai: "...Wait! Isn't there a meeting?"

In one sentence, let's get back to the topic.

The producer smiled and didn't take it seriously: "It's not a big deal, it just means that it's raining too much, and we're discussing whether to adjust the shooting plan tomorrow."

According to the producer's succinct summary, there are roughly two factions now, those who want to continue filming, and those who are worried about the weather and decide to stop filming.

The former included those two veteran actors, not because they were stubborn, but because they waited for the variety show to end, and then they were going to join the filming group, fearing that they would be delayed in the mountains and affect the next schedule.

The latter is a few staff members mainly led by Qian Chuan, not as many as the former. Compared with the former who think that the heavy rain is nothing special, they are more cautious. In addition to worrying about safety issues, they are also afraid of the impact of too much water vapor To the machine and shooting effect.

Oh, by the way, there are also neutral people represented by Li Luo and Ming Dai's newcomers. To put it bluntly, they are young and have no right to speak.

Ming Dai was actually younger than them, but because of her status and fame, her opinion became the biggest weight at this time.

"Ming Dai, what do you think?"

Being stared at by pairs of eyes, Ming Dai didn't feel pressured, instead she was in a good mood.

She resolutely said what was in her heart: "I think there is nothing wrong with being cautious. The heavy rain will not stop for a while."

"Who knows for sure, it's fine during the day, but maybe the heavy rain won't stop until half the night."

It was said to be a slander, but the actual muttering was not low, and the space was relatively quiet, many people who were close to him heard this, and showed expressions of embarrassment or approval.

And the people who said this were those two actresses in the old drama, Ming Dai's absolute senior, who is almost 60 years old this year, and they were once very popular, but now they can only shoot some stories about mother and grandma. class role.

With such a highly respected senior, even if he choked with Ming Dai on the spot, Ming Dai couldn't choke back.

Ming Dai glanced at the other party.

In fact, she knew that this senior didn't mean to target her, but just had a different idea.

Ming Dai apologized secretly in her heart, and still insisted: "Be careful, the big deal is to delay the time, but if you continue to shoot rashly, something will happen and it will become a big problem."

What Ming Dai said touched the hearts of many people, and some who were not firm in their stance quickly turned against each other.

As a result, the person who originally wanted to continue filming gained the upper hand, and after Ming Dai said two or three sentences, she changed to suspending filming and won.

The senior actress left with a dissatisfied pace, but didn't say anything more.

Ming Dai had no time to take care of it, and looked at the heavy rain outside the window thoughtfully.

If possible, Ming Dai would rather hope that she would be slapped in the face and the next day would be fine.

Unfortunately, this did not happen.

The rain didn't stop in the middle of the night, but it rained harder.

When Mingdai was sleeping in the house, she heard the Ulala wind shaking the windows, and the big raindrops crackled on the glass. Even if the windows were tightly locked, there was a sense of terror that they would be torn apart by the violent wind and rain at any time.

She was restless and hardly slept all night.

In the second half of the night, I fell asleep for a while, and then opened my eyes, and saw that it was still dark outside the window, thinking that it was still early.

He casually took out his phone and looked, it was already seven o'clock in the morning?
At this time yesterday, it was already dawn, and there were still birds and insects singing.

Now, at first glance, the sky outside is no different from the night.

The heavy rain didn't stop, it was even worse than last night.

"Why don't you get more sleep?"

Su Fangyun's voice sounded, so startled that Mingdai almost smashed her phone on her face.

"Su, Sister Su? You also get up so early?"

Su Fangyun leaned against the head of the bed, the faint fluorescent light of the screen illuminating the outline of her face.

Mingdai sat up with her arms propped up, and happened to see the contents of the tablet in Su Fangyun's hand, which was related to the weather forecast.

Su Fangyun's voice was low: "Well, how can I sleep in such a heavy rain?"

As the two talked, they simply decided to go out and have a look.

Mingdai hastily put on some clothes, and when she came to the door, Mingdai was mixed with the humid wind, making her shiver from the cold.

At this time, a coat fell on her shoulders.

Su Fangyun just retracted his hand: "It seems to have cooled down, don't catch cold."

Ming Dai hummed, and obediently put on her coat.

When the two stepped out of the door, they were slashed by the slanting rain.

Not only them, even the entire corridor, because it was half open and had no windows, was swept by the rain and wreaked havoc.

The next room put the shoes outside, and the whole shoe was soaked as if it had been soaked in water.

"It seems that we have to open an umbrella in the corridor." Su Fangyun smiled wryly.

"Umbrellas probably won't work, do we have raincoats?"

(End of this chapter)

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