Chapter 470 Take Action
Ming Dai did doubt Li Luo's words.

She basically stayed up all night last night, and she was also very wary of external sounds because of worry, but she didn't hear any rumble the whole time.

Logically speaking, Li Luo's room is farther away from the mountain than her and Su Fangyun's room...

Is Li Luo lying?
To help her?

Ming Dai didn't know why.

It can only be said that if this is Li Luo's goal, it will really help her a lot.

Right now, because of Li Luo's words, the people who had doubts about Ming Dai before became even more shaken.

"The rumbling sound in the mountains, could it be a mudslide?" Someone guessed it.

"However, if the rumbling sound can be heard at a close distance, the mudslide will arrive immediately, and it is impossible to delay it for so long today." Some people responded with suspicion.

"What if there is a mudslide nearby? We stay in the mountains and don't know what happened nearby, and we don't even know if the surrounding environment has become dangerous...God! Let's leave quickly!"

"Yes! Let's just go out!"

"Why don't you check the situation online first? Are there any breaking news nearby?"

"No, the signal was intermittent in the morning, and now there is no signal at all, not to mention the Internet, even the phone can't go out, I just tried!"

These words directly shook everyone's mood, and everyone began to pull out their phones to check the situation.

"Really! My phone has no signal!"

"My phone doesn't work either!"

"When did it happen? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Isn't that busy all day..."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the bad feeling grew stronger.

Even the village chief and his son were affected by this atmosphere.

The village head's son lowered his voice: "Dad, what should we do? Are we really going to move to the top of the mountain? Many people in the village will definitely object."

The old village chief gritted his teeth: "Zhuzi, you should first ride your motorcycle to the entrance of the village to see what's going on, or go to the nearby villages to ask what's going on there."

The village chief's son nodded resolutely: "Okay."

The old village head grabbed his son, his throat was slightly choked: "...Be careful."

"I know."

The village chief's son turned and left, and this movement was noticed by everyone.

The producer asked the village chief: "This is..."

The old village head told his plan.

The producer subconsciously went to see Ming Dai.

Not only her, but everyone else is looking at Ming Dai.

Who made Ming Dai the first to propose the transfer?

Mingdai reminded at the right time: "Can I discuss it with the old people in the village?"

Ming Dai has never lived in the countryside, but before filming variety shows to experience life in the mountains, she has a basic understanding of the state of the countryside, and knows that the people who can make decisions about major events are all respected old people in the village.

Because the whole village is basically related to each other, those elderly people are the elders of each family. According to the traditional rules of filial piety, you must listen to what the elders say.

Therefore, basically as long as the elders in the village nodded, even if the other younger generations had opinions, it would not matter.

"It makes sense!" The old village chief was annoyed that he had forgotten this, "It might be a bit difficult to tell the story from door to door, so just invite the elders to talk about it!"

The old village head made a decision, and other program team members stepped up and said to help hire people.

Although there is a loudspeaker in the village committee, but in this damn weather, the sound of the rain overwhelms everything, and the sound of the loudspeaker cannot be transmitted at all, so we can only use the most primitive method of running around to tell each other.

While some people went out to find people, the rest discussed what to do with the equipment in the room if they were really transferred.
The producer pondered: "Cover it roughly with a plastic sheet. If something unexpected happens, we can't control it. In the face of natural disasters, human life is more important than machines and money."

Director Qian Chuan followed suit and nodded: "Well, that's the truth."

Now it seems that almost everyone in the program team decided to move to the mountain instead of staying here.

Now let's see what the old people in the village say.

Ming Dai thought that this would be a difficulty.

Stubborn old people and naughty children are the least likely to be moved by words.

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, the invited elders in the village decided decisively:

"Go! Of course I have to go!"

"We haven't read many books. Even the foreign college students say it's dangerous, so it must be very dangerous. Nothing is more important than human life."

"Yes, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of the eventuality. It is better to be cautious than anything else."

The village elders agreed to the decision almost immediately.

However, they decided that it was not safe to move to the cave, and it was better to find an open place where the villagers brought their belongings and built a shed.

This proposal was quickly and unanimously agreed, and even the people in the program group felt that it was better to have a bad environment than a natural disaster.

To convey the news to the whole village, I need help running errands to deliver the message.

The village head is getting old, everyone advised him not to be tired, but he didn't.

"I am the village chief! I must come forward!"

I have to say, this makes sense.

The members of the program team are outsiders after all, and the villagers may not necessarily believe what they say, and the village chief needs to come forward.

Time is running out, so act now.

Before going out, the old village chief looked worriedly towards the entrance of the village.

"Why haven't you come back..."

Everyone started to act.

Those who helped deliver the text went to run errands, and those who stayed behind began to organize the things they wanted to take away.

Ming Dai went back to the room and tried to call He Mu twice, but there was no signal, so she had to give up and put away the mobile phone and charging treasure.

Turning around, she found Chunni and Yanni sisters following her step by step.

Ming Dai smiled: "Can you stay by my side for a while?"

Chunni insisted on looking at Mingdai: "Sister, we can help you."

Yanni is so stupid that she doesn't know anything, she only knows that she is next to her sister.

Ming Dai glanced at Chun Ni: "Then, can you go downstairs and help pack water and food? These things are very important to us!"

Chunni's eyes lit up: "Okay! Let's go now!"

The little girl got the order, and ran away with her younger sister cherishingly as if she had found a treasure.

Ming Dai stayed behind, and simply packed some small valuables, leaving all the suitcases and the like, and then went downstairs to help pack other things.

Not long after, the person who went to the village to spread the word came, and most of the villagers were influenced by the village elders, thinking that it must be right to listen to what the elders said, so they packed up their things two or three times and came to the yard of the village committee, preparing for everyone to gather together Set off.

However, there are always some people who feel that the words of the village elders are making a fuss out of a molehill, and they are unwilling to believe it.

such as:

"What are you building a shed? Are you crazy? You can't stay at home in such heavy rain. Why do you want to build a shed in the mountains? I won't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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