The woman's sharp voice can actually penetrate the rain curtain, which shows how strong the voice is!

The man standing next to the woman waited for his wife to finish her mischief, and then said slowly:
"That's right, village chief, it's safest to stay at home in such a heavy rain. What if something happens if you run to the mountains?"

These words touched the minds of many villagers.

There were too many people, and everyone had their own ideas, and they immediately started whispering.

The old village head stood on the steps with a sullen face: "This is the decision of the elders! You just have to listen!"

The man smiled, seemingly with a good temper, but in fact he was extremely tough: "Although I respect the village elders, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the safety of several members of my family. Apart from my son, there are also my two daughters. They But they are all children, and the weather is cold, if you catch a cold overnight in the mountains, what should you do?"

The old village head laughed twice: "Two daughters? What about your two daughters?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and his face became a little ugly: "The little girl has a wild temper, I don't know where she went..."

The old village chief stared at him, and without turning his head, he raised his voice and shouted, "Chunni! Yanni!"

Chunni and Yanni, who had been hiding in the house, reluctantly came out.

The man's face darkened, and he smiled stiffly: "Where did you two girls go? Your mother and I have been searching for a long time, but we can't find anyone! I'm so anxious!"

Chunni remained silent, but Yanni, who always smiled foolishly, was also very quiet at the moment, looking at the man who was supposed to be her father, full of fear.

The old village chief: "Looking for someone? Are you still looking for someone? If it weren't for the guests who came to the village to shoot the show this time, they went to the village school to find Chunni, this girl might have been buried by the tiles!"

As soon as these words came out, both Chunni and Yanni's parents looked very ugly.

The other villagers also exclaimed, asking why they were buried by tiles.

The old village head took this opportunity to tell all about the problems with the house in the village, and he spoke harshly, making the whole thing very serious!
The original wavering thoughts of the villagers turned to the old village head again.

Chunni's father was still unhappy, and silently glanced at his wife.

Chunni's mother immediately cried and shouted that the village head is a feudal emperor who insisted on dragging everyone to death regardless of the wishes of the villagers. The voice was so piercing that Ming Dai on the second floor could barely hear it.

Ming Dai pulled off the hood of her raincoat, frowning and looked down from the second floor.

Su Fangyun patted her behind him: "Don't worry, the old village chief has his own means of handling this matter."

Ming Dai knew that she was of no use here.

Suddenly, she moved her eyes to the distance, and saw a faint light coming from far to near.

The speed at which the light source is moving... a motorcycle?

Ming Dai tugged Su Fangyun's sleeve behind him: "Sister Su, look, is the village chief's son back?"

Su Fangyun squinted his eyes and tried to take a look: "It seems to be true!"

The two looked at each other and immediately decided to go down from the second floor to the first floor.

In fact, at this moment, the entire program group basically stayed in the room, thinking about not getting involved in the internal affairs of the village as much as possible, so as not to arouse the rebellious psychology of the villagers.

But they hid behind curtains or doors, always paying attention to the movement in the courtyard on the first floor.

So when Ming Dai and Su Fangyun ran downstairs, they saw it immediately.

This is……

As soon as Mingdai and Su Fangyun appeared, Chunni's parents pointed their finger at them——

"Village Chief, if you insist on us moving, you must have listened to these outsiders, right?"

The face of the old village head changed slightly.

It's just that the rain is so heavy that other people can't see it.

The old village head took a deep breath, sighed and glanced at Mingdai Su Fangyun who was approaching suddenly, and was about to explain a few words.

Ming Dai: "Village Chief, your son seems to be back."

The old village chief immediately opened his eyes wide: "What? Really? The pillar is back?"

As soon as the words fell, the faint roar of the motorcycle came from the sound of rain.

The old village chief, who was always concerned about his son's safety, quickly ran towards the gate of the yard.

The villagers standing in the yard also turned their heads to look at the roaring motorcycle.

On the motorcycle, the miserable appearance of the village head's son Zhuzi made everyone's heart tremble.

I saw that the raincoat on Zhuzhu was torn, his big head was exposed outside, and there was a big hole in his forehead. The rain mixed with blood slid down his cheeks.

"Pillar!" The old village chief rushed towards him with a howl, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhuzi barely stopped the motorcycle, wiped his face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad...Dad! Don't worry! I'm fine!"

The old village head wanted to touch the wound of the pillar with trembling hands, his face was full of disbelief.

The other villagers were also in a hurry.

"Where did you go, Zhuzi? Why are you still injured?"

"Don't make noise, stop the bleeding first!"

"Is there any medicine?"

Ming Dai stood up at the right time.

"The medicine cabinet is here."

The old village chief looked at Ming Dai gratefully.

"Let people enter the house first!"

There is a canopy in the yard, but it is better to have a warm and sheltered room.

Soon, the pillars were surrounded and entered the office on the first floor.

The members of the program team who were worried about what happened came out one after another.

The small office was packed to the brim in an instant.

Su Fangyun, who had studied first aid courses, naturally took over the important task of bandaging the pillars.

Under the eager and concerned eyes of the old village chief, Su Fangyun explained with a smile: "Don't worry, the wound is not deep, it's just a little bit of skin breakage, press for a while, and the bleeding will be stopped immediately."

The old village chief breathed a sigh of relief, and almost collapsed: "That's good...that's good..."

The producer was more concerned about what happened to Zhuzi: "By the way, Brother Zhuzi, you went to the entrance of the village to see, how is the situation?"

Grinning his teeth in pain, Zhu Zhu finally remembered the business: "Yes! I forgot to mention it! Something serious happened. The road at the entrance of the village was blocked by falling rocks, and I couldn't get out!"

This sentence is like a drop of water falling into a frying pan:


"How could there be falling rocks?"

"What should I do now, should I listen to the village chief and go up the mountain quickly!"

Everyone argued with each other sentence by sentence.

In the noise, the pillar pointed to the wound on his forehead:

"My wound was hit by a stone. If I didn't run fast, I'm afraid..."

Seeing the old father's worried expression, Zhu Zi didn't say anything later.

However, his tattered raincoat has already silently and powerfully explained the danger of the situation at that time.

With the example of Zhuzi, no one stopped going up the mountain now, and even Chunni's parents fell silent.

Now that it's time to pack things up, the efficiency of the big guys has become extremely high.

Soon, everyone was ready to go in the shortest possible time.

All the way up the mountain!

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